Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Ivy" Sarah Ivy MCLEOD / KENNA

Born 1901 in Pingelly, Western Australia [15]
Daughter of William Henry MCLEOD and Hannah Jane MORRISON [15]
Appears to have resided in Carnamah over the six months from April to September of 1934 [5]
Attended the Parkinson Tennis Club's Dance held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 14 April 1934 [5: 20-Apr-1934]
Attended the Carnamah Golf Club's Opening Season Dance at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 21 April 1934 [5: 27-Apr-1934]
Attended the Roman Catholic Church's Ball in Carnamah on 26 May 1934 in a lemon georgette dress with fur trimmings [5: 1-Jun-1934]
Member of the Carnamah Golf Club in 1934 [5: 15-Jun-1934]
Attended the Dance held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday 30 June 1934 to raise funds for Church organ repairs [5: 6-Jul-1934]
Attended the Dance in aid of the Institute for the Blind held at the Carnamah Hall on Saturday evening 18 August 1934 [5: 24-Aug-1934]
Won 2nd prize for a Toilet Set in the Fancy Work section of the Carnamah Agricultural Show on 6 September 1934 [5: 14-Sep-1934]
Herself, Fred A. OTTE, Marjorie E. BARNES and Gladys S. WYLIE ran the Carnamah Sunday School in 1934 [5: 5-Oct-1934]
Married Joseph KENNA in Perth in 1934 [66]
May have met her husband during her sojourn in Carnamah, as he had been a Labourer in Carnamah 1932-1934 [5] [6]
Resided in the Perth hills suburbs of Mahogany Creek and Parkerville [16] [45]
Member of the Clan McLeod Society of Western Australia [45]
Resided of late at 33 Anzac Street in the Perth suburb of Bayswater, where she passed away at the age of 66 years [45]
Described as "a fine lady and true friend" who was "highly respected by all"[45]
Mother of Ray and Patricia [45]
Died 28 December 1967; ashes interred Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Crematorium Rose Gardens, 8E, 114) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Sarah Ivy McLeod / Kenna' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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