Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"William" Wilhelm KEEHNER

Born 9 August 1879 in Wimpfen, Hesse-Darmstadt, Germany [30: item 1540459]
Son of Theodore KEEHNER [30: item 1540459]
He departed from Genoa, Italy on the steamship Bremen and arrived in Albany, Western Australia during December 1896 [30]
After arriving in Western Australia he spent time at Leonora, Sandstone, Black Range, Lake Darlot and Nannine [30: item 1540459]
He returned to Germany for three months in 1905, three months in 1914 and for five months in 1928 [30: item 1540459]
Proprietor and Licensee of the Range View Hotel near Sandstone in 1908 [404: 13-Mar-1908, 16-Oct-1908] [499: 25-Jan-1908]
Married Cecilia PIERCE at Range View on 15 January 1908 [499: 25-Jan-1908]
Proprietor and Baker of the Pioneer Bakery in Three Springs 1911-1914 [6] [9]
He baked bread daily, and promptly forwarded orders for bread and other items [9: 17-Mar-1911]
His bakery also sold lollies, which were exceedingly popular with the children of Three Springs [9: 27-Feb-1914]
He donated five shillings to the Moora District Hospital Fund during November 1912 [9: 15-Nov-1912]
Donated the prize for the dux of Standard II of the Three Springs State School in 1913 [9: 19-Dec-1913]
Along with his wife left Three Springs on 11 February 1914 with their bakery being taken over be Robert S. ROWE [9: 27-Feb-1914]
Baker in Wyalkatchem in 1914 [30: item 1540459]
Baker in Bolgart from December 1914 to February 1920 [30: item 1540459]
Later in 1920 he was living at 296 William Street in Perth [30: item 1540459]
He was fined £2/10/- for failing to register as Alien and was registered as No. 06434 in Perth on 13 November 1920 [30: item 1540459]
Applied for naturalisation for the third time on 20 September 1927 having unsuccessfully applied in 1914 and 1920 [30: item 1540459]
At the time he was described as having black hair, greenish eyes and a dark brown moustache [30: item 1540459]
Baker in Gosnells 1921-1937 [39: 20-Oct-1921] [517: 31-Dec-1926] [30: item 1540459]
By 1943 he was retired and was living at 43 Esplanade in the Perth suburb of Canning Bridge [50]
Later resided at 3 Hawkins Street in the Perth suburb of Mount Pleasant [50]
Died 3 January 1973; cremated at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia [2]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Wilhelm Keehner' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 19 December 2024 from [reference list]

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