WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
ThomasM. JaneFernvale, Capel5JJ1924
ThomasM. L.Cocanarup, RavensthorpeM7T and 21B, 17E1962
ThomasM. W.Coly Farm, Tingledale, via Denmark9SA and 117D, 9E1962
ThomasM.D.Moondine, MooraMT21912
ThomasMarthaCommonage, RoebourneMT11912
ThomasMarthaCommonage, RoebourneMT11924
ThomasMaryRiverina, CapelMA21912
ThomasMaryRiverina, CapelMA21924
ThomasP.W. & P. J.6104-5, Mullewa8PT and 9B, 3E1962
ThomasPercyWoodstock, Pt. HedlandQ4N1924
ThomasR.Arrowdale, South KummininRT4 and 20B, 116A1962
ThomasR. A.Hay 2169, DenbarkerTT8 and 114B, 27A1962
ThomasR. C.Hill View Dairy, Karnup, Peel EstateD1T and 11C, 41E1962
ThomasR. E.Birtley Farm, BaandeeR6T1924
ThomasR. G.Glenmore, GreenhillsR0T1928
ThomasR. H.Denry Dale, East PingellyRT4 and 44B, 34A1962
ThomasR. L.Loc. 1862, Kronkup, Albany1CT and 14B, 27A1962
ThomasR. N.1440, 2225, Biroomba, Hyden2RN and 118B, 30A1962
ThomasR. P.Perup River, ManjimupTV61924
ThomasRoy & CleveLease Perup River, Manjimup9TY1924
ThomasS.396/724, Halls Creek7UT and 21B, 67A1962
ThomasSaml. J.Green Valley7JT1912
ThomasSamuel J.Green Valley, Northampton7JT1924
ThomasT. PharoahLot 247, Centre St., Queen's Park8OT1924
ThomasTheo.Hope Valley, RockinghamNT01924
ThomasThos.Lake Hinds, Wongan HillsTZ91924
ThomasW. Bundiwarra Farm, Maya0NX and 21D, 115E1962
ThomasW. 1086, Ballidu6XT and 21D, 49E1962
ThomasW. D. M.Carmathen Farm, DowerinTZ9 and 39B, 106A1962
ThomasW. E.Austerlin, BroomhillWT51912
ThomasW. E.Austrelin, BroomehillWT51924
ThomasW. G.Riverview Farm, Camballing, MarradongWU91924
ThomasW. H.Kentucky Stud, Serpentine1TX1962
ThomasW. J.Thomaston, Carbarup Siding, near Mt. BarkerTN31924
ThomasW. J.Gum Creek, MullewaU7T1924
ThomasW. J. Kent 1030, 1423-4, PingrupW2T and 29B, 27A1962
ThomasW. J. & E. M.Peel Estate Lots 743, 744-5, 1003, 1010-1-4-9, 1012-3-5, Peel EstateWJ0 and 38C, 120E1962
ThomasW. J. A.Ravenswood Farm, PinjarraT0S and 13D, 57F1962
ThomasW. R. B.P.L. Ord River, Halls Creek9RE1912
ThomasW. R. B.P.L. Ord Riveer, Hall's Creek9RE1924
ThomasW. R. L.Lilydale, Mt. BarkerT4V1962
ThomasW.GRiverview Farm, Camballing MarradongWU91912
ThomasW.R.BP.L., Ord River, Hall's Creek9RE1912
ThomasWilfredBindwarra Farm, Maya Siding0NX1924
ThomasWilliamEthelvale, KulyalingW6T1912
ThomasWm.Thomas Fram, KatanningUT91912
ThomasWm.Avon Loc. 62, Cowcowering3NT1924
ThomasWm.Loc. 1086, Ballidu6XT1924