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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born C.1876 [24]
Daughter of Charles CAMPBELL and Aboriginal woman Jinnie [38] [40] [332]
Married David SAUNDERS on 9 May 1893 [332]
Resided in Arrino [24]
During the hotter months of the year she, her sister and their mother would accompany her mother's people to the coast [219: page 16]
Her mother was a member of a group of Aboriginal people referred to by farming families as the Forked Thumb Tribe [219: pages 13, 24]
     At infancy the thumb of one hand was split from the nail as far as the first joint, which healed as two smaller thumbs [219: page 13]
     The group lived at a freshwater swamp known as Cooke Swamp in Dudawa, East Arrino for most of the year [219: pages 13, 16]
     During the hotter months of the year the group moved to near Cliff Head on the coast [219: page 16]
Her father, a pastoralist of Arrino, passed away in 1920 and in his will left her half of his estate [38]
Mother of David, Alice, Margaret, and Alexander Horton [15]
Died 7 July 1921 in Geraldton; buried at Three Springs General Cemetery in Three Springs (Anglican, Unsurveyed Corner) [24]
Her funeral was undertaken by Isaac WALLACE and in the absence of a minister local farmer Evander W. FRANKLIN officiated [24]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Minnie Campbell / Saunders' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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