WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
DowerSamuelEbsworth Street, Mt. Lawley7SD1912
DowerSamuelEbsworth Street, Mt. Lawley7SD1924
DowerW. K.Avon Locs. 18848 & 19694-7-8, KulinKD5 and 32D, 71E1962
DowieD.Michalrup Loc. 2706, Boyup BrookDD6 and 20B, 15E1962
DowieDavidBull's Head, Upper BlackwoodDD61912
DowieDavidBulls Head, Upper BlackDD61924
DowieJ. E.DalwallinuOD81924
DowieJ. O. & D. M.Loc. 1910-1911, DalwallinuOD8 and 31D, 40E1962
DowieJohn MuirAshfield Farm, WubinK5X1925
DowleyJ. E. P.Golden Gleam, Chittering, via MucheaP3D and 46A, 45C1962
DowleyJas. E.Mayfield, GreenbushesE3D1912
DowleyJas. E.Mayfield, GreenbushesE3D1924
DowlingG. G.Clonmel, Rocky Gully, via Mt. Barker0XD and 39E, 39D1962
DowlingJeanieWongee, PopanyinningJD11927
DowlingR. W.Wongee, PopanyinningJD1 and 109B, 33A1962
DowlingS. T.Panta Downs, DerbyST2 and 114A, 50B1962
Dowling & Haydock-Marramucking Farm, East NarroginX5D1924
DownK. P & H. M.3499 and 3643 (Melb.), Bindi BindiKD6 and 48D, 104E1962
DownardT. G.CoudonX0P1962
DowneL. F.Glencairn, Margaret RiverGN1 and 23E, 14D1962
DownerH. T. C.Wattle Park, PerenjoriOD4 and 16C, 25E1962
DownerHenry W.Loc. 4785, PerenjoriOD41924
DownerJohn H.Morialta, Broome Hill East9DR1924
DownerW. S. C.Perenjori Park, PerenjoriD0E and 18B, 119E1962
Downer & Downer-Monalta, Broomehill9DR and 5B, 112E1962
Downes-Green Grove, DongaraDT31924
DownesE.Eneahha, ArrinoTX11912
DownesE.Eucahha, ArrinoTX11924
DownesE. A.Green Grove, Dongarra5AD1912
DownesE. A.Green Grove, Dongara5AD1924
DownesE. W. G.Lot 877, Albany0FW and 3C, 111E1962
DownesF. C. L.Meadow Brook, YandanookaFD1 and 6B, 17E1962
DownesG.Nargko, DongarraGD21912
DownesG.Nargko, DongaraGD21924
DownesH. J.Fairfield 5015-4073, NolbaU2P and 29D, 12E1962
DownesJ. H.Meadow Brook, YandanookaDT3 and 6B, 4E1962
DownesR. V.Green Grove, Dongara5AD and 20A, 11C1962
DownesReginald H.Yuba, No. 3 Loc. 5006, NolbaD9R1924
DownesWm.Greengrove, DongarraDT31912
Downes & Son-Meadow Brook, Yandanooka7ZU and 6C, 112E1962
DowneyEusaceBurlong, NorthamED41924
DowneyEustaceBurlong, NorthamED41912
DownieG. F.Wins. Loc. 7302, 7621, Kirk's RockD5G1924
DownieI. & R. M.Kenwick, Koorda7DK and 49D, 108E1962
DownieR. & C. M.Chowns, KoordaRD6 and 50D, 29E1962
Downie & SonsG. F.Hendon Kirks Rock, YealeringD5G and 2C, 109E1962
DowningG. E.Locs. 18603-8, 19669, 21060, Avon, Corrigin2ED and 23A, 48B1962
DowningHenry P.Boyacarring, West Dale, via Beverley8RB1924
DowningHenry P.Westdale, via BeverleyD7O1924