Born 1872 in Greenough, Western Australia [15]
Son of Joseph FOGARTY and Harriet AUCHINLECK [15]
He was one of seven children with elder siblings Claude, Florence, Alfred and William; and younger brothers Hugh and Ernest [15]
Their father was a Farmer and Sheep Grazier in Greenough, Dongara and then Mingenew [501] [521]
Carrier in Mingenew in 1897 [501]
In 1898 he was living on Malara Station in Mingenew [390: 10-Dec-1898]
Farmer and Grazier of Bramley Farm in Mingenew 1898-1910 [50] [61]
He purchased Bramley Farm for £500 at a public auction held in Dongara on Friday 9 December 1898 [390: 10-Dec-1898]
Bramley was 609 acres in size and consisted of Victoria Locations 1825, 1876, 2212 and 2213 [44]
The property was farmed in partnership with four of his brothers, trading as "Fogarty Bros" [225: 22-Jul-1924] [50]
He had the registered horse and cattle firebrand of RF6 [80: 16-Oct-1913]
By mid 1909 he'd increased Bramley to 1,669 acres with the addition of the 1,060 acre Lot M425 of Victoria Location 2012 [44]
He sold Bramley Farm in Mingenew to Samuel J. F. MOORE of Dongara in 1910 [31: 4-Apr-1910]
Competed in the Sheffield Handicap race at the Saint Patrick's Day Sports held in Mingenew on 16 March 1899 [390: 11-Mar-1899]
Together with his brothers he held the lease for Rocklands Station located about 90 miles east of Mingenew [39: 11-Mar-1908]
Rocklands was 264,000 acres in size with 53 miles of sheep-proof fencing, wells, windmills, a homestead and shearing shed [39]
While living in Mingenew they also took up Karara Station in Perenjori, which they sold to K. SAMPSON [390: 9-Dec-1916]
He also owned or had an interest in another 13,380 acre property 36 miles north of Mingenew [39: 10-Jan-1911]
The property comprised 40 acres of freehold, 1,790 acres of Conditional Purchase leases and a 12,000 acre Pastoral Lease [39]
When he put the property up for sale in January 1911 it contained 100 head of cattle, stockyards and about 2½ miles of fencing [39]
Wholesale and Retail Butcher in Mingenew in 1911 and 1912 [9: 21-Jul-1911, 29-Mar-1912]
When he opened his butcher's shop in mid 1911 he was described as "a well-known resident of the district" [4: 7-Jul-1911]
He had the primest beef and mutton on hand in addition to small goods; and promptly attended to orders [9: 21-Jul-1911]
The Upper Irwin Road Board in Mingenew requested he remove his sheep from the commonage reserve in early 1912 [9: 2-Feb-1912]
He gravelled King Street in Mingenew for the Upper Irwin Road Board in 1911 for 12/6 per chain [9: 4-Aug-1911]
Married Ruth Henrietta NESBITT on 1 January 1913 at the Church of Christ in Queenstown, South Australia [55]
Contractor in Mingenew 1913-1916 [9]
He contract gravelled parts of Mullewa, Midland and Strawberry roads for the Upper Irwin Road Board in 1913 [9: 5-Sep-1913]
In 1914 he won the contract to clear Morris Road for the Upper Irwin Road Board for 1/9 per chain [9: 3-Jul-1914]
He contract gravelled the Mingenew-Perth Road for £2/5/- per chain in mid 1915 [86: 22-Jul-1915]
Undertook additional contract gravelling in Mingenew for the Upper Irwin Road later in 1915 for £3 per chain [9: 27-Aug-1915]
He did sanding formation on Narrakine Road for the Upper Irwin Road Board in 1916 at 20 shillings per chain [9: 14-Apr-1916]
He may be part of the "Fogarty Bros" who share-cropped Sir Walter H. JAMES' farm in Three Springs in 1913 [9: 16-May-1913]
One of the stewards at the Upper Irwin Race Club's Annual Race Meeting held in Mingenew on 10 December 1913 [9: 19-Dec-1913]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mingenew old-timer Harry HERBERT at the Mingenew Cemetery on 8 January 1916 [9: 14-Jan-1916]
Advertised in June 1916 that he had a Massey-Harris harvester in thorough working order for sale in Mingenew for £35 [86: 20-Jun-1916]
Member of the Mingenew Rifle Club in early 1917 [9: 23-Feb-1917]
Contractor in Three Springs 1917-1956 [6] [9] [19]
He did a large amount of road work for the Upper Irwin Road Board, which was later renamed the Mingenew Road Board [9]
In April and May of 1917 did contract work for the Upper Irwin Road Board worth a total of £84/19/- [9: 4-May-1917]
