Francis Henry William Thomas Winifred Brownrigg Peter Welsh Thomson Margaret Jean Caldow /Hodsdon Frederick Edward Senior James Roger Francis Wyman Clark Richard Robertson Patricia Mae Mulligan Joachim Dido

Biographical Dictionary - Coorow, Carnamah, Three Springs


"Winnie" Winifred Mary THOMAS / BOOTH

Born 8 August 1893 in Geraldton, Western Australia [P40]
Daughter of Charles Frederick THOMAS and Winifred BROWNRIGG [15]
Resided with her parents on Kadathinni Farm in Three Springs 1906-1918 [P40] [19]
Played a piano solo at the Social held at the Three Springs State School after a local football match in mid July 1910 [9: 22-Jul-1910]
Played a piano overture at a social hosted by her parents at the schoolroom in Three Springs on Saturday 30 July 1910 [9: 12-Aug-1910]
She helped provide the music for the dance held at the Roman Catholic Hall in Three Springs on Boxing Day in 1911 [9: 12-Jan-1912]
Committee Member of the Three Springs branch of the Liberal League in 1912 [39: 26-Nov-1912]
Attended as a Swiss Maid and supplied music at the Plain & Fancy Dress Ball in Three Springs on Easter Monday in 1913 [9:4-Apr-1913]
Attended the Concert & Dance held at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Saturday evening 6 June 1914 [10: 12-Jun-1914]
     Played the piano overture "Waves of the Ocean" with her sister Letitia, and played the piano for the evening's dancing [10]
On the piano she supplied the music for dancing at the Methodist Church Fund Social in Three Springs on 30 July 1914 [10: 21-Aug-1914]
     In the report on the social it was mentioned that she could "play dance music to perfection" [10: 21-Aug-1914]
Played the piano at the Euchre Party & Dance held in Three Springs to raise Roman Catholic funds in September 1914 [10: 29-Sep-1914]
Played the piano to accompany singing and for the dancing at the Concert held in Three Springs on 15 January 1915 [10: 22-Jan-1915]
Played the piano at the Carnamah Concert held at the railway goods shed in Carnamah on Friday 19 February 1915 [10: 26-Feb-1915]
Herself and Audrey WALLACE opened the Concert held in Three Springs on 26 February 1915 with a pianoforte duet [10: 5-Mar-1915]
Played the piano at a Dance held at the Agricultural Hall in Three Springs on Saturday 8 May 1915 [10: 11-Jun-1915]
Organiser of a Basket Social & Dance held in Three Springs on 30 July 1915 to raise funds for the Australian Red Cross [10: 23-Jul-1915]
Provided the music for the Cinderella Club's Inaugural Dance held in Three Springs on Friday 20 August 1915 [10: 27-Aug-1915]
Supplied the music at the Surprise Party held at the home of Patrick and Susan DURACK in Arrino in late September 1915 [10]
     At an interval she received a presentation from those present as a slight token of the esteem she was held in [10: 1-Oct-1915]
"Played excellent dance music" at the Plain & Fancy Dress Ball in Three Springs on 19 July 1916 in aid of the Red Cross [39: 31-Jul-1916]
Attended the Red Cross Society Basket Social & Dance held in Three Springs on Wednesday 22 November 1916 [10: 5-Dec-1916]
     During the evening herself, her sisters, Annie BYRNE and the Misses BERRIGAN sang the song "Australia Will Be There" [10]
Played the piano at the Dance that followed the Carnamah Picnic Races held on Easter Monday 9 April 1917 [9: 20-Apr-1917, 27-Apr-1917]
Received letters from Henry H. RICHARDSON, a local farmer who served with the A.I.F. in France during the First World War [30]
Married Walter David BOOTH in 1918 [66]
     Her husband had first been married in Fremantle in 1899 to "Daisy" Margaret BARRY, who died in Moora in 1915 [10: 5-Oct-1915] [15]
     Following their marriage left Three Springs and resided with her husband in Moora [30: item 8029642]
She learnt of the death of her friend Henry H. RICHARDSON when reading The West Australian newspaper on 31 August 1918 [30]
     Henry, who she had kept in contact with through letters, had died of wounds in France on 11 August 1918 [30: item 8029642]
     In his will, which he had written on 7 February 1918, he bequeathed her his Three Springs farm, its livestock and machinery [30]
     He added a testimony statement to his will five days before he died making it clear that her marriage in no way affected his will [30]
Retained ownership of the farm she inherited in Three Springs for many years, during which period she leased out the property [P2]
     The farmland totalled 559 acres and consisted of Victoria Locations 3338, 3399 and 3810 [44]
     Leased the farm to her brother Charles F. THOMAS before selling it to in the 1960s to James C. HUNT and Arthur W. HUNT [P2]
Her first child Walter was a delicate baby and was cared for and raised by her parents in Three Springs [P40]
Organised the Children's Concert in aid of Saint John's Roman Catholic Church in Moora on Thursday 28 June 1923 [9: 6-Jul-1923]
She was a supplier of music at the Annual Moora Hospital Ball held in Moora on Friday night 31 August 1923 [9: 7-Sep-1923]
Her husband was a Vice President of the Picnic Race Meeting in Three Springs on Saint Patrick's Day Tuesday 17 March 1925 [124]
Attended the Three Springs Agricultural Society's First Annual Show and Show Ball on Thursday 20 September 1928 [4: 29-Sep-1928]
Resided in Miling before spending her later years at Carmel Hospital, 26 Camboon Road in the Perth suburb of Morley [P40]
Mother of Walter, Charles, Winifred and James, and mother to her stepson Thomas [P40]
Died 18 July 1971; buried at Karrakatta Cemetery in Perth, Western Australia (Roman Catholic, Lawn 6, 354) [2]

From The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 23 October 1936:
Obituary - The late Mr. Charles Edward Booth
"The death occurred at Dalwallinu Hospital on Saturday, October 17, when Charles Edward (Jock) Booth, second son of Mr and Mrs W. Booth, of Miling, and grandson of Mr and Mrs C. F. Thomas, snr., of Three Springs, passed away at the age of 17 years. The deceased was admitted to the Dalwallinu Hospital on Sunday, October 11, suffering from tetanus (lock jaw), which was the first case of its kind to be received at the hospital. On September 28 a horse trod on the boy's left foot, bruising the great toe. No ill affect was felt and the lad went to work as usual, but on September 30 the toe became sore and bread poultices were applied and this enabled him to continue work. On Saturday afternoon, October 10, however, his jaws stiffened and on the following morning they were locked to an extent that he was able to insert only portion of a forefinger between his teeth. The manager of Tootra Station - Mr R. H. Wallace - soon conveyed the sufferer to Dr. Anderson at Dalwallinu, where he was admitted to the hospital. So dangerously ill had the patient become that the slightest sound brought on agonising fits and members of the hospital staff went about their duties in stockinged feet, while work of a noisy nature in the town ceased in order to render the patient every chance to recover, even trains restricted whistling, and the considerate action of all in this regard was much appreciated by Dr. Anderson and the boy's parents. On Monday and Tuesday tetanus antitoxin for the patient was conveyed by aeroplane from Perth to Dalwallinu, but despite these efforts the patient finally succumbed to this dread complaint."

Reference:  Carnamah Historical Society & Museum and North Midlands Project, 'Winifred Mary Thomas / Booth' in Biographical Dictionary of Coorow, Carnamah and Three Springs, retrieved 14 March 2025 from [reference list]

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