WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
WieseW. B.1040-1, 2177, 4555, 8588, HighburyBW9 and 57F, 25D1962
WieseW. F.Balaling, NarroginW8W1912
WiesseE. G.Grantleigh, NarroginEW21924
WiesseE. R.Bell View Farm, Highbury2EW1924
WiesseW. F.Balaling, NarroginW8W1924
WigelsworthRoy P.Brightondale, Margaret River8PW1924
WiggA. W.Yangedi, Keysbrook0WG and 35B, 34A1962
WigginsH. H.Mary Anne Gully, GreenhillsBW81912
WigglesworthJamesDereenup, KojonupDW71912
WigglesworthJamesDereenup, KojonupDW71924
WightRobtSunflower Farm. WellingtonRW81924
WightRobt.Sunflower Farm, WellingtonRW81912
Wight Bros.-Locs. 2078, 2149, Wellington MillsRW81962
WightmanJ. H. T.CoonganWU21924
WigignsH. H.Mary Anne Gully, GreenhillsBWS1924
WigleyJohnSpringvale, CoolupJY21912
WigleyJohnSpringvale, CoolupJY21924
WignallWilliam6 Thompson Street, LeedervilleW7W1926
WilbyGeo.Baildon, Forrest Hill Mail. Mt. BarkerYB21924
WilbyGeorgeBaildon, Forrest Hill, Mt. BarkerYB21912
Wilcock & SonsJ. A.Blocks 9740/74, 9741/74, 19384/55, Malyalling, Wickepin0CK1912
Wilcock & SonsJ. A.Leases 9740/74. 9741/74, 19384/55, Malyalling0KC1924
WilcoxC. F. K.Williams Locs. 3546, 6418, and Pln. 6862, NarroginK7W and 47B, 23A1962
WilcoxG. D.21 Orange Avenue, PerthGX91924
WilcoxR. H. & T.Myripin, Woodanilling2TD and 51F, 24B1962
WildC. L.Lot 163, DwellingupCW41962
WildCharles LintonApplecross Dairy, ApplecrossGW41926
WildClarice E. M.Gully Plain, Darkan3LD1924
WildEd.Fernabnk, Darkan7WY1924
WildR. C.Albany5RW1912
WildR. C.Albany5RW1924
WildW. Wildwood, GidgegannupWW8 and 7D, 23E1962
WildeJ. E.Wynrock, East Pingelly2JW and 13D, 5E1962
WildeW. 1737 and Part 1251 The Bridge HazelvaleW7D1962
Wilding T. B.1024-5 Melbourne, Wongan HillsTW5 and 42C, 19A1962
WildingThos. H.Mokine, MokineTW21912
WildingThos. H.MokineTW21924
Wilding Bros.-Mokine and Badgeting, Mokine and MeekeringTW2 and 2C, 14E1962
WildyAlbert C.Kent Loc. 284, C.P 28162/55 OngerupYW21924
WildyL. A.Dunnsville Dairy, MaylandsYW21928
WilesC.A.Black 1887, StonevilleW9C1962
WilesWilliamSt. Alban's, BridgetownS1A1912
WilesWin.St. Alban's BridgetownS1A1924
Wiles & SonA.Dalyvale, PopanyinningA1W and 13C, 46C1962
WileyChas. JosephShow Ground, GreenoughW9Q1924
WileyForrest J.Mellenbye Station, GullewaFO41924
WileyRobt.Edah via YalgooY8W1924
WilfordC. G.Peel Estate Lot 101, WellardWB7 and 116B, 110A1962
WilhelmEdwd.Willing Vale, Woodanilling5EW1912
WilhelmEdwd.Willing Vale, Woodanilling5EW1924