WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
WhyteJ. M.Yamba, Keysbrook1WD and 17D, 5E1962
WhyteJohn.Avon Loc 19740, Kurrenkutten3VQ1924
WhyteK. & S.Avon 23934, KondininYT4 and 10B, 34E1962
WhyteL.Plantagenet 5875, 5640, 5923, 4969, 4520, 3627, AlbanyLW8 and 34C, 112A1962
WhyteMrs MTanjaries, Toodyay1VQ1924
WhyteQuintonMidland Junction and FremantleQW31924
Whyte & SonsA.Sussex Loc. 1736, CowaramupD7W and 71D, 34E1962
Whyte & SonsA.Rock View, Rothie-may, Marshall Farm, MuckinbuddinWY4 and 46C, 116A1962
Whyte Bros.-Kinross, KellerberrinWY31912
Whyte Bros.-Kinrose, KellerberrinWY31924
Whyte Bros.Wm.BrooktonW5W1912
Wianawa Pastoral Co.-42, Mundijong8EC and 38D, 38E1962
WickErnest FLot 15, YandanookaEY91924
Wick & SonE. F.Wadi Gaza and Narlie, YandanookaEY9 and 45C, 29E1962
WickensE. J. & E. R.Victoria 5062-3-4, Balla, via BinnuE6W and 30B, 23E1962
WickhamC. A.Wonston, YarloopMW1 and 2C, 28A1962
WickhamG. H.Kyarup, Ongerup7KW1924
WickhamG. H. T.Kyarup, Ongerup7KW1912
WickhamKathleen E.Kent Loc. 290, Ongerup5KW1924
WickhamM. A.Wonston Farm, YarloopMW11912
WickhamM. A.Wonston Farm, YarloopMW11924
WickhamW. B.2173-4, 2822-3, Witchcliffe9WU1962
Wickham & Main-Kyarup, Borden7KW and 7C, 5A1962
WicklandE. D.Spring Hill, Kirup0QS and 112B, 41E1962
WicklandF. R. L.Nelson 7130, MullalyupQF0 and 102C, 80E1962
WicksEd.New Guernsey Farm, Mawson SidingK6W1924
WicksJas.Lockwood Dairy, P.O. Boulder8WJ1912
WicksJas.Lockwood Dariy, P.O, Boulder8WJ1924
WicksteadT. B.Block No. 32, Venu's Estate, DardanipVQ21924
WicksteedA. T.Loc. 1516, 1237, Bunbury7JY1962
WicksteedC. H. W.Block 32, DardanupVQ21962
WiddisonS. A.Hillcrest Lot 147, Nannup4WN1962
WiddupL.Locs. 8138-9, 8120, 8137, BalingupVW21962
WiddupPhinches ButlerPark Hill, BalingupP2W1926
WiddupV.Nelson Locs. 8123-4-5, BalingupV4W and 23D, 3E1962
WidmerPhillip65 George Street, Perth.PW91924
WieseD. J.Williams Loc 1979, YornaningD4W and 11C, 103E1962
WieseD. L.Yarrawabee, HighburyD8W and 113B, 21A1962
WieseE.Ashgrove, NarroginJ0A and 23B, 15A1962
WieseE. A.Clydebank, Buckingham7WV and 49B, 34A1962
WieseE. G.Grantleigh, NarroginEW21912
WieseE. R.Bell View Farm, Highbury2EW1912
WieseE. W.Kia Ora, Highbury1NW and 25B, 35E1962
WieseE. W. & F. J.Kiaora, Highbury1NW1924
WieseF. J.7572, 6239, 10302, 2601, HighburyR5K and 26B, 40A1962
WieseL. R. & J. R.Williams Locs. 6220, 9460, 10680, 11653, Highbury3LW and 3B, 42A1962
WieseM. & R.Balaling, NarroginW8W and 22B, 23E1962
WieseMrs HelenMout Clar Lough, EsperanceK2W1924
WieseR. L.Williams Locs. 11241, 8588, 8923, 14164, Highbury8RL and 37B, 46E1962