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Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


William Lobban BEATTY

Born 1874 in Yackandandah, Victoria, Australia [15]
Son of William BEATTY and Margaret LOBBAN [15]
Married Ada May STUCKEY [54]
Along with his wife and children left Victoria and shifted to Perth in Western Australia where they resided for a number of years [152]
In 1910 he was working as a Labourer and they were living at 274 James Street in Perth [50]
After hearing good reports he selected land in Perenjori straight off the plan in Perth without inspecting it [152]
     Took up 1,512 acres in Perenjori, which consisted of Victoria Locations 4779 and 4780, at a cost of 14/6 per acre [9: 14-Apr-1911] [152]
     When he saw the land it matched the description on the plan and he was satisfied with it [152]
     Upon purchase 1,000 acres of his property was forest while the remainder was samphire flats [152]
     He settled on his property in 1911 and was among the first settlers and agricultural pioneers of Perenjori [120: 7-Feb-1929]
Farmer in Perenjori, Western Australia 1911-1933 [19]
     Settled on his prospective farmland in Perenjori with £300 capital and a further £350 borrowed from the Agricultural Bank [152]
     His address was initially "Perenjori via Carnamah" and his postal address was Carnamah until 1914 [6] [19]
     Resided with his wife and children on the farm in a house made out of canvas with an iron roof [152]
     His household water supply was solely rainwater and he had a well which gave brackish water for his horses and poultry [152]
     Foundation Committee Member of the Perenjori Progress Association in 1911 [39: 20-Jul-1911]
     Seeded 60 pounds of wheat and 60 pounds of super to the acre, which over 280 acres yielded 12 bushels per acre in 1915 [152]
     By 1916 he had cleared 400 acres of his farm, had erected three miles of fencing, and was growing 300 acres of wheat crop [152]
     100 acres of his crop in 1916 was on fallow which was better than the rest and was expected to yield three bushels more [152]
     In 1916 he had six working horses, a six-furrow disc plough, a 22-disc cultivator, 15-disc drill and a six-foot harvester [152]
     He had a bush stable for his horses but no shed for his farming implements, and his only other livestock was poultry [152]
     With his six horses and implements he could plough six acres, cultivate 20 acres, seed 15 acres, or harvest six acres per day [152]
     His land was good grazing country and with a water supply he hoped in 1916 to get sheep as soon as he could afford them [152]
Gave evidence to the Royal Commission on the Agricultural Industries of Western Australia in Perenjori on 25 November 1916 [152]
     He'd been receiving financial assistance from the Industries Assistance Board (I.A.B.), and by 1916 owed them about £300 [152]
     During his time on the farm he'd found the annual rainfall to be about 12 inches, with eight or nine during the growing season [152]
     He was dissatisfied with the Agricultural Department who'd failed to give settlers advice on the best farming methods to use [152]
     Stated that he believed farming implements should be imported free of duty, as the tariff more than doubled the price [152]
     He stated that he "would not tackle the undertaking again on the same conditions" with the experiences he'd had [152]
     He believed that the rent charged needed to be held over until the farmer was established, which was at least five or six years [152]
     Both he and his wife liked their life on the land and preferred it to Perth, and hoped conditions would improve [152]
     After six years he was certain he could successfully establish himself as a farmer, his only handicap being a want of cash [152]
Fires, that raged across parts of Perenjori for days in January 1919, destroyed his house and all of his farm machinery [120: 10-Jan-1919]
Cropped 500 acres of his farm in Perenjori in 1923 [10: 19-Jul-1923]
His son William Lobban BEATTY Jnr was also farming in Perenjori in 1925 [50]
In 1926-27 had a General Motors Company (G.M.C.) truck registered with the Perenjori-Morawa Road Board with plate PM-104 [325]
His farmhouse ten miles east of Perenjori on the Warriedar Road was totally destroyed by fire on 12 February 1932 [120: 25-Feb-1932]
     The East Perenjori Telephone Exchange was located within his home and was lost along with all of his family's possessions [120]
After an absence of a number of years he was again living in Perenjori in 1937 [83]
Father of William, Ada, Jack, Ken and Connie [39: 16-Jun-1937]
Died 8 June 1937 in Perenjori; buried at Perenjori Cemetery in Perenjori, Western Australia (Anglican, Plot 33) [39: 16-Jun-1937] [83]

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'William Lobban Beatty' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 26 March 2025 from [reference list]

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