Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs



Sons of William James TURNER and Emma Theresa WEBLEY [P2]
Farmers of Victoria Farm in Arrino [6] [19]
18 men came to their aid after they made a phone call to the Arrino township for help fighting a fire in January 1932 [120]
     The fire had started on a neighbour's farm and threatened to destroy their haystack, shed and machinery [120]
     With the assistance of the 18 men they extinguished the fire and only lost 100 acres of sheep feed [120: 17-Feb-1932]
Through Elder Smith & Co Ltd sold 92 sheep at the Midland Market on Wednesday 14 August 1935 [5: 16-Aug-1935]
     Lambs: 7 for 15/4 per head, 12 for 15/7, 1 for 14/7, 16 for 9/7; 2 shorn wethers for 12/7; and ewes: 18 ewes 8/10, 36 for 7/10 [5]
Exhibited in the Sheep section of the Three Springs Agricultural Show held in Three Springs on Thursday 19 September 1935 [5]
     Won 1st prize for Three Merino Wethers in the Wool, and 2nd for WA bred Strong Wool Merino Ram over 1½ years [5]
     Also won 2nd for WA bred Strong Wool Merino Ewe under 1½ years, and WA bred Strong Wool Merino Ewe over 1½ years [5]
     Awarded the Keamy Cup for the Best Pen of Three WA bred Strong Wool Merino Rams [5: 27-Sep-1935]
In November 1935 sold 26 bales of wool - 13 bales at 16½d. per pound, 11 at 15½d., and two at bales at 15¼ per pound [5: 29-Nov-1935]
Sold 46 wethers through Elder Smith & Co in July 1936 - 38 of them for 39/1 and the remaining eight for 24/10 per head [5: 31-Jul-1936]
Bred their sheep with Merino rams purchased from the Cardo Stud belonging to Leslie KEAMY of Watheroo [5: 25-Sep-1936]
They were big prize winners in the Farmer's Class portion of the Sheep section at the Carnamah Agricultural Show in 1936 [5]
     Won 1st prize for Merino Ram which was "an excellent framed sheep with good conformation�good type of strong wool" [5]
     Awarded both 1st and 2nd prizes for Merino Ewe over 2½ years, and also 1st and 2nd prizes for Merino Ewe under 1½ years [5]
     Received 1st prizes for Merino Ewe over 1½ and under 2½ years, and for Three Fat Merino Wethers [5]
     The skins of their Three Fat Merino Wethers were valued at 17/- and the dressed weight of carcasses estimated at 65 pounds [5]
     Concluded their extensive prize-winning with a 2nd prize for Ram used in exhibitor's flock the previous year [5: 11 & 18-Sep-1936]
     At the Show Ball they were presented with the Keamy Cup for the exhibitor gaining the most points in the Sheep section [5]
Won both 1st and 2nd prizes for Three Merino Wethers in the Wool at the Three Springs Agricultural Show in 1936 [5: 25-Sep-1936]
     Also received 1st prize for Three Shorn Fat Merino Wethers, and 2nd for WA bred Strong Wool Merino Ewe under ½ years [5]
They sold 26 bales of wool through Elder Smith & Co Ltd in 1936 - 13 bales at 16½d., 9 at 16d. and 4 at 15d. per pound [5: 30-Oct-1936]
Sold four head of cattle, one stag at £4/2/6 and three cows at £5/7/6 per head, at the Midland Market in December 1936 [5: 24-Dec-1936]
They were among local farmers who hired through the Three Springs Road Board a boring plant to bore for water in 1937 [5: 22-Jan-1937]
     In March 1937 a supply of 2,000 gallons of water per day was struck on their farm in Arrino at a depth of 39 feet [5: 25-Mar-1937]
Sold 79 shorn ewes at 11/4 per head through Elder Smith & Co Ltd at the Midland Market on Wednesday 11 August 1937 [5: 13-Aug-1937]
Financial Members of the Carnamah District Agricultural Society in 1938 and 1939[13]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Turner Bros' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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