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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


Timothy KEOGH

Born 1874 in Killarney, Victoria, Australia [15]
Son of James KEOGH and Bridget FARLEY [15]
Married Margaret MCINTYRE in 1906 in Boulder, Western Australia [66]
Purchased the 1,000 acre Victoria Location 4742 of virgin bush in Perenjori at a cost of 14/6 per acre in April 1911 [9: 14-Apr-1911] [152]
Settled on his property in Perenjori in June 1911 [152] making him one of the first agricultural settlers of Perenjori [120: 7-Feb-1929]
Farmer of Woodgrove Farm in Perenjori, Western Australia 1911-1959 [19] [80: 13-Nov-1928]
     Practically the whole of his 1,000 acres was forest country with possibly only about ten acres of poor land [152]
     Settled with only £100 capital plus £425 loaned by the Agricultural Bank for improvements, stock and machinery [152]
     Foundation Committee Member of the Perenjori Progress Association in 1911 [39: 20-Jul-1911]
     As there was initially no railway through Perenjori his postal address was Carnamah until 1914 [6]
     During his first few years on the farm he employed one farmhand at times but otherwise solely worked the farm himself [152]
     In 1915 he grew 150 acres of wheat crop which averaged 14 bushels per acre [152]
     Received help from the Industries Assistance Board (I.A.B.) while establishing his farm, and in 1916 owed them about £220 [152]
     By 1916 he had 290 acres of his farm cleared and under crop, and had half cleared another 60 acres [152]
     His water supply was a well of good stock water, which wasn't absolutely fresh but gave a supply of about 600 gallons a day [152]
     In 1916 he was living with his wife and two children in a four roomed 20 by 30 foot house with an eight foot verandah [152]
     He also had a bush stable, a rough machinery shed and a big fly to cover his harvester [152]
     Owned a six-foot harvester and 19-spring tooth cultivator and an interest in a 15-disc drill and small chaffcutter in 1916 [152]
     Expected his 1916 crop of 290 acres, which had been cultivated but not ploughed, would average 14 bushels per acre [152]
     Estimated the expense of putting in and taking off his crop in 1916 to be 35/- per acre [152]
Gave evidence to the Royal Commission on the Agricultural Industries of Western Australia in Perenjori on 25 November 1916 [152]
     He thought that farmers in Perenjori needed 1,000 acres and that a man couldn't work more than 250 acres on his own [152]
     Believed larger machinery and bulk wheat handling would reduce costs, and that the duty on machinery was unreasonably high [152]
     Remarked "to depend on wheat alone is not good" and that if he could get sheep on extended terms he could build up a flock  [152]
     He concluded "I have a fair shell of a house... and a I might say that the majority of the dwellings here are not fit for pigs" [152]
     He was of the opinion that payments for the first few years needed to be held over to allow farmers to establish themselves [152]
In 1930 he grew 600 acres of crop with seeding completed during the last week of May [39: 22-May-1930]
Pallbearer at the funeral of Perenjori farmer Richard F. FULLERTON at the Perenjori Cemetery on 31 October 1942 [468: 6-Nov-1942]
Resided in Perenjori until his death in 1959 [2]
Died 7 July 1959; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, SC, 82) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Timothy Keogh' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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