WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
CornishA. E.Wattle Valley, ScarboroughEZ51924
CornishB. N. & K. J.Luston, NukarniDO9 and 13A, 44B1962
CornishC. R.Hamel Farm, CarnarvonK0N and 28A 5B1962
CornishH. H. K.Murray Downs, CoolupV0L1912
CornishH. H. K.Murray Downs, CoolupV0L1924
CornishK. M.Brookside, WanderingV0L and 26A, 46B1962
CornishM.Cowcowing 171-2-3-4-5-186-7, 189, KoordaAC0 and 44B, 102A1962
CornishO. & F.Mill Farm, Wandering0FC and 34C, 24E1962
CornishP. N.Belmore, NungarinS5C and 4A, 46C1962
CornishSarah J.Bald Rock, KojonupSC81912
CornishSarah J.Bald Rock, KojonupSC81924
CornishW. A.Pindar, MurchisonJK91912
CornishW. A.Pindar, MurchisonJK91924
Cornish & Silvester-Carnarvon Common, CarnarvonG0S1926
Cornish & SonsA. M.Eurardy Station, Geraldton5HC and 22C, 31E1962
CornwallAnnieBeaufort, Arthur RiverAC71912
CornwallAnnieBeaufort, Arthur RiverAC71924
CornwallEllen EmilyKorronup, Kojonup3EC1912
CornwallEllen EmilyKorronup, Kojonup3EC1924
CornwallR. C.Blocks 4582, 4683, 4684, Northhampton0RC1912
CornwallR. C.Blocks 4682-3-4, Northampton0RC1924
CornwallU. J.Beaufort, Wagin7VT and 7C, 22A1962
CornwallWm. Jno.Williams Loc. Q and Carnegie, Narrogin7CO1924
Cornwall Bros.-Carnegie, Narrogin7G01926
CorpsErnestWelshpool, c/o Mrs. Bennett, St. Ives, Victoria Park9OZ1925
CorrellDorothyCommon, SiberiaD5U1924
CorrellJ.Beatyerring, Arhtur RiverC4L1912
CorrellJ.Beaterring, Arthur RiverC4L1924
CorreyG. R. & S. M.Allanwood, CalcarraGC7 and 15B, 31E1962
CorriganA.Loc. 730, MandigaA8O1924
CorriganAnthonyLoc. 1921, MandingaQ3Q1924
CorringhamRobt.Lake Saide, Young's Siding2XK1924
CorrunaArthurThe Park, NungarinXC41924
CorryA.Avon 7575, 18553, 13356, 16528, 18524, 18852, Bulyee9JC and 13B, 43E1962
CorryF. W.White Well, East BrooktonF0Y1924
CorryJ. H.Murringurrin Springs, East Brookton6JN1912
CorryJ. H.Murringurrin Springs, East Brookton6JN1924
CorryJohn JamesAvon Loc. 16502, BulyeeK6Y1924
CorryS. R.Wilcarra, Bulyee, via Corrigin1SC and 21B, 28E1962
CorryT. A.Murringurrin Springs, Kweda6JN and 11C, 15E1962
CorryW. F.White Well, BulyeeF0Y and 107B, 16A1962
Corsinil. & E.481, 498, BodallinLE5 and 42A, 17B1962
CorteenG. L.Waverley Farm, KonnongorringG0C and 19B, 38E1962
Corunna Downs Station-PI 394/529, 394/1164, 394/1165, 394/1168, 394/1169, 394/1268, Marble BarL1N and 34C, 11E1962
CosenzaG. N.14057 on diagram, Burekup8GC and 34C, 3E1962
CosgroveDavidYelbini, DowerinC3X1924
CosgroveEllenMaldon, ArmadaleC9 E1912
CosgroveEllenMaldon, ArmadaleC9E1924
CosgroveM. C. & M. M.Clarendon, YelbeniCM6 and 17D, 109E1962
CosgroveR. J.10050 Vic. Loc. & Roylands, CoorowR5C and 6D, 118E1962