Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"May" Mary Lochhead LANG

Born 4 February 1899 in Greenock, Renfrew, Scotland [P1]
Daughter of John LANG and Mary LOCHHEAD [P1]
Resided with her parents in Greenock, at the Buchanan Arms Hotel in Kilmacolm and once again in Greenock, Renfew, Scotland [P1]
Departed London, England with her parents on the steamship Otway and arrived in Fremantle, Western Australia on 12 May 1914 [P43]
Shortly after their arrival in Western Australia she settled with her parents on farmland in Carnamah [P12]
Her father had purchased the 475 acre Lot M945 Ready-Made Farm in Carnamah from the Midland Railway Company [27] [34]
Resided with her parents and siblings on Grianaig Farm near Prowaka Siding in Carnamah 1914-1935 [P12]
Member of the Carnamah Sunday School in 1914 [7: page 238]
Helped her mother in the running of the house; rose first each morning to get started on breakfast and to milk two cows [P12]
Attended as a "Japanese Lady" the Plain & Fancy Dress Ball in Three Springs on 19 July 1916 in aid of the Red Cross [39: 31-Jul-1916]
Bridesmaid at the wedding of her sister Jenny and Angus MCGILP on 7 April 1920 at Grianaig Farm in Carnamah [10: 16-Apr-1920]
     Wore a frock of shell-pink chameuse under cream Brussels net, trimmed with rosebuds and carrying a bouquet of pink roses [10]
Won 2nd for Bread and Scones at the Picnic Race Meeting & Agricultural Show in Carnamah on 22 September 1921 [9: 30-Sep-1921]
Attended the Carnamah Race Club's Ball at the Carnamah Hall on 10 April 1924 in a dress of pale blue crepe de chene [10: 24-Apr-1924]
Attended the Grand Plain & Fancy Dress Ball held in the Carnamah Hall on 6 August 1925 dressed as "Lemon Squash" [9: 21-Aug-1925]
Chief Bridesmaid at the wedding of her sister Winifred and Charles ROBERTSON in Carnamah on 27 March 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
     Wore a "pretty dress of mauve crepe de chine, trimmed with gold lace, and hat to match and carried a bouquet to tone" [4]
Attended the wedding dance for Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN in Carnamah on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
She was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Attended the Plain & Fancy Dress Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on 8 August 1929 in a dress of forget-me-not taffeta [4: 17-Aug-1929]
Won 2nd prize for Shortbread exhibited in the Carnamah Agricultural Show on Thursday 18 September 1930 [4: 27-Sep-1930]
Attended the Carnamah Church of England's New Year Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 30 December 1933 [5: 5-Jan-1934]
Received 1st prize for Plain Cake at the Carnamah Agricultural Show at Centenary Park on Thursday 6 September 1934 [5: 14-Sep-1934]
Attended her parents Golden Wedding Celebration at Grianaig Farm in Carnamah on Sunday 18 August 1935 [5: 23-Aug-1935]
Won 1st prize for Coffee Rolls in the Confectionary section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 12 September 1935 [5: 20-Sep-1935]
Prior to her death she had been courting local farmer William McLaren NEWMAN [P9]
A letter written by her mother in 1931 states that their marriage was put off due to the depression [P1]
Died of myocarditis/heart failure on 25 November 1935 in Carnamah; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah (Row A, Plot 13) [1]
Rev. David H. DYKE officiated at her funeral which was undertaken by Henry Parkin & Son, both of Carnamah [1]

From Occurrence Book 1 of the Carnamah Police Station, 25 November 1935:
Sudden Death
"Const Fiebig reports having been informed at 12 noon that Miss Mary Lochhead Lang had been found dead in her bed, at her parents farm, four miles from Carnamah, at about 6 a.m. this morning and that Dr Rosenthal of Carnamah had been called out to the farm. I interviewed the doctor who stated that he had been attending Miss Lang for several years and had last attended her about three weeks ago, she was suffering from heart trouble and this was in his opinion the cause of her death, there being no suspicious circumstances and he would give a certificate of death. Telephone message at 2:15 p.m. to Clerk of Courts Geraldton, who being advised of the above particulars stated that no further action was necessary."

