Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Tom" Thomas Henry DALY

Born 1863 in Dunolly, Victoria, Australia [15]
Son of Henry O'Brien DALY and Mary COSTELLO [15]
Contractor in Derby, Western Australia 1899-1907 - Derby the was port for the Kimberley Goldfields [6]
Storekeeper at Mayells Well in Derby, Western Australia 1908-1911 [6]
On 23 April 1912 acquired Lot 61 of the Arrino townsite from the State Government, on which he erected a shop [44]
Storekeeper and Commission Agent in Arrino 1912-1925, and then a Farmer in Arrino 1926-1928 [6] [19] [44]
By mid 1915 he was owner of 319 acres of farmland in Arrino, namely Victoria Location 2758 [44]
Later purchased the vacant Lot 60 of the Arrino townsite, next to his shop, from James J. BROWN and Stephen SHERIDAN [44]
In 1925 sold his storekeeping business and his Lots 60 and 61 in the Arrino townsite, including his shop, to Edward DAVEY [44]
After selling his general store he resided on his small farm about three miles north of Arrino on the west side of the Midlands Road [P2]
He had employed two ladies to work in his general store, and afterwards they kept house of him on his farm [P2]
Attended the Upper Irwin District Race Club's Inaugural Race Meeting held in Mingenew on Friday 28 April 1911 [9: 5-May-1911]
     His horse Loman won the Upper Irwin District Handicap of one mile, winning him an impressive £30 [9: 5-May-1911]
His horse Star came 3rd in the First Hack Race at the Annual Sports Meeting in Arrino on Easter Monday 1 April 1915 [10: 9-Apr-1915]
Attended and donated £1 at the Westralia Red Cross Day Basket Social & Dance held in Three Springs on 30 July 1915 [10: 6-Aug-1915]
By 1917 he was a Justice of the Peace [30: item 35978]
His General Store in Arrino was a polling place for the State Legislative Assembly election held in 1917 [10: 22-Jun-1917]
Signed the petition and financial guarantee in 1917 for the Midland Railway Company to provide a resident doctor at Three Springs [34]
Vice President of the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Sports Meeting in Three Springs on 17 March 1917 [124]
Steward of the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Race Meeting held in Carnamah on Thursday 27 March 1919 [9: 21-Feb-1919]
Entrant in the "Lazy Man Competition" held in Three Springs in 1918 to raise funds for the Red Cross Society [10: 10-May-1918]
His horse Hello Cobber won the Hack Race at the Three Springs Race Club's Races held on Thursday 6 March 1919 [9: 14-Mar-1919]
Three weeks later, on Thursday 27 March 1919, his horse Hello Cobber competed at the Carnamah Picnic Races [10: 11-Apr-1919]
Steward of the horse races at the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee's Sports Meeting on Monday 17 March 1919 [124]
At the Picnic Race Meeting held in Arrino on Thursday 3 April 1919 his horse Hello Cobber won the Maiden Hack Race [10: 18-Apr-1919]
Financially assisted the Three Springs Saint Patrick's Day Committee by donating £1/1/- in 1919, 1920 and 1925 [124]
His horse Aranbah won the Flying Handicap and the Welter Handicap at the Carnamah Races on 11 March 1920 [10: 19-Mar-1920]
Vice President and Steward of the Picnic Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day 17 March 1920 [9: 5-Mar-1920] [124]
     His horses Hello Cobber and Arranba competed at the Picnic Race Meeting, with Arranba coming 2nd in the St Pats Handicap [124]
At the Carnamah Races held on Thursday 16 September 1920 his horse Gold Nugget won the Farmers Race [10: 1-Oct-1920]
Attended the Carnamah Race Club's Picnic Race Meeting held in Carnamah on Thursday 16 September 1920 [10: 1-Oct-1920]
     His horse Gold Nugget won the Farmer's Race, and his horse named Joe Brown came 3rd in the Picnic Handicap race [10]
In October 1920 the Mingenew Road Board wrote to him to get his opinion about selling part of the reserve in Arrino [9: 19-Nov-1920]
     He responded giving reasons why the reserve should not be sold (or "alienated") and the Board agreed with his views [9: 26-Nov-1920]
Donated a case of wine to be raffled at the Hospital Ball in the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on 5 April 1923 [9: 27-Apr-1923]
His horse Eucabba competed at the Carnamah Races at Macpherson Park in Carnamah on Thursday 10 April 1924 [10: 3 & 17-Apr-1924]
     Eucabba won the Train Stakes (winning £15) and also the Local Handicap for locally owned and train horses (winning £20) [10]
Vice President of the Picnic Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day Tuesday 17 March 1925 [124]
In early January 1928 he was laying down enjoying a cigarette, however fell asleep and the cigarette ignited his clothes [4]
      He was discovered by George DEE who immediately summoned Dr. Mario A. MAYRHOFER of Three Springs [4]
      He had been severely burnt on the chest and side and was removed to the Cottage Hospital in Three Springs [4]
      A week or so later it was reported that he was making satisfactory progress after being the burning accident [4: 14-Jan-1928]
Handicapper of the Picnic Race Meeting held in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day Saturday 17 March 1928 [124]
Having sold his farm in Arrino he employed Three Springs agent Oswald S. SOWERBY to conduct a clearing sale [4: 22-Sep-1928]
     The sale was held at 1 p.m. on Tuesday 25 September 1929 at which his machinery, plant and household items were sold [4]
      Machinery and plant included a 10 horsepower Blackstone oil engine, 6 foot shearer harvester, 6 foot Hornsby binder, [4]
     15 hoe Superior drill, 25 tyne State spring tooth cultivator, 4 furrow M.B. plough, 3 furrow M.B. plough, disc harrows, [4]
     double bagger chaffcutter, 5 foot stripper, sulky, spring cart, harness, collars, hames, winkers, chains, Fairbanks scales, [4]
     blacksmithing bellows, blacksmithing gorge and two 100 gallon tanks; while household effects consisted of a dining room suite, [4]
     sideboard, table, office table with pigeon holes, kitchen tables, chairs, chest of drawers, wash tub, bath, lino and kitchen utensils [4]
After selling his farm resided within the Arrino townsite from later 1928 until his death in mid 1929 [P2] [4: 30-Nov-1929]
     Resided in a two roomed galvanised iron cottage on Lot 59 of the Arrino townsite, which also included a stable and shed [4]
Passed away at the age of 67 years at the North Midlands District Hospital in Three Springs [24]
Died 7 July 1929; buried at the Three Springs General Cemetery, Three Springs (Roman Catholic, Plot 5) [24] [39: 13-Jul-1929]
Following his death a clearing sale was held in Arrino on Thursday 12 December 1929 to sell the effects of his estate [4: 30-Nov-1929]
     Included in the sale were his cottage on Lot 59 of the Arrino townsite, household effects, carpenters tools, an Overland car [4]
     3000-gallon galvanised iron tank, thoroughbred racing mare "Rock Lily," pony, sulky, harness, saddle, bridle, rugs and sundries [4]
In his will he bequeathed £10 to Edward J. PEARCE and £5 to Mary A. E. PEARCE of Arrino "for their many kindnesses to me" [585]
     He left £50 to his two executors and then left the remainder of his estate was left to his sister Agnes DALY of Dunolly, Victoria [585]

From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 2 November 1929:
"Mr. and Mrs. Daly and Mrs. Somers, of Victoria, wish to sincerely Thank the many friends of their dear brother Tom (the late Mr. T Daly, of Arrino) for the many acts of kindness done to him. It was a great consolation to them to know that their brother had so many friends when so far away from his own people."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Thomas Henry Daly' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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