Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Paddy" Patrick Mantinea DURACK

Born C.1852 [2]
Along with his brothers herded cattle from Queensland to the Kimberley region of Western Australia in the 1880s [P2]
Married "Susie" Susan DOWNES in 1899 in Victoria, Australia [54]
Along with his wife and 50 horses settled on a 12,500 acre property in Arrino, Western Australia in 1902 [P2]
Grazier and Farmer of the Arrino Estate in Arrino [19] [50]
From 1907 to 1909 he also held a pastoral lease with the Midland Railway Company for a further 2,000 acres in Arrino [34]
He was appointed the Postal Vote Officer for Arrino by the Chief Electoral Officer in 1908 [86: 5-Sep-1908]
He was the Postal Vote Officer for Arrino for the Legislative Council elections held on 13 May 1910 [9: 22-Apr-1910]
Attended the meeting held to form a race club at the Commercial Hotel in Three Springs on Saturday 10 December 1910 [9]
     He moved the motion that a race club be formed and be registered under the rules of the W.A. Turf Club [9: 23-Dec-1910]
     His motion was passed and he was elected a Foundation Vice President of the Three Springs Race Club [31: 19-Dec-1910]
Judge of the Three Springs Race Club's Inaugural Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Thursday 9 March 1911 [9: 10-Feb-1911]
One of his horses won the Pony Race at the Saint Patrick's Day Sports Meeting in Three Springs on 17 March 1915 [10: 26-Mar-1915]
The Annual Arrino Sports Meeting was held on his farm in a paddock adjoining his homestead on Easter Monday 1 April 1915 [10]
     During the day's events his horse Banjo won the First Hack Race and his horse Kitty won the Pony Race [10: 9-Apr-1915]
     It could be his horse Kitty who ran in the Peace Cup race at the Peace Day Celebrations in Carnamah on 19 July 1919 [10: 25-Jul-1919]
Attended the annual fete known as the "Three Springs Day" in Three Springs on Monday 16 September 1915 [10: 24-Sep-1915]
     He was Starter for the Horse Races conducted during the Day, during which his horse Banjo won the 1st Class Hack Race [10]
A few buggy and car loads of people descended on their home in Arrino to their surprise one evening in late September 1915 [10]
     The guests of their surprise party cleared the largest room of their house and danced until 4 a.m. [10: 1-Oct-1915]
Foundation Vice President of the Three Springs Rifle Club in 1915 [10: 29-Oct-1915]
Vice President of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Sports Meetings in Three Springs in 1917, 1918 and 1919 [124]
     Judge in 1917 and Steward in 1918 and 1919 of the horse races at the Committee's Sports Meetings on Saint Patrick's Day [124]
     Donated £1/1/- to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1919, 1920 and 1925 [124]
     Judge of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Picnic Race Meeting in Three Springs on 17 March 1920 [124]
     Vice President of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Picnic Race Meetings in 1925 and 1928 [124]
By 1917 he was a Justice of the Peace [30: item 35978]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
Judge of the Horse Races at the Picnic Races held in Carnamah on Easter Monday 1 April 1918 [10: 12-Apr-1918]
     During the day's races his horse Banjo was the winner of the Hack Race, defeating seven other starters [10]
Judge of the Three Springs Race Club's Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Thursday 6 March 1919 [10: 31-Jan-1919]
     His horse Brownie, which was jockeyed by one of his sons, competed and came 3rd in the Pony Race [9: 14-Mar-1919]
His horses Fidell and Brownie ran in the races at the Sports Meeting in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day 17 March 1919 [124]
     Fidell came 2nd in the Maiden Plate of five furlings and Brownie came 2nd in the Pony Handicap of four furlongs [124]
Judge of the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Race Meeting held in Carnamah on Thursday 27 March 1919 [9: 21-Feb-1919]
His horse Fidell won the Gentleman's Hack, winning him £2/2/-, at the Three Springs Day held on 25 September 1919 [10: 3-Oct-1919]
Cleared and fenced the Arrino & Dudawa Race Club's racecourse on 90 acres of the Arrino Reserve over 1921 and 1922 [9]
     In payment for clearing fencing the 90 acres he then had the right to graze and crop the 90 acres for four years [9: 8-Sep-1922]
Inaugural Vice President of the Three Springs Agricultural Society in 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
He was among those from Arrino who travelled to Perth to attend the Perth Royal Show during October 1929 [4: 19-Oct-1929]
Resided in Arrino until his death in 1933 [2]
Died 23 December 1933; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, LC, 347) [2]

From The West Australian newspaper, Tuesday 15 December 1931:
"Mr. P. Mantini Durack, of Arrino Estate, Arrino, who has been in hospital in Perth for the past three weeks, daring which he underwent a very serious operation, is making a good recovery and may soon be pronounced convalescent. Mr. P. M. Durack is the oldest living 'cattle pioneer' of the North-West and Kimberleys and with his brothers - John (killed by blacks in 1886), Michael and Jerry of Perth - he overlanded with cattle from Queensland in the early 80's of the last century."

From The Courier Mail newspaper of Brisbane, Tuesday 26 December 1933:
Mr. P. M. Durack Dead - Pioneer of Stock Route to W.A.
"Perth, December 25. Mr. P. M. Durack, of Arrino, one of the Durack brothers, who pioneered the stock route from Queensland to the Kimberleys, died at Three Springs at the age of 81 years. The Duracks drove cattle from Mt. Marlow station, Queensland, to Lissadale station, in the Kimberleys - a distance of 2500 miles in 2½ years, beginning in July 1883. The only survivor of the great expedition is Mr. M. J. Durack, of Perth, who is now in Sydney."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Patrick Mantinea Durack' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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