WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
SmithJohn Chas.Bullaloo, Peak Hill1BS1912
SmithJohn Chas.Bullaloo, Peak Hill1BS1924
SmithJohn E.Atholton, PinjarraJE41912
SmithJohn E.Atholton, PinjarraJE41924
SmithJohn E.KimberleyYZ61924
SmithJohn GeorgeBonnie Vale, ManjimupJ6S1926
SmithJohn H.Porongorups and Harrismith, Mt. BarkerJS01912
SmithJohn H.Porongorups and Harrismith (MT. Barker)JS01924
SmithJohn Jas.Rosley Vale, DoodlakineS0H1912
SmithJohn Jas.Rosley Vale, DoodlakineS0H1924
SmithJohn T.The Homestead, WongamineJ0T1912
SmithJohn T.Beaumont Lays, Biswae, Serpentine2JS1927
SmithJohn ThomasRoscrea Orchard, BedfordaleAS41912
SmithJohn ThomasRoserea Orehard, Bed FordaleAS41924
SmithJohn W.H. L., Last Hope, Kanowna5JV1924
SmithJosephCommonage, Northampton3SN1912
SmithJoseph JamesVictoria Loc. 4848, Tenindewa8JS1926
SmithK. & C. I.Warralong, YumaK8S and 45C, 106E1962
SmithK. J.311-2, 307, East RockinghamKS4 and 47B, 27E1962
SmithK. L. & B. M.Galinba, PingrupC9D and 6B, 103E1962
SmithK. M.PingellyK1H1912
SmithK. M.PingellyK1H1924
SmithK. R.Avon Loc. 18162, NarembeenKS9 and 47B, 110A1962
SmithK. T.Glenfern, BridgetownJK1 and 84D, 6E1962
SmithK. T.Malabaine, NorthamS1H and 15D, 51F1962
SmithK. W. & I. M.Nirranda, WannamalKS8 and 45B, 107E1962
SmithL.Smithfield, Kent 1248, OngerupL3S and 17C, 106A1962
SmithL. & M. L.8640 Victoria Loc. Coralea Farm, PindarS7L and 50C, 84A1962
SmithL. A.Locs. 2596, 664, YallingupLL5 and 57F, 18B1962
SmithL. B.Carramar, KenwickS1J and 49D, 15E1962
SmithL. E. J.Wanaking, WaginSL4 and 12D, 25E1962
SmithL. G. & L. I.Plantagenet 5718 Narra- Waddi, NarrikupLL6 and 35D, 17E1962
SmithL. H.Rose Hill, BeverleyLH11912
SmithL. H.Rose Hill, BeverleyLH11924
SmithL. J.Ethel Creek, Nullagine0JS1912
SmithL. J.Ethel Creek, Nullagine0JS1924
SmithL. J.Sharman's, Narembeen6SF and 24D, 117E1962
SmithL. M.Mukinbudin, 15388 Avon Loc. 24324, MukinbudinL1S and 40B, 67A1962
SmithL. N.Jay-Four Loc. 9970, CarnamahLS0 and 33C, 80A1962
SmithL. P.Glenlossie, Dunsborough, via Busselton4SG and 16D, 104E1962
SmithL. R.Hay Locs. 900 and 2250 Florabunda, Rocky Gully3LR and 119B, 16A1962
SmithL. R.Hill Side, Brunswick JunctionZZ31962
SmithL. R. & F. B.10164, Walkaway3SL and 80B, 5A1962
SmithL. R. & M. J.Sunnyside, CarnamahS4B and 46B, 71A1962
SmithL. T.Lake View, Lake Carmody, Via Hyden9LS and 11C, 114A1962
SmithL. W.Desbrook, Hines HillNS61924
SmithL. W. M.Conpton, Herne Hill0LS and 50B, 5E1962