WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
ThompsonK. D. & L. B.Ninghan Loc. 1389, 1402, BurakinRT7 and 26D, 45E1962
ThompsonK. G. & T. G.Brookdale, WaginK4G and 37D, 35E1962
ThompsonL. A.Sussex 1597, Bramley, via Margaret RiverL2T and 56F, 112D1962
ThompsonL. H.Beatinine, GeraldtonZX71924
ThompsonL. O'C.Chitta and Grass Valley, MooliabeeneePT7 and 18D, 19E1962
ThompsonL. W. P.Granite Ridge, MooliabeeneePT5 and 21B, 34A1962
ThompsonM. J.Spring Mount, Mooliabeenee5TJ1924
ThompsonM. J.Mukinbudin8NT1924
ThompsonM.J.Spring Mount, Mooliabeenee5TJ1912
ThompsonMabel JaneWoodlands, OakageeLT61924
ThompsonMarble. JaneWoodlands, OakageeLT61912
ThompsonMinnie F.Lots 19 & 20, RoleystoneO9F1924
ThompsonMiss M. M.Mount View, Arthur RiverMT61924
ThompsonMiss M.M.Mount View, Arthur RiverMT61912
ThompsonP. J.Green Valley, BindoonPT71924
ThompsonP.J.Green Valley, BindoonPT71912
ThompsonR.Eldrene, Georgina LandingRT51912
ThompsonR.Blocks 22171/55, 6788/56, KwollyinnRT71912
ThompsonR.Locheal Farm, EjandingXZ01924
ThompsonR.Ayesgarth, Coolup5RT1962
ThompsonR.Bettina Downs, Pinjarra8RT1962
ThompsonR. & J.Sussex Locs. 1026, 1024, WitchcliffeRG5 and 40D, 34E1962
ThompsonR. A.Sussex No. 4014, Karridale3ZD and 43B, 32E1962
ThompsonR. E. S.Red Gums, West Brookton1RT and 21B, 118A1962
ThompsonR. F. N.East Arthur, Arthur RiverF3T and 9B, 21E1962
ThompsonR. JEast BeverleyRT21912
ThompsonR. J.East BeverleyRT21924
ThompsonR. W.Lot 2115, Melbourne District, WatherooR4T1924
ThompsonR. W.18680, 18674, KondininTX0 and 37C, 118A1962
ThompsonR.W.Lot 2115 Melbourne District, WatherooR4T1912
ThompsonRose A.Thompson's Farm, BurracoppinR8T1924
ThompsonRose. A.Thompson's Farm, BurracoppinR8T1912
ThompsonS. G.Lochaver, TambellupT1J1924
ThompsonS. J.Rosedale, DoodlakineTS0 and 43B, 26A1962
ThompsonS. T. J.Rock Field, WaginJ9T and 21D, 6E1962
ThompsonS.G.Lochaver, TambellupT1J1912
ThompsonSarahOakabella, Geraldon1ST1912
ThompsonSarahOakabella, Geraldton1ST1924
ThompsonStephen J.Khandallah, Burke's Siding5ZT1924
ThompsonTThompson's Farm, MoodiarrupT0N1912
ThompsonT.Thompson"s Farm, MoodiarrupT0N1924
ThompsonT. B.Wattle Park, Moodiarrup6FT1924
ThompsonT. W.Allendale, West Wagin7WT and 46B, 24A1962
ThompsonT.B.Wattle Park, Moodiarrup6FT1912
ThompsonV. G.Loc. 783, Margaret River6AR1962
ThompsonW. A.Split Rock, Marble Bar8ZR1924
ThompsonW. H.Blocks 9170, 12619, 12620 Tellenning via QuairadingT5W1912
ThompsonWilliamWingate Farm, HamelT3O1912
ThompsonWm.Forest Grove, Wagin East2WT1912
ThompsonWm.Wyvern, East NarroginW3T1912