WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
NichollsE. V.Broma, CorriginEN0 and 50E, 36B1962
NichollsF. W. & S. M.Kwindara, Mt. Kokeby8NK and 54F, 2C1962
NichollsFredk. HerbertTrelawny, KellerberrinN7K1924
NichollsHatherlyOld Tillellan, Arthur River0HP1928
NichollsJ. B.Chitibin, CorriginJ1N and 18D, 9E1962
NichollsJ. W. & V. I.Waverin Loc. 3957, NambanJV9 and 84B, 30A1962
NichollsL. N.Kwindara, Pantapin, via YorkNK81924
NichollsN. & W.Tresillian, Doodlakine1NB1962
NichollsR.Locs. 1675 and 1670, DalwallinuR0N1924
NichollsR. Sketchley Farm, DalwallinuK1N and 44B, 20E1962
NichollsRobt.Kondinin Grange, c/o Mr. Jones, Koorakin, WickepinRN51924
NichollsS & C. M.Greenhills, Nomans LakeN3S and 34A, 29B1962
NichollsW.Dairy, Cannington1NY1924
NichollsW. H.Wilbo, Lake DarlotG7G1926
NichollsW. J.Mt. Royal, NarroginJ1N1912
NichollsW. J.Mt. Royal, NarroginJ1N1924
NichollsWm. HurkeMelita, Malcolm1UQ1924
Nicholls & Co.F. H.Trelawny, KellerberrinN7K and 3B, 44A1962
Nicholls & SonJ. F. H.Thornton, DoodlakineJN7 and 28E, 48D1962
NicholsAndrewBunbury Street, CollieNA51924
NicholsF. A.S/O Lease 7/151, MarradongN7F1924
NicholsF. A.Spring Hill, MarradongN7F and 60F, 13E1962
NicholsF. G. C.Camballing, MarradongFN6 and 36D, 42E1962
NicholsG. B. & W. R.Sherwood Station, MeekatharraGN4 and 14C, 8E1962
NicholsGeo. K.Kinsella, Day DawnGN41912
NicholsH. G.Blocks 18594/55, 4978/68, MarradongHN21912
NicholsH. G.Fern Brook and Red Hill, MarradongHN2 and 10C, 19E and HN2 (Nose)1962
NicholsH. J.Sussex Loc. 1641, Forest Grove6FW1962
NicholsH.G.Blocks 18594/55, 4978/68, MarradongHN21924
NicholsM.Avon Loc. Nos. 13962, 24019, 14000, 23049, 19272, BurracoppinMN7 and 27A, 34B1962
NicholsM. G.The Crescent Loc. 20A, Helena ValleyN0V and 27B, 36E1962
NicholsMary Annie E.Sherwood Station, MeekatharraGN41924
NicholsS. M.Koobelup, KatanningS1N1962
NicholsV. A.Laureldeen Loc. 13860, MarradongV6N and 26B, 110E1962
Nichols & Dunn-Kamoruka, PinjarraN1D1912
Nichols & Dunn-Kameruka, PinjarraN1D1924
Nichols & SonR. B.Woondin, Kulin1NR and 102B, 20E1962
NicholsonC.The Hills Loc. 2567, CookernupCN1 and 24B, 36E1962
NicholsonChas.The Hills, CookernupCN11912
NicholsonChas.The Hills, CookerupCN11924
NicholsonDonaldWoolamai, DardanupO2V1924
NicholsonE.Rose Hill Farm, MourambineEN11912
NicholsonE.Rose Hill Farm, MourambineEN11924
NicholsonE. J. H.Wissanger, West SwanEN01912
NicholsonEdmund J. H.Moocarrama, Moora6YX1925
NicholsonJ. & R. W.Harly Farm, Mt. Kokeby E.X1N1924
NicholsonJohn R.Glenora, West Collie1JN1912
NicholsonJohn R.Glenora, West Collie1JN1924
NicholsonK. R. L. & M. R.397, 723, Yallingup7DH and 58F, 34B1962
NicholsonP. G.Springfield, Torbay7PN and 13B, 47A1962