Barfield | W. H. | Bedalla, P. O. Jandakot | B9H | 1924 |
Barfoot | B. | (Stables) Gray Street, Leederville | NB7 | 1912 |
Barfoot | B. | (Stables), Gray Street, Leederville | NB7 | 1924 |
Barge | F. | Havienda, Gosnells | F6B and 10C, 106E | 1962 |
Barge | M. | Loc. Nos. 2478, 2479, Greenslops, Nillup, Via Karridale | 7BE | 1962 |
Barham | Thomas Edgar B. | Yilgarn Loc. 262, Westonia | QF9 | 1925 |
Barham | Wm. | Marble Bar | WW2 | 1924 |
Barham & Webb | H. & H. | The Glen, Nolba | OE1 | 1924 |
Bario | D. S. | Koj. Locs. 1549, 5395, 4091,8037, 1153, 2609, 2256, 2274, 2198, 8806, 2048, 582 Broomehill | DB7 and 28A, 26B | 1962 |
Bario | Domenico | Perengellup, Broomehill | DB7 | 1912 |
Bario | Domenico | Perengellup, Broomehill | DB7 | 1924 |
Bario | M. | White Hill Farm, Peringillup | B0M | 1912 |
Bario | M. C. | White Hill Farm, Peringillup | B0N | 1924 |
Bario Bros. | - | Lynwood Farm, Broomehill | B0M and 23B, 44A | 1962 |
Baristow | Ed. M. | Greenhill, Dumbleyung | 5EB | 1912 |
Baristow | Isaac | Woodside, Nippering | 0BN | 1912 |
Baristow | P. W. | Devon Dale, Nippering,Wagin | 3PB | 1912 |
Baristow | S.R. | Appello, Dumbleyung | 5SB and 17D, 114E | 1962 |
Baristow | W.F. | 6722, 7912,7911, 8831,8641,8640,8642 Dumbleyung | WB8 and 18B, 106E | 1962 |
Barker | A. | Loc. 8019, Pemberton | BA8 and 113D, 8E | 1962 |
Barker | B. | Vilers Brett, Pemberton | 7LF and 51F, 21D | 1962 |
Barker | C. T. | Brookbank, Albany | CT4 and 111D, 21E | 1962 |
Barker | D & O. M. | Well. Loc 594, 4225, Donnybrook | H3V and 17B, 116E | 1962 |
Barker | E. P. | Bloemfontcin, Kojonup | DLL | 1924 |
Barker | Ernest | Bridgetown Common, Bridgetown | 8NZ | 1926 |
Barker | F. | Loc. 452 Wellard | F5B and 35D, 57F | 1962 |
Barker | H. C. | Lynrooss, Gosnells | 8KB and 84A, 10C | 1962 |
Barker | H. M. & P. S. | Barramine, Port Hedland | V7X | 1924 |
Barker | J. | Vic. Loc. 5763, 7848, 9551 Butine | BD9 and 108E, 4B | 1962 |
Barker | J. R. | River Lea, E. Bunbury | RB5 and 38D, 40E | 1962 |
Barker | M. | Peelian, Wellard | XV8 and 115A, 104B | 1962 |
Barker | M. J. | Granville, Marchagee, Via Coorow | MB9 and 37B, 104E | 1962 |
Barker | Maurice | Roadside Box, Dowak, via Norseman | XV8 | 1925 |
Barker | T. J. | Coobar Loc. No. Hay 2060, Rocky Gully | 7TB and 28D, 110E | 1962 |
Barker | T. N. | Valley Farm, Maya | TB4 and 46C, 56F | 1962 |
Barker | Thomas N. | Valley Farm, Maya | TB4 | 1927 |
Barker | Wm. J. W. | Commonage, Busselton | U8O | 1924 |
Barker & Lefroy | - | Irrugully Station, via Onslow | LX3 | 1924 |
Barkla | Mrs Eva | The Wattles, Emu Hill | 0EV | 1924 |
Barletti | P. | Waterloo | PE8 | 1924 |
Barley | A. | Hamilton Road, Spearwood | A4Y | 1924 |
Barley | David | Wadderin, Narambeen | 4BU | 1924 |
Barlow | David | Redcliffe Farm, Nungarin | QT5 | 1925 |
Barlow | G. A. | Peak Hill, Peak Hill | L0W | 1912 |
Barlow | G. A. | Peak Hill, Peak Hill | L0W | 1924 |
Barlow | G. F. | 5927, 5425, 10108 Kweda | VN0 and 12C, 16A | 1962 |
Barlow | H. | Henley Park, Guildford | U6N | 1924 |
Barlow | M. A. A. & Hepworth M. L. | Belvidere, York | DH8 | 1912 |
Barlow | W. J. | Kurda, Brookton | VN0 | 1924 |
Barlow & Hepworth | M. A. A. & M. L. | Guildford | BH8 | 1924 |