WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
WansbroughC. A. & S.Morrell Dale, East BeverleyW3W1924
WansbroughE. C. Morrell Dale, BeverleyW3W and 22C, 55F1962
WansbroughG. M.White Lake Farm, County Peak, Beverley8MW1912
WansbroughG. M.White Lake Farm, County Peak, Beverley8MW1924
WansbroughH. V. & S. E. M.Karlmunging, BeverleyS9V and 58F, 37B 1962
WansbroughMary A.Sunny Hill Farm, Barret Street, YorkNA11924
WansbroughR. M. White Lakes, Beverley8MW and 35B, 21A1962
WansbroughS. V.Jacobs WellS9V1924
Wansbrough & Sons J. M.Munguducking, Beverley1GA and 30D, 35E1962
WantG. A.A464 (o) W.S.L.S. Bindi Bindi,GW4 and 26B, 107A1962
Want & SonI.C527,2093,572,888,895,818,899,200,2131,2123 KarlgarinW6U and 34C, 110E1962
War Service Land Settlement-Waddi, Carnamah J1W and 6B, 46E1962
War Service Land Settlement-Projects Enneabba, Gardiner River, Jerramungup, Denbarker, Eneabba, Gardiner River, Jerramungup, DenbarkerL/|\S and 44E, 44D1962
Waralee Dairying Co.-Waralee, Coolup0PF and 17D, 103E1962
Warambie Pastoral Co.-Warambie and Inthunana Stations, RoebourneKM5 and 11C, 14A1962
WarburtonA.Swan 1310 Lots 66-8, StonevilleAW6 and 33B, 18E1962
WarburtonA. E.Balgarrup, Kojonup, Bokarup, WarrenAE21912
WarburtonA. E.Balgarrup, Kojonup; Bokarnup, WarrenAE21924
WarburtonA. E.Euretta, Locs. 8413,4144,2970,6716,7063 KojonupEW5 and 13C, 50E 1962
WarburtonA. S.Dalkeith, BrunswickAW41926
WarburtonA.& D. E.Roselie, KendenupX2W and 44B, 23E1962
WarburtonAgnus E.Balbarrup, KojonupEW51912
WarburtonAngus E.Balbarrup, KojonupEW51924
WarburtonD. E.141 and 247, KendenupKK4 and 4B, 103E1962
WarburtonE. E.Ongerup, Mt. BarkerEE91912
WarburtonE. E.Ongerup, Mt BarkerEE91924
WarburtonF. G.Egerton, Windamere, P.O., NarroginQG41925
WarburtonG. E. E.Balgarrup, Kojonup5EO1912
WarburtonG. E. E.Balgarrup, Kojonup5EO1924
WarburtonG. Grey (Executors of)Yerinnup, via CranbrookEW01924
WarburtonG. Grey E.Yeriminup, CranbrookEW01912
WarburtonH.Satara, NangeenanWN81912
WarburtonH.Satara, NangeenanWN81924
WarburtonH. E.St. Werburgh`s and Pootenup, Mt. BarkerEW81912
WarburtonH. E.St. Werburgh's and Pootenup, Mt BarkerEW81924
WarburtonIs. M.Royston, Brunswick JunctionN8U1924
WarburtonJ. A.Arrandale, Manjimup XY51962
WarburtonJ. E.Nelson Loc. 5162, Jardee UW31962
WarburtonJohn Leb. E.St. Werburgh's and Pootenup Runs, Mt Barker8EN1924
WarburtonP. EgertonBlackwood Park, BridgetownOE51924
WarburtonP.E. (Jnr)Mausdale, PingellyPW3 and 34C, 105A1962
WarburtonPhillip E.Noombling, via pingellyPU91924
WarburtonR. E.Brackenhurst, BridgetownE4W1912
WarburtonR. E.Stonyhurst, WilliamsON21912
WarburtonR. E.Brackenhurst, BridgetownE4W1924
WarburtonR. E.Stoneyhurst, WilliamsON21924
WarburtonR.H.EWoolareen, KojonupVE5 and 19C, 41E1962
WarburtonReg. H. E.Balganup, KojonupVE51924
WarburtonRegd. H. E.Balganup, KojonupVE51912
Warburton & Pedler-The Ranch, West PopanyinningTF0 and 33C, 36A 1962