Farmers in Carnamah for six or seven months over late 1927 and early 1928 [4: 27-Aug-1927, 24-Sep-1927, 10-Dec-1927, 10 & 17-Mar-1928]
They'd shifted from York to Carnamah by August 1927 after purchasing 4,156 acres of farmland from CUMMING Bros [4]
The 4,156 acres consisted of Lots M976, M977, M979, M982 and M994 of Victoria Location 2022 [3] [4: 17-Mar-1928]
Lot M994 (601 acres) is in Carnamah while the remaining adjoining lots are over the boundary in Three Springs [62]
All lots are located up behind the Inering Estate and all adjoin the boundary between Carnamah and Three Springs [62]
During the 1927-28 financial year they had a Ford truck registered with the Carnamah District Road Board with license plate CA-245 [325]
Their idea to put six wheels on their Ford truck was "commanding a lot of attention" in August 1927 [4: 27-Aug-1927]
They ordered a Auto Header Sunshine Harvester through Carnamah agent Thomas J. BERRIGAN in December 1927 [4: 10-Dec-1927]
In March 1928 sold their farm in Carnamah and Three Springs to Conrad A. E. BUSSENSCHUTT for £2 per acre [4: 10 & 17-Mar-1928]
One of the 'brothers' was an A. S. PARKER [4: 24-Sep-1927]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Parker Bros' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list] |
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