The £84/19/- was £80 for a culvert and £3 for gravelling in Three Springs and £1/19/- for gravelling Shenton Street in Mingenew [9]
He was the successful tenderer to construct two culverts for the Road Board in early 1917 [9: 2-Feb-1917]
In April 1917 his tender to construct a culvert on Perth Road for £28 and 10 shillings was accepted [86: 28-Apr-1917]
He secured the contract to gravel Lynch's Road in Three Springs for 60 shillings per chain in July 1917 [9: 6-Jul-1917]
Undertook repairs to the road at Macpherson's gate on the Perenjori Road in Carnamah for £2 in 1918 [9: 1-Nov-1918]
In late 1918 and early 1919 he did ten chains or road formation in Three Springs for the Road Board [9: 27-Dec-1918]
Offered to the Upper Irwin Road Board to look after the windmill in Three Springs for 10/- per quarter in 1919 [9: 21-Feb-1919]
In June 1919 he was the successful tenderer for four works projects with the Upper Irwin Road Board [9: 27-Jun-1919]
Two of the four works were to construct a stone ford for £6/6/- per chain and do gravelling for £2/7/6 per chain in Carnamah [9]
The other two works projects were a footpath in Three Springs at 22/6 per chain and clearing in Three Springs at 4/6 per chain [9]
He did stone ford work for the Road Board in 1919 at the Mulliah / Yarra Yarra Lakes in Carnamah [9: 29-Aug-1919, 27-Sep-1919]
Repaired 60 chains of road in Three Springs for the Mingenew Road Board, for 30/- per chain, in July 1920 [86: 24-Jul-1920]
Later in 1920 his tender of £345 for general repairs to the road from Yandanooka to Three Springs was accepted [86: 21-Aug-1920]
He was also contracted to recap Station Road in Three Springs with 4-inch gravel at 1/12/6 per chain [86: 21-Aug-1920]
His offer to gravel Bastian's Road in Three Springs at £3 per chain in June 1921 was rejected [86: 30-Jun-1921]
In August 1921 his tender to do 120 chains of re-capping with gravel on the Perenjori Road was accepted [86: 6-Aug-1921]
He took over another contractor's job to do road forming and stone drains at £3/7/6 per chain in July 1922 [9: 28-Jul-1922]
His tenders to do road forming at £1/5/- per chain and gravelling at £2/15/- per chain were accepted in August 1922 [86: 22-Aug-1922]
Constructed a stone drain in Three Springs for the Mingenew Road Board for £14 in August 1922 [9: 1-Sep-1922]
Secured by tender with the Mingenew Road Board two formations at 25/- per chain and two gravelling at £2/12/6 and £2/15/- [9]
He undertook work in Three Springs for the Carnamah District Road Board in 1928 [9: 10-Aug-1928]
Donated 5/- to the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee in 1919 [124]
In 1920 he was given permission to clear and crop the water reserve in Three Springs for a period of three years [9: 25-Jun-1920]
Won the Guessing Weight of Sheep competition at the Three Springs Day held on Thursday 23 September 1920 [10: 15-Oct-1920]
Starter at the Three Springs Race Club's Annual Race Meeting on the Parakalia Race Course on Thursday 3 March 1921 [9: 25-Feb-1921]
Starter at the Picnic Race Meeting held on the Parakalia Race Course in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day 17 March 1922 [124]
Came 2nd in the Stepping 100 Yards competition at the Three Springs Day held on Thursday 28 September 1922 [9: 20-Oct-1922]
Did contract work in Three Springs and Arrino for the Carnamah District Road Board [10: 1-May-1924, 20-Jun-1924]
In May 1924 did work on Dudawa Road in Dudawa, East Arrino and on Page's Road, Three Springs for £33/5/6 [10]
In July gravelled part of Dudawa Road for £2/9/6 per chain, and cut down hump and graded foot of Dudawa Road for £14/5/- [10]
In November 1924 did gravelling on the lake crossings on the Three Springs-Perenjori Road in Three Springs [9: 31-Oct-1924]
The Board supplied the wire and netting and he fenced the town dam in Three Springs in May 1927 [4: 28-May-1927]
Did forming and gravelling for the Board on the Three Springs-Perenjori Road in April 1927 [4: 30-Apr-1927]
He improved the drain on Hospital Road in Three Springs and did two chains and road forming and gravelling in 1928 [4: 31-Mar-1928]
