Kelleher | Hugh | Munster Dairy, Osborne Park | HK8 | 1924 |
Keller | J. | Williams Loc. 2717, 1342, Cuballing | J0K and 15B, 104E | 1962 |
Kelliher | D. J. | Lake Ibis, Narrogin | DK7 | 1912 |
Kelliher | D. J. | Lake Ibis, Narrogin | DK7 | 1924 |
Kelliher | D. N. & K. B. | Bonnie Vale, Toolibin | DK7 and 22C, 4E | 1962 |
Kelliher | I. (Mrs) | Nangip, Darkin | TF6 and 10C, 20A | 1962 |
Kelliher | W. J. | Rose Hill, Wandering | H2S and 7C, 19A | 1962 |
Kelliher | William J. | Lake Ibis, St. Oman's Lake, East Narrogin | Y6V | 1925 |
Kelliher Bros. | - | Rose Hill, Wandering | WM5 and 18B, 22E | 1962 |
Kelliher Bros. | - | Glen Dalock, North Dandalup | Y6V and 37B, 103A | 1962 |
Kellow | G. H. | Artlen, Brookton | GK0 | 1912 |
Kellow | G. H. | Artlen, Brookton | GK0 | 1924 |
Kellow | Geo. & Jas. | Tilshead Farm, East Wagin | 2BK | 1924 |
Kellow | James | Elston Farm, Springhurst, East Wagin | 2KO | 1924 |
Kellow | M. & M. A. | Killarney, Dardanup | MK1 and 47B, 21E | 1962 |
Kellow & Sons | J. | Tilshead and Elston Farm, North Kukerin | 2BK and 22D, 12E | 1962 |
Kelly | A. | Auvergne, Upper Blackwood | 6AK | 1912 |
Kelly | A. | Auvergne, Upper Blackwood | 6AK | 1924 |
Kelly | A. & M. P. | Trivalian, Collie | A9K and 17B, 28E | 1962 |
Kelly | A. C. | Forrest Glen and Pareora, