WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
DuncanL. N. W.S.L.S. Farm A 1216, Gairdner RiverL0D and 40B, 31E1962
DuncanL. R. & L. J.Raphoe Bridge Farm, GreenoughL1D and 14B, 12E1962
DuncanN. D.Gidgegannup, GidgegannupDN21962
DuncanRoy W.Kockatea, via MullewaD5R1924
DuncanS.Calilah, MoonyoonookaDS8 and 113E, 16D1962
DuncanT. D.Tirkalocker, Mt. MagnetTE51912
DuncanT. D.Tirkalocker, Mt. MagnetTE51924
DuncanT. P.Tirkalocker, Mt. Magnet, GreenoughTD51912
DuncanT. P.Tirka Locka, Mt. MagnetTD51924
DuncanWm. C. N.Wilroy, Kockatea, via Mullewa7ZD1924
Duncan & Gordon-Hillside, Marble BarDJ01912
Duncan & Gordon-Hillside, Marble BarDJ01924
Duncan & SonG. O.Boroondara, Toompup5DU and 19C, 15E1962
DuncansonG. J. & H. R,17374-67, 8606, 12453, 12454, 12592, 21905, 21883, CorriginG6D and 8B, 31E1962
DuncansonRobt.Blocks 12453, 41852, DanginR6D1924
DunckleyChas. G.Loc. 3040, Kojonup3GD1924
Dundas & Son-Lot 21 & 22, Midland JunctionF7D and 42B, 34E1962
DundonT. J.Willowdale, Yarloop5TD1962
Dundoona Grazing Co.-Dundoona, WoorolooDG7 and 35B, 45A1962
Dunearn Pastoral Co.-Dunearn, Mel. 3804, 2349-50, 3531,1780, DandaraganDP0 and 26B, 45E1962
DungeyC. Rosedale, BurekupC5D and 21C, 15E1962
DungeyD. A.186, 104, 105, NarroginA3D and 119B, 48E1962
DungeyF. B.Waterdale, Widgemooltha9DT1924
Dungey Bros.-Geelaring Springs, JitarningDU0 and 30D, 7E1962
DunhamA. E.Sunnyhill, WaginA6D1912
DunhamA. E.Sunnyhill, WaginA6D1924
DunhamA. E.Will Loc. 10989, 11940, 9504, Lake GraceA6D and 13C, 37E1962
DunhamE.Brockelohy, KukerinO5D1924
DunhamG. E.Williams Locs. 9272, 8007, 13368, Jitarning4ZO1924
DunhamG. W.Locs. 8007, 9273-4-2, Kulin4Z0 and 22B, 7E1962
DunhamL. J.Brocklesby, YorkD4W1912
DunhamL. J.Brockelsby, YorkD4W1924
DunhamN. E. & O. P.Emu Plains, Lake GraceN2D and 38C, 48E1962
Dunham & SonsA. G.Graigstone, Kukerin2DN and 44D, 84E1962
DunhillChas.Nether Edg, Kondut6TQ1924
DunjeyDonald B. B.Locs. 8680, 8681, & 9257, Jitarning, via WickepinDU01924
DunkeldG. A.Roe Loc. 690, Lake BiddyQD6 and 6B, 35E1962
DunkeldGordon AlanRoe Loc. 690, NewdegateQD61924
DunkinRichardBlock 4721/68, TenindewaRD31912
DunkinRichardBlock 4721/68, TenindewaRD31924
Dunkin & Son-Bundoon, TenindewaRD3 and 67B, 21E1962
DunkleyF. S.811 Williams, Arthur RiverD8V and 32B, 50E1962
DunkleyG. B. & J. H.Cricklewood and the Junction, Moore River & Yelbini7BD and 7C, 15A1962
DunkleyGeo.Stirling Estate, CapelGD01912
DunkleyGeo.Stirling Estate, CapelGD01924
DunkleyGeo.Cricklewood, YelbeniVD31924
Dunleath Pastoral Co.-Dunleath, DarkanDP6 and 16E, 67B1962
DunlopDavidWokenana, NorthamptonD8D1924
DunlopDavid & Marion S.Pinmore, WilliamsD2D1927
DunlopW. C. & M. A.Block No. 6493, Green Range area, Green Range2UP and 14C, 107A1962