Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Ron" Ronald Alfred DEWAR

Born 26 April 1930 [14]
Son of Percy William DEWAR and Vittoria Grace HOLLINGSWORTH [P30]
Resided with his parents on Ingie Farm on the Midlands Road in Carnamah[P30]
Himself, his sister Nancy and brother Brian were baptised by Rev. John BARNES in Carnamah on 11 July 1933 [84]
Student at the Carnamah State School [97]
Farmer with his father of Ingie Farm on the Midlands Road in Carnamah[P22]
Assistant Steward of the Sheep section at the Carnamah District Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1949 [13]
Killed in a motorbike accident on the Midlands Road [P30]
Died 26 April 1952 in Carnamah; buried Winchester Cemetery, Carnamah (Row E, Plot 8) [1]
Officiating minister at his funeral was Rev. PATRICK and the undertaker H. KNIGHT, both of Three Springs [1]

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Thursday 1 May 1952:
Motor Cyclist, Pillion Rider, Killed in Carnamah Smash
"Two young men were killed instantly on Saturday when the motor cycle they were riding crashed in the rear of a stationary truck about a mile north of the town. Men, George Blake Demel, single, about 25, and his pillion passenger Ronald Alfred Dewar, 22, were returning to Dewar's farm when the accident occurred. Remains of the late Ron Dewar were laid to rest in the Winchester Cemetery on Monday afternoon at 3 p.m. Funeral procession from Carnamah was the largest seen: over 84 cars followed. Pall Bearers were: Messrs E. H. Gurr, E. K. Wells, A. C. Bierman and C. Robertson. Casket Bearers: Messrs John Diamond, P. Lynch, Stan Fawcett and B. Fawcett. Last rites were conducted at the graveside by Rev. Patrick. A crematorium service was held on Tuesday, April 29, at Karrakatta for the late G. Demel. All sporting fixtures for Sunday 27th were cancelled."
Note: some of the above comes from the "Corrections and Additions" portion of the next edition of The North Midland Times

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 3 May 1952:
Carnamah Fatalities - Two Young Men Killed - Motor Cycle and Truck
     "Quite a gloom was cast over Carnamah on Saturday evening last as the result of two young men being killed through a motor cycle which they were riding crashing into the rear of a motor truck on the road about one mile north of Carnamah. The victims of the sad occurrence were George Blake Demel (25), of Keane Street, Peppermint Grove, and who was driving the cycle, an his pillion passenger, Ronald Alfred Dewar (22), of Carnamah, the tragedy occurring early in the evening when the two young men were returning from Carnamah to the farming property of the latter's parents (Mr. and Mrs. P. Dewar). Both lads were only sons and the tragedy happened on the twenty-second birthday of Ronald Dewar. Until a few months ago George Demel was employed as a senior technician at the Carnamah Post-Office, and both young men were particularly well known and extremely popular amongst a large circle of friends.
     In the presence of a large attendance of residents from all parts of the district, the funeral of Ronald Dewar took place in the Winchester Cemetery on Monday afternoon last, the procession from Carnamah comprising between eighty and ninety motor cars. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. G. Patrick, of Three Springs. The pall-bearers were Messrs. E. H. Gurr, E. K. Wells, A. C. Bierman and C. Robertson, and the casket was borne from the hearse to the grave by Messrs. John Diamond, P. Lynch, S. Fawcett and B. Fawcett. After the obsequies a large number of floral tributes were placed upon the grave, these including those from the following:- Dad, Mum, Audrey and Sheila; Uncle Sam and Miss Peterson; Brian and Audrey; Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Bierman and Nana Haig; H. Fowler and family; North Midlands Football Association; Mrs. C. F. Kenny; Mrs. Harry Rowland and family; Mr. and Mrs. A. Watson; Mr. and Mrs. Brady amd Bernice and Dot; Mr. and Mrs. D. Bowran and family; Mr. and Mrs. Grierson and Billy and Mr. Davison; Bodycoat Families; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Armstrong and Jack and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Bentley; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Reynolds; Carnamah Football Club; Three Springs Football Club; Parkin Families; Mr. and Mrs. Eric Gurr and family; Mr. and Mrs. C. Robertson and Betty and Don; Mr. and Mrs. Norm Haynes; Mr. and Mrs. D. Rowlands and family; Mr. Mick Rowlands; Mr. and Mrs. Diamond; Mrs. Lynch and Peter; Mr. and Mrs. K. Bussenschutt and family; Mr. M. Aunger; Irma and Pike Waters; Mr. and Mrs. W. Heinz; John Diamond; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bebbington and Ivan and Keith; Mr. and Mrs. Potter and Esther and John; Barry, Colin and Cliff Martyn; Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Martyn and Ralph Nunn; Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Turner; Mr. and Mrs. H. Lee; Mr. and Mrs. Ron Martin; Mr. and Mrs. Colin Martin and family; Ned and Lynne Haig; Carnamah Branch of Country Women's Association; Mr. and Mrs. E. K. Wells, Margaret, Bill and Teddy; Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman; Mr. and Mrs. Ashdown; Forrester Families; Glad and Fred West; Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Black; Watheroo Football Club; Jimmy West; Ron and Hazel Bothe; Mr. and Mrs. J. House and family; Straiton Family; Mr. and Mrs. G. Aunger; Mr. and Mrs. L. Schier; Mr. and Mrs. Mel Smales; Mrs. Sheridan and Max; Mr. and Mrs. R. D. Gell and family; Miss Rica Diamond; Mr. and Mrs. T. Perry and family; Mr. and Mrs. Bill Turner; Brian Haig; Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Haig and Margaret; Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Turner and family; Midland Railway Company; Mr. and Mrs. Gallahawk; Mr. and Mrs. Dallimore and family; Gilmour Family; Roger and Barbara Clark; Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Clark; George and Cecil Fowler; Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Raffan and family; North Midlands Co-operative Store (Carnamah); Mr. and Mrs. L. Ferguson; Mr. and Mrs. M. Togno and family; John and Elaine Paterson; Jack and Mavis Brookes and family; Mr. and Mrs. Franklin and family; Lorna and Wilf Atkinson and family; Mr. and Mrs. Len Watson and Bob; Mrs. H. Watson; Mr. and Mrs. N. R. Watson; Mr. and Mrs. H. Chappel; Vida and Ted Whitehurst; Mr. and Mrs. H. F. Dunning; Mr. and Mrs. Con Bussenschutt and Melva and Rhonda; J. and E. Adams and Ron and Bob; Betty, Max and Gordon Bussenschutt; Mr. and Mrs. A. Hill; Mr. and Mrs. G. Ferguson, Bill, Peg and Beryl; Cyril and Mavis and family; Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Rowland and family; Keith and Shirley; Mr. and Mrs. Wittwer; Mr. and Mrs. D. Johnson; Mr. and Mrs. D. Bowman and family.
     The mortuary arrangements were conducted by Mr. H. H. Knight, of Three Springs.
     The funeral of the other young man (George Demel) took place in the Karrakatta Crematorium on Tuesday afternoon last."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Ronald Alfred Dewar' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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