WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
KelleherHughMunster Dairy, Osborne ParkHK81924
KellerJ.Williams Loc. 2717, 1342, CuballingJ0K and 15B, 104E1962
KelliherD. J.Lake Ibis, NarroginDK71912
KelliherD. J.Lake Ibis, NarroginDK71924
KelliherD. N. & K. B.Bonnie Vale, ToolibinDK7 and 22C, 4E1962
KelliherI. (Mrs)Nangip, DarkinTF6 and 10C, 20A1962
KelliherW. J.Rose Hill, WanderingH2S and 7C, 19A1962
KelliherWilliam J.Lake Ibis, St. Oman's Lake, East NarroginY6V1925
Kelliher Bros.-Rose Hill, WanderingWM5 and 18B, 22E1962
Kelliher Bros.-Glen Dalock, North DandalupY6V and 37B, 103A1962
KellowG. H.Artlen, BrooktonGK01912
KellowG. H.Artlen, BrooktonGK01924
KellowGeo. & Jas.Tilshead Farm, East Wagin2BK1924
KellowJamesElston Farm, Springhurst, East Wagin2KO1924
KellowM. & M. A.Killarney, DardanupMK1 and 47B, 21E1962
Kellow & SonsJ.Tilshead and Elston Farm, North Kukerin2BK and 22D, 12E1962
KellyA. Auvergne, Upper Blackwood6AK1912
KellyA.Auvergne, Upper Blackwood6AK1924
KellyA. & M. P.Trivalian, CollieA9K and 17B, 28E1962
KellyA. C.Forrest Glen and Pareora, Quairading4JK and 8A, 29B1962
KellyA. H. B.1691 and 2096, CowaramupLA8 and 30B, 34A1962
KellyA. J.Forrest Glen, Quairading4JK1912
KellyA. J.Forrest Glen, Quairading4JK1924
KellyA. T.Melbourne Loc. 3746, Badgingarra6AT and 119B, 17A1962
KellyAngusNo. 6 Mill, JarrahdaleA9K1912
KellyAngusNo. 6 Mill, JarrahdaleA9K1924
KellyB. E.Culbernine, MeckeringOK1 and 80C, 18E1962
KellyB. F. & M. J.Santa Fe, Mingenew3WK and 37D, 49E1962
KellyB. P. & P. M.Rusholme, Stambles, Deans, GillingarraB8K and 120A, 16C1962
KellyC. F.Wattle Flat, DumbleyungDK4 and 40D, 7E1962
KellyC. J.Sunnyside, via DerbyV4K and 115B, 24A1962
KellyC. W. & M. B.1317 Part Lot 206, CavershamCK4 and 14B, 80A1962
KellyChas. Jas.GillingarraK5Y1924
KellyD. JasBlocks 6759-6760, Wishbone Pool, East WaginDK41912
KellyD. Jas.Blocks 6759-6760, Wishbone Pool, East WaginDK41924
KellyD. P.Avon Loc. 15727, KorrelockingD9K and 108B, 118A1962
KellyD. W.Donald Downs, Yoting6NK and 22A, 17B1962
KellyE.Northwitch, Wongan Hills1EK and 17D, 105E1962
KellyE. J.Bolton Pools, CollieEK1 and 110E, 48D1962
KellyE. M.Hardwick, Locarno, GabbinBK1 and 19D, 37E1962
KellyE. M.Wicklow, GillingarraL8K and 37D, 25E1962
KellyEmilyTrevenson, NorthamptonEG71912
KellyEmilyTrevenson, NorthamptonEG71924
KellyEmily (Ex trix. Wm. Nancarrow),Trevenson, NorthamptonWN71924
KellyEmily (Executrix Wm. Nancarrow)Trevenson, NorthamptonWN71912
KellyEthelAvon Loc. 17668, Kulin8KY1925
KellyF. R.Turf Club, PerthFK01928
KellyF. W. & K. N.Chittinup, KojonupBR2 and 34C, 40A1962
KellyFrankNina Springs, IssikaK4X1925