Smirk | F. T. | Comrin Station, Peak Hill | 1XT | 1924 |
Smirk | Florien | Paradise, East Rockingham | 7SX | 1924 |
Smirk | H. M. L. | Peel Dale, Peel Estate | 3RV | 1962 |
Smirk | L. F. | Dog Hill, Peel Estate | 5LK | 1962 |
Smirk | Ruby | Yunta, Hines Hill | R8V | 1924 |
Smirk | T. S. | Peel Dale, Peel Estate | 7SX and 102, 13E | 1962 |
Smirk | Wm. | Woodburne, East Rockingham | 7WZ | 1924 |
Smith | A. | Commonage, Ora Banda | N3Z | 1924 |
Smith | A. & J. | Lots 34-5, 57, West Swan | 4AZ and 49B, 15A | 1962 |
Smith | A. A. | Victoria 1352, 1319, 2684, 940, 1004, 1612, 1857, 2152, Ptn. 1248, 796, 761, 1138, 1199, Dongara | AS1 and 33B, 26A | 1962 |
Smith | A. B. | Manna hills, Locs. 21212,6019, 3622, 3621, 3317, Beverley | 9SS and 12D, 57F | 1962 |
Smith | A. C. | Clayton House, Newcastle | SA0 | 1912 |
Smith | A. C. | Commonage, Carnarvon | Y7Y | 1912 |
Smith | A. C. | Clayton House, Toodyay | SA0 | 1924 |
Smith | A. C. | Commonage, Carnarvon | Y7Y | 1924 |
Smith | A. C. P. | Vasse River, Busselton | C1S | 1912 |
Smith | A. C. P. | Vasse River, Busselton | C1S | 1924 |
Smith | A. C. P. | Circle S Goomalling | AC5 and 16D, 14E | 1962 |
Smith | A. C. P. | Grassflats, 789-90, 805, 394, Serpentine | C1S | 1962 |
Smith | A. E. & J. A. | Clayton, Goomalling | 5AE and 18B, 39A | 1962 |
Smith | A. E. R. & M. A. | Betta View, Corrigin | 2SR and 12B, 41E | 1962 |
Smith | A. F. | 15370-2, 24475, 26659, 20392, Mkinbudin | 4AS and 33B, 28A | 1962 |
Smith | A. G. | Harcourt, Kendenup | G0S and 113B, 34E | 1962 |
Smith | A. G. & B. R. | Cornfields, Buntine | XS2 and 67B, 52F | 1962 |
Smith | A. H. | Mineral Hill, Kukerin | VY3 | 1928 |
Smith | A. H. | Sunnyside, Cannington | 5AS and 24D, 34E | 1962 |
Smith | A. J. | Hillside, Brunswick Junction | WZ1 | 1962 |
Smith | A. J. L. | Heart Rock, Northam | 0AS and 71B, 5A | 1962 |
Smith | A. L. B. | Taincrow Station, Cue | C6S and 58F, 14C | 1962 |
Smith | A. L. B. | Loc.107, Donnybrook | OB3 | 1962 |
Smith | A. M. & L. J. | Lyntondale, Merredin | S4A and 58F, 119B | 1962 |
Smith | A. M. E | Uduc Harvey | US0 | 1924 |
Smith | A. M. E. | Unduc, Harvey | US0 | 1912 |
Smith | A. V. | Twin Gully, Northcliffe | TG7 | 1962 |
Smith | A. W. | Perry's Run, Claremont | 6WS | 1912 |
Smith | A. W. | Perry's Run, Claremont | 6WS | 1924 |
Smith | A. W. | 232, Karridale | 5SA | 1962 |
Smith | Ada | Wanamine Farm, Northam | S7V | 1924 |
Smith | Adelaid E. | Commouge Meektharra | ZE3 | 1924 |
Smith | Albert | Merryvale, East Beverley | 1SA | 1912 |
Smith | Albert | Merryvale, East Beverley | 1SA | 1924 |
Smith | Alex. Henry | Sunnyside, Baker's Hill | 7ZV | 1924 |
Smith | Alex. Lennie | The Howe, Quairading | L5A | 1924 |
Smith | Alex. Win. | Loe. 1003, Cuballing East | 0KZ | 1924 |
Smith | Alfred | Plantagenet Loc. 3669, Redmond | UN8 | 1924 |
Smith | Alice | Commonage, Carnarvon | F4M | 1912 |
Smith | Alice | Aintree, Waroona | AZ0 | 1924 |
Smith | Andrew C. | Mana Farm, Northam | 0AS | 1912 |
Smith | Andrew C. | Mana Farm, Northam | 0AS | 1924 |
Smith | Arthue Geo. | Morrell Grove, Wagin | TU0 | 1924 |