Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Minnie Marie BATTEN / WATSON

Born 1867 in Plenty, Victoria, Australia [15]
Daughter of Richard BATTEN and Mary Jane HASARD [15]
Married George Robert WATSON in 1902 in Perth, Western Australia [15]
Along with her husband settled on prospective farmland in Three Springs, Western Australia in 1909 [9: 27-May-1910] [19]
Filled the role of Father Christmas at the Christmas Tree held at the Three Springs State School on 26 December 1910 [9: 6-Jan-1911]
Travelled from Three Springs to Moora during April 1915 to undergo a minor operation at the Moora Hospital [10: 30-Apr-1915]
Much improved from her medical treatment she  returned to her home in Three Springs in late May 1915 [10: 28-May-1915]
Won 2nd prize for Bread, Butter and Eggs at the annual fete the "Three Springs Day" on Monday 16 September 1915 [10: 24-Sep-1915]
After two days illness her husband passed away in Three Springs at the age of 50 years on 4 September 1916 [10: 5-Sep-1916]
Her husband left her all of his estate in his will, which he had written five years earlier in 1911 [585]
Following the death of her husband she took over the running of the farm and continued to reside in Three Springs [6] [44] [585]
Farmer of Moonlight Farm in Three Springs 1917-1946 [6]
     The farm was 1,503 acres in size and consisted of Lots M752, M753, M754, M755, M759 & M760 of Victoria Location 2020 [44]
     "Artie" Arthur S. MORTIMER managed her farm from then on, on a promise made to her late husband before he died [4: 19-Feb-1938]
Had the telephone connected to her farmhouse - was telephone number Three Springs-6 [60]
Member of the Three Springs branch of the Red Cross Society [4: 19-Feb-1938]
Donated a pig which sold for £1 at the Red Cross Society Basket Social & Dance in Three Springs on 22 November 1916 [10: 5-Dec-1916]
Member of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1917, 1918 and 1928[124]
Grew 500 acres on wheat on her late husband's farm in Three Springs in 1917 [10: 19-Jun-1917]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
Hosted a meeting of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee at her farmhouse on Sunday afternoon 30 December 1917 [124]
She and Mrs Mary HARRIS served the supper at the Red Cross Gala Day held in Three Springs on 23 May 1918 [10: 31-May-1918]
The 1918 Three Springs Day was held between two large lakes in a paddock on her farm on Thursday 26 September 1918 [10]
Received 1st prize for Wool in the Farm Produce section of the Three Springs Day held on her farm in 1918 [10: 4-Oct-1918]
Provided one of her paddocks for the Three Springs Race Club's Race Meeting on Thursday 6 March 1919 [10: 31-Jan-1919, 28-Feb-1919]
The Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee held their Sports Meeting on part of her Moonlight Farm on 17 March 1919 [124]
The horse Moonlight, which she presumably owned, competed at the Race Meeting held in Carnamah on 27 March 1919 [10: 11-Apr-1919]
Euchre winner at the Euchre Party & Dance held at Mrs Jane WOODS' home in Carnamah on Tuesday 19 August 1919 [10: 29-Aug-1919]
Attended May BERRIGAN's 21st Birthday held at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Friday 12 September 1919 [9: 19-Sep-1919]
Won 1st prizes for Fine Merino Wool, Scones and Butter at the Three Springs Day on Thursday 25 September 1919 [10: 3-Oct-1919]
Donated a box of sweets for the refreshment booth at the Picnic Race Meeting in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day in 1920 [124]
Winner of euchre at the Euchre Party & Basket Social in aid of the Church of England Fund in TS on 18 August 1920 [10: 27-Aug-1920]
Awarded 1st prize for Scones at the annual picnic and show, the Three Springs Day, held on 23 September 1920 [10: 15-Oct-1920]
     At the Three Springs Day in 1920 she won the Trot and came 2nd with her horse Ginger in the Gent's Hack [10]
     Ginger had also came 2nd in the Maiden Plate at the Picnic Race Meeting in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day in 1920 [124]
Her horse Moonchester came 3rd in the 2nd Hack Race at the Picnic Race Meeting in Carnamah on 22 September 1921 [9: 30-Sep-1921]
Helped with and attended the wedding of Robert A. CALDOW and May I. BYRNE in Three Springs on 5 October 1921 [9: 21-Oct-1921]
Her horse Moonchester won the Hack Race at the Three Springs Picnic Races on Saint Patrick's Day 17 March 1922 [9: 24-Mar-1922]
Moonchester came 3rd in the Hurry Scurry at the Saint Patrick's Day Celebrations in Three Springs on 15 March 1923 [9: 13-Apr-1923]
Ran the Cool Drink & Sweets Stall at the Hospital Ball at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Thursday 5 April 1923 [9: 27-Apr-1923]
Her farm manager Artie rode her horse Moonchester in the Gent's Hack at the Annual Show in Carnamah in 1923 [86: 4-Oct-1923]