In mid 1928 he undertook 1½ chains of gravelling at Three Mile Crossing in Three Springs [4: 30-Jun-1928]
He was appointed caretaker of the Three Springs Water Supply for a period of three months in January 1929 [4: 26-Jan-1929]
Owner of Lot 103 of Victoria Location 2022 on the east side of the Three Springs townsite [44]
He and his wife had a son Richard Bryan FOGARTY, who passed away at the age of two days in 1925 [2] [39: 21-May-1925]
Won 2nd prize for Jersey Cow in the Cattle section of the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show in 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
He intervened when a drunk man interfered with students on the school grounds in Three Springs on 3 October 1928 [86: 11-Oct-1928]
The intoxicated man assaulted him in response and was subsequently fined £5 and ordered to pay 25/- court costs [86: 11-Oct-1928]
Presented the Three Springs Anglican Church with fruit and veg at its Harvest Thanksgiving service on 23 March 1930 [4: 29-Mar-1930]
Attended the Euchre Party and Dance held at the Spring Hostel in Three Springs on Thursday 1 June 1933 [5: 9-Jun-1933]
Received 2/3 a chain for contract clearing done on Kadathinni and Williamson Street in Three Springs town [5: 27-Oct-1933]
His wife, Mrs Ruth Henrietta FOGARTY, passed away on 18 April 1934 and was buried at the Three Springs General Cemetery [24]
He took up the new six-acre Lot 8 of the Kadathinni Agricultural Area in Three Springs in October 1934 [81: 9-Sep-1934, 21-Oct-1934]
In April 1935 successfully obtained permission from the Three Springs Road Board to erect a dairy [5: 19-Apr-1935]
His dairy and milk vendor's license was for premises on Williamson Street in the Three Springs townsite [4: 20-Apr-1935]
Sanitary Contractor for the Three Springs Road Board in Three Springs 1935-1941 [4: 13-Dec-1941] [5: 14-Jun-1935]
In late 1941 he advised he was unable to continue the sanitary contract at the existing price but could for 1/3 per pan [4: 13-Dec-1941]
The Three Springs Road Board resolved they would have to call tenders for the work [4: 13-Dec-1941]
In July 1935 unsuccessfully requested the Three Springs Road Board introduce a compulsory townsite rubbish scheme [5: 12-Jul-1935]
Unsuccessfully tendered with the Three Springs Road Board to clean out the Dudawa Dam in January 1937 [5: 22-Jan-1937]
In 1940 he and his children placed a death notice in The West Australian newspaper for his sister-in-law Louie NESBITT [39: 21-Sep-1940]
In their notice they referred to her as the loved sister of his late wife, his loved sister-in-law and the loved aunty of his children [39]
His daughter-in-law Mrs Christina FOGARTY and her two children stayed with him on a visit to Three Springs in mid 1943 [4: 3-Jul-1943]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Mrs Fanny Jane BRIMSON of Three Springs at the Three Springs Cemetery on 29 April 1946 [4: 4-May-1946]
In 1949 and 1950 he lived for periods in both Perth and Three Springs [4]
He arrived in Three Springs in mid 1949 to spend a holiday with his daughter-in-law Mrs Mary E. FOGARTY [4: 4-Jun-1949]
During the first half of August 1949 he left Three Springs and returned to Perth "for an indefinite period" [4: 13-Aug-1949]
After months living in Perth he and his son Norm returned to Three Springs in October 1949 [4: 22-Oct-1949]
He again lived in Perth before shifting back to Three Springs in early May 1950 [4: 13-Aug-1949, 11-May-1950]
He won 2nd prize for his White Turnips exhibited in the Vegetable section of the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1951 [4: 22-Sep-1951]
Later resided in the Perth suburb of Floreat Park [2]
Father of Norman, Beryl, Bruce, Joyce, Joan, Barbara and Ronald [39: 21-Apr-1934]
Died 20 November 1956; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Anglican, WB, 98) [2]
He was buried in the same cemetery plot as his son Ron, who had passed away at the age of 11 in 1938 [2]
Reference: Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Richard James Auchinleck Fogarty' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list] |
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