WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
RiegertH. L.Harvey A.A. 102-3, Yarloop4LH and 6C, 22B1962
RiegertJ. M.SummerFields and Laguna Vista, Yarloop and EsperanceR5T and 17C, 117E1962
RietcherC. H.Woodbourne, Bullock Hills5CR1924
RieussetP. S.Avon 18361-6, Narembeen2PR and 6B, 49E1962
RieussetR. & L.Cornucopia and Byrine, Narembeen and Mundaring0RL and 13C, 107A1962
RigbyH.Homelands, Avon 23423 and 19891, YealeringXR2 and 16C, 119A1962
RigbyK. J. & L. D.Harridale, Yealering7KR and 117B, 11A1962
RigbyT.18538, BulyeeT4R and 33C, 49A1962
RigbyW. H.Forrest Street, CollieR9M1912
RigbyW. H.Forrest Street, CollieR9M1924
RiggG. E.52-3, HarveyER8 and 9B, 43E1962
RiggH.Blocks 9, 2324, Wellington Loc. 51, WokalupMR3 and 116B 7A1962
RiggHerbert W.Wokalup, WokalupMR31912
RiggHerbert W.WokalupMR31924
Rigg & SonsJohnNorning, via WanderingJR91912
Rigg & SonsJohnNorning, via WanderingJR91924
RiggsH. A.Plantagenet 886, 5423, 2023, Childlows 2407-8, AlbanyRZ1 and 9B, 71E1962
RighettiFrederickGarden Wall, CueR1F1912
RighettiFredk.Garden Well, CueR1F1924
RignallRobertStony Creek, Yalup BrookRR61912
RigollL.Horseshoe Farm, WickepinLR51924
RigollLeonardHorseshoe Farm, WickepinLR51912
RigollR. N. J.The Grove, MundijongR4Q1924
RiisingK. M.Yenla, NorthcliffeM8K and 51F, 118D1962
RiisingN. B.Wellington Locs. 2450, 1454, 3689, 2915, 3839, Donnybrook2NR and 111B, 80A1962
Rijnhart & SonD. & T.15974. 25281, 27053, MeckeringD0R and 34B, 115E1962
RileyB. L.Avon Locs. 11875, 11941, TrayningBR4 and 46D, 109E1962
RileyEric M.Quarragarra, Moora0NR1924
RileyErnest Geo.Pollelli Station, NannineZX31924
RileyF. A.Yilgarn Loc. 165, WestoniaZY51924
RileyF. C.167, 201, Collie CardiffRY3 and 3D, 12E1962
RileyF. F.Avon Locs 14492 19540, BabakinFR6 and 45C, 29A1962
RileyH. F.Glen Ellen, Babakin2NM and 32B, 107A1962
RileyH. S.Longwood, Trayning6HS and 11B, 26E1962
RileyJ, V.6 Robinson Street, GinginJV71912
RileyJ. H.Avon Locs. 11914, 2452-3, 11893, 11900, TrayningJ4R and 2C, 107A1962
RileyJ. V.6 Robinson Street, GinginJV71924
RileyJ. V.Locs. 347, 2432, GinginJV71962
RileyJohnWhitecliffs, Wongan Hills0RJ1912
RileyJohnWhite Cliffs, Wongan Hills0RJ1924
RileyJohn FrancisLoc. 15060, KondininR5X1924
RileyL. B.The Grove, Avon Loc. 11909, TrayningL1R and 102D, 24E1962
RileyL. B., Shelton, W. O., Dann, H. G.,Shelton, M. A.The Grove, Kodj KodjinL1R1912
RileyR.Ellendale, Taylor's Wall, Pingelly3RR1912
RileyR.Ellendale, Taylor's Well, Pingelly3RR1924
RileyW. A.Juvalyn, GosnellsW8R and 49C, 50E1962
RileyWm. A.Burleith Farm, DandalupW8R1912
RileyWm. A.Burleith Farm, DandalupW8R1924
Riley & McDonald-Trevallyn, WannerooRM01912