WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
BarfieldW. H.Bedalla, P. O. JandakotB9H1924
BarfootB.(Stables) Gray Street, LeedervilleNB71912
BarfootB.(Stables), Gray Street, LeedervilleNB71924
BargeF.Havienda, GosnellsF6B and 10C, 106E1962
BargeM.Loc. Nos. 2478, 2479, Greenslops, Nillup, Via Karridale7BE1962
BarhamThomas Edgar B.Yilgarn Loc. 262, WestoniaQF91925
BarhamWm.Marble BarWW21924
Barham & WebbH. & H.The Glen, NolbaOE11924
BarioD. S.Koj. Locs. 1549, 5395, 4091,8037, 1153, 2609, 2256, 2274, 2198, 8806, 2048, 582 BroomehillDB7 and 28A, 26B1962
BarioDomenicoPerengellup, BroomehillDB71912
BarioDomenicoPerengellup, BroomehillDB71924
BarioM.White Hill Farm, PeringillupB0M1912
BarioM. C.White Hill Farm, PeringillupB0N1924
Bario Bros.-Lynwood Farm, BroomehillB0M and 23B, 44A1962
BaristowEd. M.Greenhill, Dumbleyung5EB1912
BaristowIsaacWoodside, Nippering0BN1912
BaristowP. W.Devon Dale, Nippering,Wagin3PB1912
BaristowS.R.Appello, Dumbleyung5SB and 17D, 114E1962
BaristowW.F.6722, 7912,7911, 8831,8641,8640,8642 DumbleyungWB8 and 18B, 106E1962
BarkerA.Loc. 8019, PembertonBA8 and 113D, 8E1962
BarkerB.Vilers Brett, Pemberton7LF and 51F, 21D1962
BarkerC. T.Brookbank, AlbanyCT4 and 111D, 21E1962
BarkerD & O. M.Well. Loc 594, 4225, DonnybrookH3V and 17B, 116E1962
BarkerE. P.Bloemfontcin, KojonupDLL1924
BarkerErnestBridgetown Common, Bridgetown8NZ1926
BarkerF.Loc. 452 WellardF5B and 35D, 57F1962
BarkerH. C.Lynrooss, Gosnells8KB and 84A, 10C1962
BarkerH. M. & P. S.Barramine, Port HedlandV7X1924
BarkerJ.Vic. Loc. 5763, 7848, 9551 ButineBD9 and 108E, 4B1962
BarkerJ. R.River Lea, E. BunburyRB5 and 38D, 40E1962
BarkerM.Peelian, WellardXV8 and 115A, 104B1962
BarkerM. J.Granville, Marchagee, Via CoorowMB9 and 37B, 104E1962
BarkerMauriceRoadside Box, Dowak, via NorsemanXV81925
BarkerT. J.Coobar Loc. No. Hay 2060, Rocky Gully7TB and 28D, 110E1962
BarkerT. N.Valley Farm, MayaTB4 and 46C, 56F1962
BarkerThomas N.Valley Farm, MayaTB41927
BarkerWm. J. W.Commonage, BusseltonU8O1924
Barker & Lefroy-Irrugully Station, via OnslowLX31924
BarklaMrs EvaThe Wattles, Emu Hill0EV1924
BarleyA.Hamilton Road, SpearwoodA4Y1924
BarleyDavidWadderin, Narambeen4BU1924
BarlowDavidRedcliffe Farm, NungarinQT51925
BarlowG. A.Peak Hill, Peak HillL0W1912
BarlowG. A.Peak Hill, Peak HillL0W1924
BarlowG. F.5927, 5425, 10108 KwedaVN0 and 12C, 16A1962
BarlowH.Henley Park, GuildfordU6N1924
BarlowM. A. A. & Hepworth M. L.Belvidere, YorkDH81912
BarlowW. J.Kurda, BrooktonVN01924
Barlow & HepworthM. A. A. & M. L.GuildfordBH81924