Kane | Margaret | Greenough Road, Geraldton | KN0 | 1912 |
Kane | Margaret | Greenough Road, via Geraldton | KN0 | 1924 |
Kannegiesser | Kurt | Manjimup | K6K | 1924 |
Kanny | B. A. | Nelson Loc. 1122, Glenpennant, Manjimup | X9D and 118D, 112E | 1962 |
Kanny | F. K. | Nelson 1497, Manjimup | K6K and 47B, 47E | 1962 |
Kanny | P. | Glengarran, Manjimup | W8B and 44C, 84E | 1962 |
Kanzler | E. W. | Murray Loc. 3, Pinjarra | E2K | 1962 |
Kanzler | M. E. | Sandridge Farm, Harvey | 4MK | 1912 |
Kanzler | M. E. | Sandridge Farm, Harvey | 4MK | 1924 |
Kapor | I. | 6895, Morowa | 7KM and 14C, 110A | 1962 |
Kapor | J. | Vic. Loc. 4526, and 7363, Morowa | EK8 and 7B, 33A | 1962 |
Karafil | G. | Bushey Park, Marradong | GK7 and 29B, 5A | 1962 |
Karafilis | C. & S. | 10977/8, Bridgetown | 6CT and 50B, 67A | 1962 |
Karafilis | C. & S. | 10977/8, Bridgetown | 6UT and 50B, 67A | 1962 |
Karafilis & Son | V. | Nelson 7163, 6672, 7263, 7264, 1108, 9790, Bridgetown | VK7 and 5A 8B | 1962 |
Karafilis & Son | V. | Nelson 7163, 6672, 7263, 7264, 1108, 9790, Bridgetown | VK7 and 5A, 8B | 1962 |
Kareen | Khan | Commonage, Wiluna | KK3 | 1912 |
Kareen Khan | - | Commonage, Wiluna | KK3 | 1924 |
Karger | V. M. | 623, Esperance | OK4 and 22B, 20E | 1962 |
Kargotich | John | Group 30, Oakford, Byford | 1JK | 1926 |
Kargotich | P. | Locs. 214-5-6-7, 699, 256, 1256, Byford | 1JK and 33C, 108A | 1962 |
Kargotich & Orton | P. & J. F. | Serpentine A.A. 33 and 34 P and B 214-5-6-7, 2156, 699, 256, Byford | K3O and 30B, 3E | 1962 |
Karifilis | C. | Emu Spring, Nelson Loc. 5290, Bridgetown | NK4 | 1962 |
Karkovsky | Clement | Kolin, Narrogin | C7K | 1912 |
Karloo Grazing Co. | - | Karloo, Geraldton | K5G and 19E, 36B | 1962 |
Karlovsky | Clement | Kolin, Narrogin | C7K | 1924 |
Karney | J. | (Drover), Gascoyne | N2Y | 1912 |
Karney | J. | (Drover), Clifton Downs, Gascoyne | N2Y | 1924 |
Karonie Downs Pastoral Co. | - | Karonie, via Kalgoorlie | K1U | 1924 |
Karraloo | - | Karraloo, Korbel | 6KL and 45A, 25B | 1962 |
Karrum & Murrad | - | Port Hedland | K7M | 1912 |
Karrum & Murrad | - | Port Hedland | K7M | 1924 |
Kasten | B. | Mays, Ptn. Wellington Loc. 1 lot 2, subdivision 28, Brunswick Junction | BK7 and 44B, 47E | 1962 |
Kasten | C. J. | Kenton, Brunswick Junction | 4VK | 1962 |
Kathallan Grazing Co. | - | Kathallan, Williams | K7G and 15B, 12E | 1962 |
Kau | A. H. | Parkdale, Yarloop | 9NX and 38B, 45E | 1962 |
Kau | H. F. C. | Meadow Dale, Coorow | F5K and 45C, 21A | 1962 |
Kau | L. H. & B. L. | Valley Farm, Narembeen | L2K and 56F, 1C | 1962 |
Kauffmann | J. E. | Lukin Spring, Bridgetown | 9TE | 1912 |
Kauffmann | J. E. | Lukin Spring, Bridgetown | 9TE | 1924 |
Kavanagh | Martin Terence | Avon Locs. 10694, etc, Jacob's Well | 4TV | 1924 |
Kavanagh | T. | Lester Street, Leederville | K4T | 1924 |
Kay | A. | K Farm, Bindoon | AK1 and 7A, 6B | 1962 |
Kay | A. A. | Swan loc. 1371, Bindoon | P7K and 104A, 48B | 1962 |
Kay | C. H. | Locs. 9927, 9928, Harrismith | KH0 and 84A, 47B | 1962 |
Kay | C. J. | Holcombe, Baandee | KJ6 and 22C, 16E | 1962 |
Kay | Chas. Ibbotson | Walyurin, Wickepin | K3Y | 1924 |
Kay | F. | Sunnyhurst, Balbarrup | FK1 | 1912 |
Kay | F. | Sunnyhurst, Balbarrup | FK1 | 1924 |
Kay | John | Ousedale, Bindoon | JK8 | 1912 |