He was among the 400 people who attended the Matrons and Benedicts Ball held in Three Springs on 31 August 1928 [4: 8-Sep-1928]
He was among those who attended the Centenary Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on 26 July 1929 [86: 3-Aug-1929]
The ball was to celebrate 100 years since the founding of Perth and the establishment of the Swan River Colony [86]
Contributed an item of entertainment at the Carnamah Rifle Club's Smoke Social in Carnamah on 13 July 1929 [86: 20-Jul-1929]
Attended the Plain and Fancy Dress Ball held at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday 8 August 1929 [4: 17-Aug-1929]
Attended the Carnamah Football Club's Semi Final Dance at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday evening 22 August 1929 [86: 31-Aug-1929]
Attended the Carnamah Anglican Church's Freak Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday 3 October 1929 [4: 12-Oct-1929]
He was among the large attendance at the Carnamah Race Club's Ball at the Carnamah Hall on Thursday 27 March 1930 [4: 5-Apr-1930]
Member of the Inering Bridge Club in 1930 [4: 4-Oct-1930]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'O. Wheeler' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from www.carnamah.com.au/bio/o-wheeler [reference list] |
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