Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Jean" Margaret Jean CALDOW / HODSDON

Born 16 April 1924 in Three Springs, Western Australia [P137]
Daughter of Robert Armstrong CALDOW and May Isabella BYRNE [P137]
Resided with her parents on Glencairn Farm in Three Springs 1924-1934 [P426]
Her parents kept turkeys near their home and they would sometimes chase herself and her sister Helen [P426]
     They would scream and their mother would then run outside and chase the turkeys away with a broom [P426]
Attended the Children's Fancy Dress Balls held in Three Springs on 6 December 1929, 28 November 1930 and 21 December 1933 [4]
     Attended the Fancy Dress Balls as Folly in 1929, as a Pirate in 1930 and as a Blue Butterfly in 1933 [4: 14-Dec-1929, 6-Dec-1930, 23-Dec-1933]
As a child her clothes were made by her mother on a treadle sewing machine, and she was always dressed the same as her sister [P426]
She and her sister were sometimes mistakenly thought to be twins, and her mother did later give birth to twin boys [P426]
     Jean overheard a woman say once after her twin brothers were born "that poor woman, having two sets of twins" [P426]
Her elder sister Helen was held back from starting school until she was ready, and they then started school together [P426]
Student at the Three Springs State School [P426]
After her father sold his farm she left Three Springs and shifted to Perth with her parents and siblings in late 1934 [P426]
Resided with her parents at 70 Flinders Street in the Perth suburb of Mount Hawthorn [50] and later at 291 Bulwer Street in Perth [P426]
Married "Sam" Walter Samuel HODSDON in Perth in 1946 [66]
Following their marriage they were unable to have a house built due to shortages from the Second World War [P426]
She and her husband initially resided with her parents at 291 Bulwer Street in Perth [P426]
Later resided for many years at 78 McKenzie Street in the Perth suburb of Wembley [P1]
Died 2 May 2013; ashes interred at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Sir T. Meagher Gardens, Lawn 5B, F, 48) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Margaret Jean Caldow / Hodsdon' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 13 March 2025 from [reference list]

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