Haack | A. M. | Salt Creek Farm, Wickepin | 0AX | 1924 |
Haack | F. M. C. | The Meadows, Wickepin | QH4 | 1924 |
Haack | L. A. E. | Muriela, West Wongan | V4E | 1924 |
Haase | G. G. | Barrena, South Kwollyinn | H7Z | 1912 |
Haase | G. G. | Barrena, South Kwolyin | H7Z | 1924 |
Haase | G. G. Estate of | Bareena, Shackleton | H8G and 32C, 108E | 1962 |
Habgood | Blanche | Angelo River, Onslow | 1HO | 1912 |
Habgood | Blanche | Angelo River, Onslow | 1HO | 1924 |
Habgood | R. A. | Manyingbunna, Ashburton District | NU6 | 1924 |
Habgood | R. H. | Lke View Station, Sandstone | ZU0 | 1924 |
Habgood | Robt. A. | Maniyingbunna, Ashburton District | NU6 | 1912 |
Hack | B. P. | Bruinhill, Beverley | B1H | 1924 |
Hack | B.P. | Bruinhill, Beverley | B1H | 1912 |
Hack | D. S. | Lynford Hill, Boyup Brook | U2H and 3A, 44C | 1962 |
Hack | Murray | Cowielillie, Blackwood | H1M | 1912 |
Hack | R. S. | Lot 1, Mooloolaba, Nelson Loc. 1356, Boyup Brook | R9H and 2C, 120E | 1962 |
Hack | W. W. M. | Keninup, Boyup Brook | H1M and 11B, 5E | 1962 |
Hack & Murray | - | Cowie Lillie, Upper Blackwood | H1M | 1924 |
Hacket | T. | Bulah Farm, Dowerin | 8HQ | 1924 |
Hackett | C. | Chapman River Farm, Geraldton | H1C and 3A, 32B | 1962 |
Hackett | H. J. | York Valley Farm, Arrino | YJ8 | 1924 |
Hackett | J. O. | York Valley Farm, Arrino | Y7A | 1924 |
Hackett | J. W. | Donninup Vale, Blackwood | 1DV | 1912 |
Hackett | J. W. | Denninup Vale, Upper Blackwood | 1DV | 1924 |
Hackett | M. Estate of | Victoria Loc. 40, Nanson | 6MV and 3C, 25E | 1962 |
Hackett | Murtagh | Lot 40, Mt Erin Estate, Nanson | 6MV | 1924 |
Hackford | Geo. | Clayton, Bellevue | G1T | 1912 |
Hackford | Geo. | Clayton, Bellvue | G1T | 1924 |
Hackford | W. J. | Euralia, Chidlows Wells | U0K | 1924 |
Hackshaw | Albert | Ninghan Locs. 486 and 2264, Bencubbin | AH6 | 1926 |
Hackworthy | H. M. & B. M. | Nerridup No. 158, Esperance | M5H and 108D, 117E | 1962 |
Haculser & Sons | E. H. | FairField, Three Springs | 7EH and 29B, 105E | 1962 |
Hacusler | J. R. | Kweda Farm, Kweda | 8HG and 33D, 54F | 1962 |
Hacusler | M. McC. | Hay Loc. 2124, Perillup | 6MH and 39B, 9E | 1962 |
Hacusler | R. C. | Strathholme Wannamal | S4H and 84D, 32E | 1962 |
Hacusler | R. C. & M. M. | Koojan, Koojan | Y2P and 9D, 102E | 1962 |
Hadcroft & Woodward | - | Midland Junction, Copleys Siding, Robbs Jetty,11 James | V9N | 1924 |
Hadden | A. C. & M. R. | Lot 162, Wongan Hills | A5H and 28E, 40D | 1962 |
Hadden | G. J. | Roe Locs. 164, 160, Pingaring | H7J and 16D, 119E | 1962 |
Hadden | L. F. | Omeo, Pingaring | 3RN and 25B, 33A | 1962 |
Hadden | Oliver F. | Roe Location 639, Newdegate | 9YF | 1924 |
Hadden | R. T. | Axlegrease, Williams | J3G and 11B, 108E | 1962 |
Haddeton | W. & J. | Coompative, Katanning | 4HB | 1924 |
Haddleton | A. E. | Kent Locs. 331-332-889, 328, 329, 499, 327, Pingrup | 6HU and 9D, 47E | 1962 |
Haddleton | E. T. | Yairabin, Katanning | 2BH and 38A, 19B | 1962 |
Haddleton | I. J. | Rubena 5963, Mt Many Peaks Albany | 1HQ and 17C, 110E | 1962 |
Haddleton | J. C. | Coompatine, Katanning | Z9H and 39D, 56F | 1962 |
Haddleton | J. F. | Swanstones Hill, Katanning | Z9H | 1924 |
Haddleton | L. F. | Kartanarra, East Katanning | KD2 and 11A, 9B | 1962 |
Haddleton | T. G. | Kojonup Loc. 5665, Kojonup | 1HB and 21B, 113E | 1962 |