Burial Index of the Moora, Winchester, Perenjori, Three Springs and Mingenew cemeteries

Surname, Given Names Age Residence Date of Death Cemetery Links
PROCTOR, D. R. (Corporal) *Moora15 March 1943Moora
PROSSER, Matthew Leigh7 weeksMoora15 September 2000Moora
PRYOR, Ernest28-11 November 1914Moora
PURDY, Blake Carl6Three Springs30 June 1996Three Springs
PURDY, Elsie Anita40Three Springs15 July 1976Three SpringsBiography
PURSER, Andrew Alexander68Moora3 February 1987Moora
PURSER, Bettie79Moora20 November 1968Moora
PURSER, Daisy64Moora11 December 1968Moora
PURSER, Dolores85Moora28 June 2003Moora
PURSER, Edna Beryl86Bicton26 Febrary 2010Moora
PURSER, Ernest Joseph38Moora5 February 1953Moora
PURSER, Frances Theresa78Moora4 October 1962Moora
PURSER, Gertrude Dulcie69Moora19 October 1978Moora
PURSER, Jacob York77Moora14 July 1931Moora
PURSER, Keneth George1 hourMoora6 November 1960Moora
PURSER, Lawrence Llewellyn66Moora3 August 1990Moora
PURSER, Margaret88Moora6 June 1945Moora
PURSER, Russell John81Moora9 October 2010Moora
PURSER, Stanley James42Moora17 April 1954Moora
PURSER, Sydney George2Moora27 March 1951Moora
PURSER, Walter Raymond64Moora3 June 1974Moora
PURSER, Wiliam Joseph80Moora12 May 1988Moora
PURSHOUSE, Christopher Charles4 weeksSubiaco23 May 1968Moora
PURVIS, George57Buried 25 July 1903Mingenew
QUARTERMAINE, Basil39YandanookaBuried 27 July 1963Mingenew
QUARTERMAINE, Jayde Stephen27Kambalda5 August 2001Mingenew
QUARTERMAINE, Lily85Yandanooka10 September 1980Mingenew
QUARTERMAINE, Raymond89Yandanooka14 October 1982Mingenew
QUARTERMAINE, Victor66Yandanooka4 November 1998Mingenew
QUINN, Glenn David36Perenjori1 October 2005Perenjori
QUINN, JosephPerenjori30 December 1992Perenjori
RAFFAN, Ellen Maud88Woodlands9 January 1997WinchesterBiography
RAFFAN, George Archibald96Coorow25 January 1998WinchesterBiography
RAFFAN, Gordon Burnside77Woodlands19 December 1983WinchesterBiography
RAFFAN, Janet Allison66Winchester25 February 1932WinchesterBiography
RAFFAN, John68Winchester7 October 1928WinchesterBiography
RAFFAN, Valerie Isabel7 daysThree Springs8 August 1947WinchesterBiography
RAFFAN, Winifred Muriel88Bentley4 June 1984WinchesterBiography
RALPH, Jill3.5 hoursMoora10 January 1956Moora
RALSTON, Walter Scott60Miling12 September 1934Moora
RAMIREZ, Lizzie78Moora24 March 1943Moora
RAMSAY, Albert Fenton61Mingenew19 June 1949MingenewBiography
RAMSAY-OLDFIELD, Rebecca Jane29Moora29 June 1997Moora
RAMSEY, Roladn Jeffrey21 monthsMoora14 August 1945Moora
RANDELL, Bobbie Joan7Gunyidi4 March 1931MooraBiography
RANDELL, Gillian Penwyn7Gunyidi18 April 1950Winchester
RASTOVICH, John-1922Perenjori
RAYNER, Cyril102Three Springs12 February 2009WinchesterBiography
RAYNER, Mavis Imelia85Carnamah22 July 2003WinchesterBiography
READ, childStillbornMingenew2 May 1947Three Springs