     Artie was afraid of the horse partaking in its playful little habit of "doing a bunk" and that it would break the reins [86]
     As soon as the horse wanted to bolt Artie or another rider known as Millsie got off straight away and led the horse back [86]
     In the Ladies Hack he wanted to do the same thing but Miss GREEN of Carnamah instead took him for a burl over the sandplain [86]
     On returning a very shocked Moonchester was of an entirely different behaviour - the incident being a feature of the show [86]
     It was reported "that you could have ridden him with a silk rein or a bit of cobwebs when the lady was finished with him" [86]
Three local boys went to a dam on her farm for water after shooting rabbits and parrots on Sunday 25 November 1923 [86: 27-Nov-1923]
     Alfred E. WILTON placed his gun on the ground but it discharged and shot his brother Walter A. WILTON in the buttock [86]
     The third boy, Ernest E. W. BRIMSON, ran to her homestead and she returned with him to take Walter to medical attention [86]
Costume Judge at the Fancy Dress Ball conducted by the Carnamah Girls Club at the Carnamah Hall on 21 August 1926 [39: 7-Sep-1926]
Won 2nd prize for Butter at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show on  30 September 1926 [4: 9-Oct-1926]
Attended the wedding dance of Charles ROBERTSON and Winifred LANG at the Carnamah Hall on 27 March 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
Attended the wedding of Alexander J. F. BROWN and Clara V. BERRIGAN at the Carnamah Hall on 28 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
She was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
Attended the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show and Show Ball on Thursday 20 September 1928 [4]
     Exhibited in the Confectionery section, winning three 1st prizes for Biscuits, Scones and Victoria Sandwich [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Attended the Ball after the Three Springs Races on Thursday 11 April 1929 in black ninon with overdress of black lace [4: 20-Apr-1929]
She was absent from Three Springs during June 1929 while spending a holiday in Perth [4: 29-Jun-1929]
Won 2nd prizes for a Dairy Cow, Jams and Marmalade at the Second Annual Three Springs Show on 30 September 1929 [4: 5-Oct-1929]
     Attended the Show Ball following the Three Springs Show in 1929 in a dress of black silk lace with mauve petals [4: 12-Oct-1929]
She was among those from Three Springs who attended the Perth Royal Show in October 1929 [4: 19-Oct-1929]
Attended the funeral of Charles C. MALEY M.L.A. at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth on 16 October 1929 [4: 19-Oct-1929]
Attended the Three Springs Football Club's Welcome Home Social for two newly wedded couples on 1 November 1929 [4: 9-Nov-1929]
Supported and assisted the Three Springs Agricultural Society and the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs [4: 19-Feb-1938]
Whenever refreshments were required at a function or outing she was said to have been "always to the fore" [4: 19-Feb-1938]
Donated a cake for the patients of the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs for Christmas / New Year of 1929 [4: 8-Feb-1930]
In January 1930 purchased a new 66 Chrysler Sedan car from local agent K. B. JOHNSTON [4: 1-Feb-1930]
Attended the Three Springs Agricultural Society's Annual Ball on 25 September 1930 wearing chenille georgette [4: 11-Oct-1930]
Conducted the Produce Stall at the Three Springs Anglican Church's Children's Fancy Dress Ball on 28 November 1930 [4: 6-Dec-1930]
Member of the Three Springs Golf Club 1930-1937 [4: 30-Aug-1930] [5: 7-Jun-1935, 2-Jul-1937]
Won 1st and 2nd prizes for male and female White Leghorns in the Poultry section of the Three Springs Show in 1932 [5: 30-Sep-1932]
Attended the Anglican Church Ball held in Three Springs on Thursday 20 July 1933 in a dress of black georgette and lace [4: 29-Jul-1933]
Attended the R.S.L. Ball held at the Three Springs Hall on Friday 1 September 1933 in a dress of black silk lace [5: 8-Sep-1933]
In a dress of black chenille georgette attended the Ball after the Three Springs Agricultural Show on 21 September 1933 [5: 29-Sep-1933]
She and Mrs Isabella G. SMITH left Three Springs on Tuesday 2 October 1933 for a week long holiday in Geraldton [5: 6-Oct-1933]
In a dress of black georgette and lace attended the Three Springs Golf Club's Annual Ball on Thursday 12 October 1933 [5: 20-Oct-1933]
Attended the 21st birthday of Gladys BASTIAN at her parents' home in Three Springs on Sunday 22 October 1933 [5: 27-Oct-1933]
Member of the committee that organised the Three Springs Bush Fire Brigade's Fundraising Ball on 20 November 1933 [5: 10-Nov-1933]
Departed Three Springs on Wednesday 21 February 1934 for three weeks holiday in Albany [5: 23-Feb-1934]
Won the euchre competition at the House Party held at the Convent in Three Springs on Monday 21 May 1934 [5: 25-May-1934]
