Barnes | T. | Loc. 13717, Doodlakine | 2TB and 23D, 37E | 1962 |
Barnes | T. C. | Block 774 / 74, Kellerberrin | B6T | 1912 |
Barnes | T. C. | Block 744/74, Kellerberrin | B6T | 1924 |
Barnes | W. K. | Red Hill, Benger | 8AU and 19A, 2C | 1962 |
Barnes | W. T. | Kimberley Division, Hall's Creak | W7B | 1912 |
Barnes | W. T. | Kimberley Division, Hall's Creek | W7B | 1924 |
Barnes | Wm. H. | Barnes Farm, Dudinin | W2U | 1924 |
Barnes & Cosson | - | Location 10903, Springhurst Mail, East Wagin | SN8 | 1924 |
Barnes & Sons | J. | Oxendale, Yelbeni | 0XN and 8D, 39E | 1962 |
Barnes & Sons | O. J. | Locs. 5533,5534, 7436 Gutha | B8N and 17C, 50A | 1962 |
Barnes Bros. | - | Watlington, Balbarrup | U7L | 1912 |
Barnes Bros. | - | Woollaminga Station, Derby | X1R | 1924 |
Barnesby | J. A. | Plantagenet Location 1195, Kalgan River, via Mount Barker | N8V | 1924 |
Barness | Ben. J. | Lot 6204, Nyabing | B2V | 1924 |
Barness | Mrs W. A. Pauline | Pemberton, via Bridgetown | ZF7 | 1924 |
Barnett | A. H. B. | Mooradale and Tarradale, Moora | 3BB | 1912 |
Barnett | A. H. B. | Mooradale and Tarradale, Moora | 3BB | 1924 |
Barnett | H. C. | Roebourne Townsite, Roebourne | HB1 | 1912 |
Barnett | H. C. | Roebourne Townsite, Roebourne | HB1 | 1924 |
Barnett | J. G & M. J. | Coogee, Mt Barker | J6B and 15D, 17E | 1962 |
Barnett | R. B & N .F. | Wilyama, Aldersyde | 0AH and 2C, 38E | 1962 |
Barnett | T. | Coogee, Mt Barker | 5YB and 19D, 21E | 1962 |
Barnett | T. H. | Sussex Loc. 2080, Cowaramup | F4N | 1962 |
Barnett | Thos. | Own Farm, Quangelup Mail | 5YD | 1924 |
Barnett & Sons | L. E. | Seven - Oaks, Walgoolan | L1B and 12B, 43A | 1962 |
Barnfather | W. G. | Pastoral Lease 395 and 990, Wiluna | W2B | 1962 |
Barnlett | James H. C. | Frogmore, Kelmscott | 3OA | 1924 |
Barnong Pty Ltd | - | Barnong, Wurarga | 3CM and 2C, 5E | 1962 |
Barnsby | Horace C. | Location 8962, Pemberton, Barronhurst, Pemberton | H2B | 1928 |
Barnsley | E. B. | Avon Loc. 1180 & port. of each 1178- 77, Beverley | 2BE and 32B, 119E | 1962 |
Barnsley | J. W. | Winster, Kendenup | 2XB and 33A, 14C | 1962 |
Barom & Mahomed Afze | - | Mt. Sir Samuel | 5AL | 1912 |
Baron | B. E. | Perseverance Loc. 9047 Dixvale, via Manjimup | UB5 | 1962 |
Baron | Mrs Emily | 241 Marmion Street, Cottesloe | O9B | 1924 |
Baron & Mahomed Afze | - | Mt. Sir Samuel | 5AL | 1924 |
Baron - Hay | G. K. | 23 Mahogany Creek, Mahogany Creek | 7BH and 47B, 24A | 1962 |
Baron - Hay | J. A. | Nyrup, Wagerup | 9RY and 48E, 114B | 1962 |
Baron-Hay & Walker | A. L. | Fern Hollow, Manjimup | 9RY | 1924 |
Barr | A. D. | Blocks 7244/56, 6889/56, 2745/55, Baandee | BA6 | 1912 |
Barr | A. D. | Blocks 7244/56, 6889/56, 2745/55, Baandee | BA6 | 1924 |
Barr | A. J. | Plant. 4437, 3366, 5065 Tambellup | 2BA and 13B, 49A | 1962 |
Barr | Alick | Radio G.M. Lease, Bullfinch | B9V | 1924 |
Barr | B. D & B . I. | Rockway, Shackleton | B7B and 12A, 4B | 1962 |
Barr | C. M & C. K. | Robin Downs, Esperance | DB3 and 39E, 13D | 1962 |
Barr | D. P. | Ridgeway, Shackleton | PB4 and 15D, 35E | 1962 |
Barr | David M. | C. P. Lease, 539-56, Doodlakine | DB3 | 1912 |
Barr | David M. | C. P. Lease 539/56, Doodlakine | DB3 | 1924 |
Barr | G. | Rocklands & Barrhead, Quairading | VY1 and 21C, 39E | 1962 |
Barr | G. W. | Malleevale, Morawa | B3B and 105A, 23B | 1962 |
Barr | James | Badjaling, Quairading | 8JB | 1924 |