WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
Sisters of Mercy-Convent, Victoria SquareCV11912
Sisters of Mercy-Convent, Victoria Square, PerthCV11924
Sisters of Nazareth-Nazareth House, GeraldtonNH41962
SiviourC. F.Kent 1535, Gairdner River, JerramungupCF3 and 107D, 13E1962
SiviourD. & E.Avreno, Bindi BindiD7S and 5B, 108A1962
SizmurGeorgeNinghan Lots 1425 & 1430 BalliduZ9R1924
SkahillJ.Homestead, East PingellyS4O1912
SkahillJ.East PingellyS4O1924
SkeenD. & F.Bollara Loc. File 179/32, Halls Creek1SK and 34C, 7E1962
SkeenEstate of J.Sophie Downs, Halls CreekWY4 and 80B, 22E1962
SkeenJohnCommonage, Hall's CreekX5A1924
SkeetJohn W. T.Croham Hurst, Group 19, Lanark, via Manjimup6UQ1925
SkeetMrs L. M.Lake View, ForestdaleSU61924
SkeggsF. W.Roselea, 2901, Rosa BrookYF71962
SkehanEmily E.Jarrahwood5EZ1924
SkeltonChas.Rendezvous, 14-Mile Brook8SC1912
SkeltonChas.Rendezvous, 14 Mile Brook8SC1924
SkeneAlex. E.Khu, E. Narrogin7SA1924
SketchleyJ. D.Scotland 's Farm,Mt. Marshall8DS1924
SkettJ. & M. M.Dankton, TardunMS6 and 56F, 48E1962
SkewesJ. F.Carn Brea, KellerberrinFS61912
SkewesJ. F.Carn Brea, KellerberrinFS61924
SkewesW. H.Locations 1807 and 1683, NarroginWS31912
SkewesW. H.Locs. 1807 & 1683, NarroginWS31924
SkidmoreR. W.Springvale, CoolupJY2 and 71C, 12E1962
SkillingG. H.1741-2, 1737, YericoinG8S and 28B, 17A1962
SkinnN. E.Harvey A.A. Lot 197, Wagerup3NS1962
SkinnerAlice LilianSix Mile, near Wyndham3SK1924
SkinnerE. G. & R. C.Swan Loc.1371, KalannieE3S and 22B, 34E1962
SkinnerE. L.Senic View, 1085, Mt. BarkerM5V and 27B, 113A1962
SkinnerFred K. JohnHayes Villa' BoyupK6S1924
SkinnerJ. C.Trangie Farm, Serpentine9SK and 29D, 67E1962
SkinnerJ. R.Lemnos, KalanmundaRX51924
SkinnerS.2906, 2925, Langlea Rosa BrookYK81962
SkinnerT.Athleston Farm, CarbarupS3K1924
SkinnerV.Athelston Farm, CarbarupS3K and 37B, 24A1962
Skinner & Johnson-Wyndham, WyndhamM7S1912
Skinner & Johnson-WyndhamM7S1924
SkipperDavidBlocks 6839/56, 6960/56, 13388/74, Cunderdin5DS1912
SkipperDavid6839/56, 6960/56, 13388/74, Cunderdin5DS1924
SkipperGeo. Win.52 Coolgardie Street,SubiacoS4Z1924
Skipper & Co.C. H.Clearhill, Victoria Loc. 10200, Eneabba8SH and 118D, 10E1962
SkippingsE & NPrettyville, BoyunupT6E1962
SkipseyJ. A. & K. M.Glenferrie Orchard, WoorolooK1S and 18D, 50E1962
SkipworthA. E.Rosherville, Dardanup1CX1912
SkipworthA. E.Rosherville, Dardanup1CX1924