WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
JonesJ. B.West Dale, BeverleyJJ71924
JonesJ. E.West Court, Kojonup9UJ and 13C, 3A1962
JonesJ. E. & T.Bailup, Wooroloo7FJ and 10C, 9E1962
JonesJ. G.Borontha, DowerinGJ0 and 110D, 51F1962
JonesJ. H.Day Dawn, Day DawnHJ91912
JonesJ. M.Loc. 20089, 22163, 20329, 24742, 24757, BabakinJ8J and 30A, 22B1962
JonesJ. M. (Mrs)Nabappie and Turipa, CoorowMJ7 and 43D, 80E1962
JonesJ. R.Geeralling Farm, NarroginJ4J and 26D, 18E1962
JonesJ. R.Nelson Loc. 9033, 9178, ManjimupXK91962
JonesJ. S. & A.Draycott, ShackletonJJ01962
JonesJ. T.Lime Lake, Wagin8FB1928
JonesJ. W.Marfield, East PingellyE3J and 33A, 29B1962
JonesJamesAvon Loc. 14505, Geeralin, East Wickepin4JQ1924
JonesJames A.The Springs, (Wanneroo), Belmont Avenue (Belmont)Z1J1924
JonesJames ElworthyLoc. 4128, Kojonup9UJ1924
JonesJames G.Ejanding, via Dowerin5JU1924
JonesJames VigorsCommonage, GinginVJ71912
JonesJames VigorsCommonage, -----VJ71924
JonesJas.Booyardie, Mt. MagnetJO01912
JonesJas.Booyardie, Mt. MagnetJO01924
JonesJeremiah JohnGlenrowan, BenderingZ3J1924
JonesJohannaHomestead Lease, Bullfinch9NJ1924
JonesJohannaRosebank Farm, TutunupO9Y1925
JonesJohnBelalie, Ejanding via DowerinJ041912
JonesJohnNinghan Loc. 2040, Lake Margaret, via Koorda9NZ1924
JonesJohnBelalie, Ejanding, via DowerinJO41924
JonesJohn E.Marfield, E. PingellyE3J1924
JonesJohn IsaacKulin, via WickepinU0J1924
JonesJohn LeslieNelson Loc. 6110, Newtown, BusseltonG9Q1925
JonesJohn S.Greenbushes, GreenbushesJ0J1912
JonesJohn S.GreenbushesJ0J1924
JonesJohn Wm.Dumpling Gully Bush, GreenbushesOJ31924
JonesJosephH. Farm 7688/74, NarroginJ6J1912
JonesJosephH. Farm 7688/74, NarroginJ6J1924
JonesJosephBloy Farm, WalkawayQO11924
JonesJoseph E.Silver Court, c/o. Pemberton P.O.J9J1926
JonesK. E. & A. E.Muteroo, MooraEJ7 and 13D, 41E1962
JonesK. S.Avon 14108,14090, 14113, Mukinbudin4KJ and 84D, 48E1962
JonesK. T.Wattle Farm, Bruce RockPG1 and 31A, 19B1962
JonesK. T.Wattle Farm, Bruce RockRG1 and 31A, 19B1962
JonesL.Nembudding, Wyalkatchem2LJ and 31B, 120E1962
JonesL.Avon Locs. 3459, 21532, 4871, Pt. 4940, Talbot, via York6TJ and 27D, 9E1962
JonesL. & D.Sunnyside, MukinbudinLJ0 and 27D, 43E1962
JonesL. & T.Part 4, 5, 6 Loc. 8, KojonupLT6 and 117B, 8A1962
JonesL. C.Yambellup, Mt. Barker1JZ1912
JonesL. C.Yambellup, Mt. Barker1JZ1924