Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Susie" Susanna Kate MORCOMBE / FOLLAND

Born 15 June 1883 in Quorn, South Australia [55]
Daughter of Thomas Yelland MORCOMBE and Fanny RIDGWAY [55]
She was the eldest of eight children and grew up in the Adelaide suburbs of Nailsworth and Prospect [P343]
Her father was a minister in Quorn before working in the accounts office of the South Australian Railways while still ministering [P343]
After leaving school she helped her mother with her younger siblings [P343]
Married "Stan" Stanley Lorraine FOLLAND on 25 May 1909 at the Methodist Church in Enfield, South Australia [P343]
Resided with her husband and later son in Enfield for a few years before settling on a farm at Goode in Ceduna, South Australia [P343]
In 1924 her husband purchased virgin land at Waddy Forest in Western Australia from the Midland Railway Company [27]
The following year, in 1925, shifted with her husband, son and daughter to Waddy Forest [P343]
They left from Adelaide by train on 1 March and arrived in Perth on 9 April, then proceeded to Coorow on 19 April [P343]
They initially stayed with her brother and sister-in-law Will and Alice MORCOMBE on Wynmara Farm in Waddy Forest [P343]
After some of their house was built they settled on their new farm on Monday 6 April 1925 [P343]
Resided on Enfield Park Farm in Waddy Forest 1925-1948 [P343]
Won first prizes for Fancy Cones and Brown Bread at the first Coorow-Waddy Agricultural Show on 8 September 1932 [5: 16-Sep-1932]
In the 1940s and 1950s paid rates for 1136 acres of farmland in Winchester being Lot M1505 of Victoria Location 1938 [3]
Along with her son Gilbert and daughter Nance travelled from Waddy Forest to Perth on Saturday 10 March 1934 [5: 16-Mar-1934]
She and her husband celebrated their silver wedding anniversary at home with relatives on Friday 25 May 1934 [5: 1-Jun-1934]
During June 1934 Miss Jean WOOLDRIDGE spent a holiday with her and her family in Waddy Forest [5: 29-Jun-1934]
Attended the opening of the Coorow Rifle Range on 8 September 1934 and won the Silver Spoon for the Ladies Shoot [5: 14-Sep-1934]
Hosted the first meeting of the Waddy Forest Group of the Adult Education Scheme on Saturday evening 27 April 1935 [5: 3-May-1935]
Accompanied her husband to Perth on Monday 21 October 1935 prior to his departure for a holiday in South Australia [5: 25-Oct-1935]
Her niece Miss Margaret MORCOMBE of Yandanooka spent a holiday with her at Waddy Forest in January 1936 [5: 10-Jan-1936]
Hosted her daughter Nance's Surprise 21st Birthday, organised by her sister Mrs Phoebe E. HUNT, on 17 August 1936 [5: 21-Aug-1936]
Motored from Waddy Forest to Perth with her son, daughter-in-law and grand-daughter on Wednesday 27 January 1937 [5: 29-Jan-1937]
After holidaying in Perth for a number of weeks, she and her daughter returned to Waddy Forest in early March 1937 [5: 12-Mar-1937]
Attended the Surprise Linen Tea for Miss Mary E. GREENWOOD at Maryland Farm in Waddy Forest on 22 July 1937 [5: 23-Jul-1937]
After her husband's death in 1941 she and her son took over the running of Enfield Park Farm [P343]
In 1945 she and her daughter moved out of the main house and into the cottage, and her son and his family moved in [P343]
The cottage was called Thornborough after the village in Buckinghamshire, England that her grandfather had come from [P343]
Foundation Member of the Coorow-Waddy Forest branch of the Country Women's Association (C.W.A.) in 1946 [P343]
The branch was formed at a gathering of about 60 ladies which she, her sister Phoebe and Wylie HOGBIN had convened [P343]
In 1948 she and her daughter left the farm and Waddy Forest and shifted to the Perth suburb of Gosnells [P343]
Once building was completed, they moved to their new home in the Perth suburb of Cannington in 1951-52 [P343]
The house, where she resided until her death, was in a part of Cannington that is now the suburb of Bechenham [P343]
Mother of Gilbert and Nance [14]
Died 15 November 1967; ashes interred at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth (Crematorium Rose Gardens, 8E, 10) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Susanna Kate Morcombe / Folland' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list]

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