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 29 November 1935:
Obituary - The Late Miss Mary Lang
     "The death occurred suddenly early on Monday morning, November 25, when Miss Mary (May) Lochhead Lang, third daughter of Mr and Mrs John Lang, snr., passed away quietly in her sleep, at her home "Grianaig," Carnamah. News of the death came as a profound shock to the residents and a deep gloom has been cast over the district. Deceased, who was 36 years of age, was born at Greenock, Renfrewshire, Scotland, and came to Australia with her parents in 1914 and took up residence in the Carnamah district where she remained until her death. Although home ties in latter years have prevented the late Miss Lang from taking an active interest in the social life of the district, she was nevertheless well-known and a highly respected citizen. Possessed of a quiet and retiring nature she was a popular favourite of all with whom she came in contact, and her untimely death will be mourned by her many friends and relatives.
     The funeral took place at the Winchester cemetery on Tuesday afternoon. The Rev. D. H. Dyke conducted services at the home and at the Carnamah Hall from where the cortege moved to the cemetery. The chief mourners were Mr and Mrs John Lang, snr. (father and mother), Jenny ane Winnie (sisters), Archie and John (brothers), Mrs Archie Lang (sister-in-law), Messrs. A. A. McGilp and C. Robertson (brothers-in-law). The pall-bearers were Messrs. J. K. Forrester (Carnamah Road Board), D. Bain (Midland Railway Co.), G. F. Brown (Carnamah R.S.L.), J. C. Haig (Carnamah Masonic Lodge), J. Bowman, A. J. Mortimer, R. Niven and R. Hollingsworth.
     Beautiful floral tributes were placed at the graveside by her loving father and mother; brother John; Angus, Jenny and family (Mr and Mrs A. A. McGilp); Archie and Elsie (Mr and Mrs A. Lang); Bobbie, Jean and family (Mr and Mrs R. Sharpe, Scotland); Charles, Winnie and family (Mr and Mrs C. Robertson); Aunt Jeanie (Scotland), Mr W. Newman, "The Home Farm" (Mr and Mrs J. Bowman and family); Mrs R. and Mr J. K. Forrester and family; Mr and Mrs I. Johnson and family; Mr and Mrs A. C. Bierman and family; Dr. C. P. Rosenthal; Sister E. A. Lawton; Mr and Mrs J. W. Dixon and family; Mr and Mrs C. Kroschel; Mr and Mrs J. M. Haig and family; Mr and Mrs R. D. Gell and family; Mr and Mrs C. A. Mettam and family; Messrs Hollingsworth Bros.; Mr and Mrs W. A. T. Sargent; Carnamah Masonic Lodge; Mr and Mrs H. W. Bothe; Mr and Mrs B. D. Bothe; Mr and Mrs C. C. Bothe and family; Mr and Mrs P. T. Morcombe and family; Mr and Mrs W. G. Morcome; Mr and Mrs F. Bingham and family; Mr and Mrs A. Bastian; Mr and Mrs S. B. and Mr and Mrs A. Rudduck; Mr and Mrs J. and K. McIntosh; Mr and Mrs Hollingsworth and family and Mr and Mrs P. Dewar; Mr and Mrs A. J. Mortimer; Mr and Mrs W. H. Watson and family; Mr and Mrs T. Paterson; Mr and Mrs T. J. Berrigan; Mr and Mrs H. Chappel; Frank and Daphne Rooke; Mr and Mrs J. S. Rooke and Sheila; Mr and Mrs E. K. Wells and family; Mr and Mrs P. W. Hunt; Mr and Mrs W. S. Mitchell; ; Mr and Mrs E. Chapman; Mr and Mrs L. Ferguson and Valda; Mr and Mrs H. Parkin and family; Mr and Mrs K. Kitson; Mrs Brewer and family; Mr A. Cowderoy and Staff; Mr and Mrs E. C. Andrews.
     Among those present at the graveside were Dr. C. P. Rosenthal, Messrs. I. Johnson, A. C. Bierman, R. D. Gell, C. A. Mettam, R. Hollingsworth, M. P. Baker, J. A. Kenny, Arthur Mortimer, J. Burns, A. Cowderoy, W. G. Morcombe, M. Clune, A. Watson, W. Lawson, P. Rowland, C. A. Scholefield, R. R. Wylie, R. L. Bolland, L. C. Stone, G. Brewer, A. Thompson, M. J. Clune, J. Tully, R. Black, F. Bingham, D. Simpson, W. G. Morcombe, J. L. Adams, P. K. Haig, Geo. Raffan, Gordon Raffan, E. Hellewell, J. McIntosh, F. Parrick, T. Johnston, M. McSwain, F. Rooke, N. W. Reynolds, A. P. Tucker, R. McW. Diamond, D. Leithhead, J. K. Hebiton, J. Armstrong, J. Chave, E. Chapman, C. Chapman, C. Dallimore, C. Burn, D. S. O'Grady, H. Lee, T. Buckingham, I. B. Roberts, A. Smart, G. A. Bradshaw, R. A. Pike, Mr and Mrs L. Parker, Mr and Mrs T. J. Berrigan, Mr and Mrs T. Parkin, Mr and Mrs H. W. Bothe, Mr and Mrs B. D. Bothe, Mr and Mrs C. C. Bothe, Mr and Mrs H. Chappel, Mr and Mrs P. Dewar, Mr and Mrs H. Barnett, Mr and Mrs P. T. Morcombe, Mr and Mrs W. H. Watson, Mr and Mrs C. Kroschel, Mr and Mrs E. K. Wells, Mr and Mrs C. O. Baker, Mr and Mrs Carter, Mr and Mrs W. S. Mitchell, Mr and Mrs A. Bastian, Mr and Mrs H. Nairn, Mesdames J. Bowman, M. Watson, L. Ferguson, G. E. Hunter, E. C. Andrews, L. Watson, Sister E. A. Lawton, Misses A. Niven, D. Bowman, Elsie Parker and Billy Brewer. Many letters, telegrams, cards and personal expressions of sympathy were received by the bereaved family. The funeral arrangements were carried out by Messrs. Hy. Parkin and Son."

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 29 November 1935:
Return Thanks
"Mr. and Mrs. John Lang and family with to thank all kind friends and relatives for floral tributes, telegrams, cards and personal expressions of sympathy in their recent sad bereavement. Will all please accept this as a personal expression of gratitude."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Mary Lochhead Lang' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 12 March 2025 from [reference list]

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