Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Maurice Ethelbert COOK

Born 1885 in Leichhardt, New South Wales, Australia [15] [32]
Son of Charles James and Rosina Marian COOK [2] [15]
Farmer of Normanhurst Farm in Toodyay, Western Australia [30: item 3398945]
Enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force (A.I.F.) in Perth on 6 May 1917 and entered camp on 7 August 1917 [30: item 3398945]
     On enlistment was described as being 5 feet 6 inches tall, weighing 130 pounds with fair hair, blue eyes and a fair complexion [30]
     Under prior military experience he stated he'd previously served five years and four months with the Citizen Military Forces [30]
     Gave his mother Mrs Rosina M. COOK, also of Normanhurst Farm in Toodyay, as his next of kin [30]
     On 21 February 1918 at Blackboy Hill military camp he was appointed Trooper 3663 in the 10th Light Horse Regiment [30]
     Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service abroad on the R.M.S. Ormonde on 13 March 1918 [30]
     Disembarked from the Oromode at Suez on 4 April 1918 and the same entered a reinforcements camp in Moascar, Egypt [30]
     On 14 June 1918 joined his regiment in Egypt and served with them until being hospitalised for illness on 29 September 1918 [30]
     Rejoined his regiment on 18 December 1918 and continued serving until being again hospitalised on 13 June 1919 [30]
     Once more rejoined the 10th Light Horse Regiment on 1 July 1919 and was promoted to Temporary Sergeant on 9 July 1919 [30]
     Arrived back in Australia on the Oxfordshire on 4 August 1919; received the British War Medal and the Victory Medal [30]
     Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 24 October 1919 [30]
After the war he was a Farmer, Grazier and Commission Agent in Carnamah, Western Australia [44]
Commission Agent based in Carnamah 1920-1923 [9: 5-Nov-1920, 3-Mar-1922, 6-Apr-1923]
     He was the agent for various agricultural firms for the area between Marchagee and Yandanooka [9: 26-Nov-1920, 10-Mar-1922, 6-Apr-1923]
     Initially an agent for Massey-Harris Co Ltd (agricultural machinery), Patterson & Co Ltd (wire, jute, fertilisers), [9: 26-Nov-1920]
     Wilcox Moffin & Co (wool, skin, hide and tallow merchants) and Royal Assurance Co (crop and stock insurance) [9: 11-Feb-1921]
     Advertised his Carnamah based business in The Midlands Advertiser newspaper in 1920, 1921 and 1922 [9]
     During March 1922 began trading as "Cook Bros" and continued as such until at least April 1923 [9: 3-Mar-1922, 10-Mar-1922, 6-Apr-1923]
     In 1922 and 1923 they were agents for Massey-Harris Co Ltd (agricultural machinery), Dalgety & Co Ltd (farm requirements), [9]
     and Fred Metters Ltd (windmills, stoves); and in 1923 were also agents for the Phoenix Insurance Company [9: 10-Mar-1922, 6-Apr-1923]
     Cook Bros co-conducted the clearing sale for Arthur G. DARLING on Inering Farm in Carnamah on 6 February 1923 [39: 27-Jan-1923]
     They escaped injury when their car overturned, caught fire and was destroyed near Carnamah on 4 February 1923 [31: 12-Feb-1923]
Farmer of Doroborne Farm on the Yarra Yarra Estate in Carnamah 1921-1924 [19] [44] [61]
     His farm was 904 acres in size, consisting of Victoria Location 6921 and 7926 [44]
Member of the Carnamah Race Club in 1920 [10: 1-Oct-1920]
One of the organisers of the dance held after the Picnic Race Meeting in Carnamah on Thursday 16 September 1920 [10: 1-Oct-1920]
Master of Ceremonies at the Dance in October 1920 in aid of Winifred M. LANG in the local Popular Girl Competition [39: 23-Oct-1920]
Said to have been responsible for getting the appointment of a permanent stationmaster at Carnamah in 1921 [9: 15-Apr-1921]
Also rallied for the appointment of a doctor for Carnamah and its wider district in 1921 [9: 15-Apr-1921]
     Foundation Secretary of the Carnamah Doctor & Hospital Committee in 1921 [10: 8-Apr-1921]
     Wrote to the Midland Railway Company on 24 March 1921 asking for the £150 they had previously promised towards a doctor [34]
     The Company responded stating they weren't able to help with the finances in securing a local doctor for Carnamah [34]
     Convened a meeting in Carnamah on Easter Sunday in 1921 to discuss the district's need of a doctor and hospital [10: 8-Apr-1921]
Member of the Carnamah Football Club in 1921 [9: 8-Jul-1921]
Sang a song at the farewell to departing railway stationmaster James J. STARLING in Carnamah on 18 June 1921 [9: 8-Jul-1921]
Member of the Carnamah Sub-Branch of the Returned Soldiers League - was Secretary in 1921 [34]
Owner of the vacant block at 20 Railway Avenue in Carnamah (Gov Lot 25) in 1921 and 1922 [44]
Member of Carnamah's branch of the Primary Producers Association in 1922 [9: 5-Jan-1923]
Among the bachelors who organised and conducted the Bachelors Ball in Carnamah on Wednesday 18 October 1922 [9: 27-Oct-1922]
Signed the petition in February 1923 for the Irwin Licensing Court to grant a hotel license for Carnamah [10: 9-Mar-1923]
Contributed to the entertainment at the Footballers Smoke Social held at the Carnamah Hall on Tuesday 23 January 1923 [9: 2-Feb-1923]
Won the raffle of a £1 note at the Carnamah Football Club's Dance at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 12 May 1923 [9: 18-May-1923]
Married Madeline Mary GOLDING in Perth in 1923 [66]
He appears to have sold his farm in Carnamah to Michael CLUNE in 1924 [3] [44]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of Subiaco [2]
Died 13 October 1958; ashes scattered over the Rose Garden at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia [2]
Photograph taken by Dease Studios in Perth; courtesy of the State Library of Western Australia, 108211PD [P1]

From The Midlands Advertiser newspaper, Friday 5 November 1920:
Machinery Agency
"As will be see in our advertising columns, Mr. M. E. Cook of Carnamah, is district agent from Marchagee to Yandanooka for several leading agricultural firms and orders or enquires places with him will receive every prompt attention."

From The Midlands Advertiser newspaper, Friday 15 April 1921:
"M. E. Cook obviously doesn't intend to let the grass grow under his feet and since returning from the front and entering into an agency business in Carnamah, he has done many things for the advancement of that district, important of which have been in regard to the appointment of a stationmaster at Carnamah, and also in connection with a district doctor and other things beneficial to the returned soldiers of the district and the residents generally."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Maurice Ethelbert Cook' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 9 March 2025 from [reference list]

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