Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Vince" Vincent Leo PARKER

Born 1881 in Bathurst, New South Wales, Australia [32]
Son of Patrick John PARKER and Ellen Mary MAHONY [32]
Arrived with his parents in Western Australia in 1897 [P6]
Farmer in Moora in 1906 and later worked as a Contractor in Moora [50]
From 1909 to 1921 he was the owner of 924 acres of farmland in Winchester - Victoria Locations 4582 and 4583 [31: 3-Dec-1909] [44]
     His 924 acres of farmland in Winchester was part of Glenwilli Farm, which was farmed by his brother "Lou" Louis P. PARKER [P6]
     He is said to have spent periods working and living with his brother Lou on Glenwilli Farm in Winchester [P6]
     His 924 acres in Winchester was sold by his brother Lou to the Repatriation Department during the 1921-22 financial year [44]
Farmer on his father's Finbar Farm at Dalaroo in Moora in 1915 [18]
Left Moora to begin his training at the military camp at Blackboy Hill on Saturday 26 June 1915 [10: 25-Jun-1915]
     Enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force in Blackboy Hill on 30 June 1915 [30: item 8005386]
     On enlistment he was 5 feet 6¾ inches tall, weighed 160 pounds, dark brown hair, greyish brown eyes and a ruddy complexion [30]
     At Blackboy Hill on 20 September 1915 was appointed Private 1265 in the 9th Reinforcements of 10th Light Horse Regiment [30]
     Embarked from Fremantle, Western Australia for active service abroad on the H.M.A.T. A20 Horoata on 1 October 1915 [18]
     Initially served with in Egypt, where on 6 March 1916 he was transferred to the 3rd Light Horse Reserve Regiment [30]
     On 4 April 1916 was transferred to the 4th Divisional Ammunition Column, where he was appointed Gunner and then Driver [30]
     Embarked Alexandria Egypt on 6 June 1916 and disembarked in Marseilles, France on 13 June 1916 [30]
     On 20 June 1917 in France was again transferred, this time to the 4th Trench Mortar Battery where he was appointed Gunner [30]
     From 11 November 1917 to 1 January 1918 was detached with the 11th Field Artillery Brigade in France [30]
     He was appointed Acting Bombardier on 19 May 1918 and promoted to Bombardier on 7 July 1918 [30]
     Bombardier 1265 in the Australian Imperial Force's 4th Trench Mortar Battery in France during the First World War [18]
     Embarked Devonport, England on the Anchises and disembarked in Albany, Western Australia on 7 April 1919 [30]
     Discharged from the Australian Imperial Force on 3 June 1919; received the 1914/15 Star, the Victory and British War Medals [30]
     His name appeared on a Roll of Honour for the Moora district, which was prepared by Rev. Frederick W. GUNNING [10: 1-Sep-1916]
In 1920 purchased in partnership with William F. COMRIE his father's Finbar Farm in Moora [6] [9: 15-May-1925] [10: 6-Aug-1920]
     They presumably purchased his father's Finbar Farm when it went up for auction on Friday afternoon 4 April 1919 [10: 21-Mar-1919]
     The farm was situated near the Dalaroo Railway Siding five miles north of the Moora townsite [9: 28-Mar-1919] [10: 27-Mar-1924]
     Finbar's 3,000 freehold acres were subdivided into 13 fenced paddocks and contained four wells, four dams and waterholes [10]
     1,100 acres of the property were cleared in addition to a further 200 acres on fallow and 150 acres ringbarked in 1919 [10]
     The property contained an eight room stone house, kitchen, barns, stables, shearing shed, machine shed and blacksmith's forge [10]
     Water was laid on to the large homestead, which also had the telephone connected [10: 21-Mar-1919]
     "Parker & Comrie" sold five bales of wool at 16d. per pound at the first wool sale of the season on 4 November 1921 [10: 11-Nov-1921]
Committee Member of the Moora branch of the Returned Soldiers League in 1921 [9: 25-Mar-1920]
Committee Member of the Moora District Railway League in 1922 [10: 12-May-1922]
Steward of the Fine Merino and British Breed sections at the Moora Agricultural Society's Annual Show in 1922 [10: 15-Sep-1922]
In April 1923 donated 2/- to the Fund in aid of recently widowed Mrs HOLMES and her five children of Barberton [10: 13-Apr-1923]
Dissolved partnership with W. F. COMRIE, and they held a clearing sale at Finbar Farm in Moora at 12 noon on 1 April 1924 [10]
     Livestock sold at the sale consisted of  550 3½ year old Merino ewes mated to Merino rams, 400 Merino weaners, [10: 27-Mar-1924]
     50 1½ year Crossbred ewes mated to Merino rams, 10 Merino rams, 10 farm working mares and geldings, and two farm hacks [10]
     Machinery and plant sold included a 6-foot Sunshine harvester, 6-foot State stripper, winnower, Hornsby binder, sulky, [10]
     spring cart, 4-disc Sunrise plough, 6-foot 5-leaf harrows, 3-ton wagon, 200-gallon tank, drilling machine, 10 sets of harness, [10]
     1500-foot of 1-inch piping, quantity of troughing, anvil and bellows, drilling machine, stocks and dies, and a host of sundries [10]
     Following the dissolution of their partnership he continued farming Finbar Farm in Moora [6] [9: 4-Dec-1925]
During May 1924 he donated £1 for the Midlands District Fallen Soldiers' Memorial in Moora [10: 12-Jun-1924]
Member of the Moora Trotting Club - was a Committee Member and their Clerk of Course in 1925 [9: 29-May-1925, 24-Jul-1925]
He had the telephone connected to the farmhouse on Finbar Farm - was number Moora-17 [60]
On his farm in Moora a railway engine started a fire which destroyed the best crop he'd ever had [P6]
He was unable to get any compensation for the crop that was destroyed so decided to sell up and leave Moora [P6]
Sold the 3,020 acre Finbar Farm at Dalaroo in Moora to J. P. SHEEHAN of Meckering in November 1925 [9: 4-Dec-1925]
Left Moora in 1926 and moved to Red Lake near Salmon Gums, where he farmed until 1933 [6] [P6]
Left his farm near Salmon Gums in 1933 after the price of wheat fell to uneconomic levels during the Great Depression [P6]
Farmer in Norseman in 1936 [50]
Later resided with his sister "Dot" Evelyn Mary PARKER at her boarding house in the Perth suburb of Cottesloe [P6]
Resided of late in the Perth suburb of Hilton [2]
Died 18 May 1970; buried at the Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, Lawn 6, 90) [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Vincent Leo Parker' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 12 March 2025 from [reference list]

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