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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Born C.1873 [2]
Daughter of Ulry MCENROE and Bridget REILLY [201]
Married Philip LYNCH [24]
Along with her husband and seven children departed London, England on the Omrah on 19 February 1909 [203]
They arrived on the Omrah in Fremantle, Western Australia on 25 March 1909 [201] [203]
Resided in a house in North Perth while her husband and his brother Senator Patrick J. LYNCH looked for farmland to buy [201]
They resided at 4 Mabel Street in North Perth, which at that time was amidst bushland and near an Aboriginal camp [201]
While living at North Perth their daughter Bridget died at the age of two years and was buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth [2]
In mid 1909 her husband and his brother purchased virgin land in Three Springs from the Midland Railway Company [27]
After a house had built on the property herself, her husband and their children shifted to Three Springs in late 1909 [201]
Resided with her husband and children on Shamrock Farm in Three Springs 1909-1914 [19] [24]
Her son Bernard was still born and was one of the first to be buried at the Three Springs General Cemetery [24] [201]
Resident of Three Springs until her death in 1914 [2]
Passed away at the age of 41 years at the Saint John of God Hospital in the Perth suburb of Subiaco [120: 19-Jun-1914]
Mother of Michael, Patrick, John, Thomas, Philip, James, Bridget, Peter, and twins Mary and Bernard [201]
Died 11 June 1914; buried Karrakatta Cemetery, Perth WA (Roman Catholic, BC, 292) [2]

From The Western Mail newspaper, Friday 19 June 1914:
Death of Mrs. Philip Lynch
"It was under rather sad circumstances that the death occurred of Mrs. Lynch, wife of Mr. Philip Lynch, of Three Springs, at the St. John of God Hospital last week. Some months ago the deceased lady had not been enjoying her usual good health, and it was then decided that she should take a sea voyage for rest and change. For a time the trip appeared to have effected a marked improvement in her condition, as she speedily recovered her wonted vigour and cheery disposition. But. no sooner had she returned to her home at Three Springs, than unmistakable signs of her threatened malady reappeared. After spending some time under the attentive care of Dr. Hungerford, Geraldton, the prospects of her recovery brightened, soon, however, her illness became so serious that her removal to St. John of God Hospital was imperative. About a week ago her condition was so acute that her brother-in-law, Senator P. J. Lynch, hastened from the Federal Parliament. The deceased leaves a husband and eight young children to mourn her untimely death at 41 years of age. The funeral took place on Saturday, and the interment was made in the Roman Catholic portion of the Karrakatta Cemetery. The pall-bearers were Messrs. P. O'Loghlen and Walter Dwyer, M's.L.A. J. J. Lloyd (Deputy Postmaster-General), P. Hunt, Frank Walker, and J. Monaghan. The chief mourners were Mr. Philip Lynch (husband), Masters Patrick, John, Thomas, Philip, James, and Peter (sons), Senator P. J. Lynch (brother-in-law) and Mrs. Lynch, Mr. P. Smith (nephew), and Mr. and Mrs. Breen. The service at the graveside was conducted by the Rev. Father O'Neill. Messrs. Bowra and O'Dea carried out the funeral appointments."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Sarah McEnroe / Lynch' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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