Again won at euchre at the Card Part at Mrs Sarah MALEY's home on ParakaliaFarm in Three Springs on 23 July 1934 [5: 27-Jul-1934]
Attended the funeral of Mrs Christina B. D. FORRESTER of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 31 August 1934 [4: 8-Sep-1934]
Exhibited in the Poultry, Farm & Dairy Produce and Flower sections of the Three Springs Agricultural Show on 13 September 1934 [5]
     In the Poultry section won 1st prize for male White Leghorn and 2nd for female White Leghorn and female Black Orpington [5]
     Received 1st prize for Garden Flowers and 2nd for White Hen Eggs [5: 21-Sep-1934]
Sold nine bales of wool through Goldsbrough Mort & Co in October 1934 at a price of 11d. per pound  [5: 19-Oct-1934]
After some time away she returned to Three Springs by the mail train on Tuesday 26 March 1935 [5: 29-Mar-1935]
Won 2nd prize for a Bushel of Brown Oats at the Three Springs Agricultural Show held on Thursday 19 September 1935 [5: 27-Sep-1935]
Sold six bales of wool for 14¼d. per pound and 4 for 13d. per pound through Westralian Farmers Ltd in October 1935 [5: 11-Oct-1935]
Attended the funeral of Miss "May" Mary L. LANG of Carnamah at the Winchester Cemetery on 26 November 1935 [5: 29-Nov-1935]
In February 1936 sold 156 shorn hoggets through Elder Smith & Co Ltd - 73 for 16/1, 66 for 14/7, and 13 for 12/10 [5: 7-Feb-1936]
After a holiday or visit to Perth accompanied Randolph BARNHART back Three Springs on Thursday 26 March 1936 [5: 27-Mar-1936]
Won 1st prize for Dairy Butter at the Three Springs Agricultural Show held on Thursday 17 September 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
Attended the Valedictory Social for Miss Rachel M. A. WALLACE in Three Springs on Tuesday 15 December 1936 [5: 24-Dec-1936]
She was among local farmers who hired through the Three Springs Road Board a boring plant to bore for water in 1937 [5: 22-Jan-1937]
Sold 217 wethers through Elder Smith & Co Ltd with two consignments to the Midland Market in January 1937 [5: 8 & 22-Jan-1937]
     The 217 wethers consisted of 89 at 24/10, 30 at 23/1, 21 at 22/10, 55 at 18/1, and 22 at 17/4 per head [5]
After a holiday in the South West she and Arthur S. MORTIMER returned to Three Springs on 21 February 1937 [5: 26-Feb-1937]
Attended the Annual Catholic Ball in Three Springs on 3 June 1937 dressed in black silk lace trimmed with silver lame [5: 11-Jun-1937]
Sold four bales of wool at 16¼d. per pound and three at 15½d. through Goldsbrough Mort & Co Ltd in September 1937 [5: 17-Sep-1937]
The Midlands Road passed through the Three Springs townsite as a result of her generosity in letting it pass through her farm [4]
     The road was originally going to pass three miles away from the town, however she donated a section of her land free of charge [4]
     By donating the land there were no resumption costs and it became the preferred route [4: 19-Feb-1938]
Gave up farming in early 1938 when her farm manager Arthur S. MORTIMER was ordered to cease working for health reasons [4]
She and Arthur were honoured at a Valedictory Evening at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Tuesday 15 February 1938 [4]
     A great number of people attended from Mingenew, Yandanooka, Arrino, Three Springs, Carnamah and Coorow [4: 19-Feb-1938]
     Numerous speakers spoke about the general regret felt throughout the community that they were leaving the district [4]
     It was also said that it was believed that they had assisted and been members of just about every local effort and organisation [4]
     At the conclusion of the speeches they were each presented with a travelling rug and a cheque as a memento of the occasion [4]
Left Three Springs in February 1938 and shifted to Perth for a brief period, after which she visited friends in the Eastern States [4]
Later returned to Three Springs and recommenced farming her property Moonlight with Arthur S. MORTIMER as manager [P122]
Attended the Farewell Social & Dance held for Vincent & May TIPPETT in Three Springs on Monday 28 July 1941 [4: 2-Aug-1941]
Resided in Three Springs until her death, and passed away at the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs [2] [585]
In her will she expressed a desire to be buried alongside her late husband at the Karrakatta Cemetery [585]
Died 24 July 1946; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Anglican, AA, 299) [2]
In her will she left £50 each to her brother Leonard BATTEN, Mrs Mary SHAW, and Mrs Dorothy WATERS [585]
She left the balance of her estate to Arthur S. MORTIMER, who she also named executor of her estate [585]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Minnie Marie Batten / Watson' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 27 March 2025 from [reference list]

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