Smith | J. J | Yankee Town, Carnarvon | X6Z | 1924 |
Smith | J. J. | Rocklands Valley, Highbury | 6SV | 1924 |
Smith | J. J. | Common, Kookynie | XZ5 | 1924 |
Smith | J. J. | Bona Vista, Northam | 0JZ and 45D, 37E | 1962 |
Smith | J. J. | 1402, Gairdner River, via Jerramunup | JJ8 and 33C, 105E | 1962 |
Smith | J. M. | Hill View, Wyalcatchem | J1S | 1912 |
Smith | J. M. | Hill View, Wyalcatchem | J1S | 1924 |
Smith | J. M. | Clonnel, York | Z6E | 1924 |
Smith | J. M. & S. J. | Kingussie and Merrie Lea, Dongolocking, via Dumbleyung | 5JT and 35B, 113E | 1962 |
Smith | J. N. | Commonage, Kanowna | A9H | 1924 |
Smith | J. P. | Lotus Vale, Rosa Brook | 4PS | 1962 |
Smith | J. R. | Loc. 1666-7, Lake Camm, via Newdegate | JU6 and 50B, 22E | 1962 |
Smith | J. R. | Yerepin, Kellerberrin | SJ2 and 28D, 38E | 1962 |
Smith | J. R. D. | Inchyra, Karridale | RD8 and 103B, 13A | 1962 |
Smith | J. T. | Blocks 2500/1900,03011/1910, Kellerberrin | 6TS | 1912 |
Smith | J. T. | Hampton Road, Nothampton | 4JU | 1924 |
Smith | J. T. | Blocks 2500/1900, 3011/1910, Kellerberrin | 6TS | 1924 |
Smith | J. W. & I. | Roe 791 and 1275, Narembeen | TS9 and 30B, 21E | 1962 |
Smith | J. W. & S. D. | Swarthra, Seabrook, via Northam | S4J and 114D, 35E | 1962 |
Smith | James | Homestead, Brunswick | MH0 | 1912 |
Smith | James | Homestead, Brunswick | MH0 | 1924 |
Smith | James | Loc. 81, Cowcowing | V5R | 1924 |
Smith | James | Windick Farm, Red Lake, via Norseman | J9S | 1926 |
Smith | James & Irving,John | Cobran Peak Hill | RK4 | 1924 |
Smith | James C. | Orimdale, Boyup Brook | 5KS | 1924 |
Smith | James H. | Norman's Well, Bowes | 3SJ | 1924 |
Smith | James H. | Freehold Lease, Cardiffcollie | V8Z | 1924 |
Smith | James M. | Wellington Loc. 72, 73, 75, 12, Wokalup | V3Q | 1925 |
Smith | James McC. | Homebush, Cookerup | JS4 | 1924 |
Smith | James Radford | Manjimup | NS9 | 1924 |
Smith | James Thomas | York (Stables) | TZ5 | 1924 |
Smith | Jas. | Menzies | 6SJ | 1912 |
Smith | Jas. | Commonage, Youanme | S6Y | 1912 |
Smith | Jas. | Menzies | 6SJ | 1924 |
Smith | Jas. | Commonage, Youanme | S6Y | 1924 |
Smith | Jas. H. | Normans Well, Bowes | 3SJ | 1912 |
Smith | Jas. McC. | Homebush, Cookernup | JS4 | 1912 |
Smith | Jasper | Kent Loc. 276, The Dawn Ongerup | YS5 | 1924 |
Smith | John | Greenfields, Quinlup | 3SM | 1912 |
Smith | John | Glenview, Brunswick Junction | 6SM | 1912 |
Smith | John | Teamster, Lake Darlot | J6Z | 1912 |
Smith | John | Vivien Common, Harris | LJ8 | 1912 |
Smith | John | Greenfields, Quinlup | 3SM | 1924 |
Smith | John | Dwellingup | 3ZJ | 1924 |
Smith | John | Glenview, Brunswick Junctn | 6SM | 1924 |
Smith | John | The Sheiling, Manjimup | EN9 | 1924 |
Smith | John | Lake Darlot (teamster) | J6Z | 1924 |
Smith | John | Vivien common, Harris | LJ8 | 1924 |
Smith | John | West Coolup, via Pinjarra | V6S | 1924 |
Smith | John A. | 8593/56, Newearnie | X5S | 1924 |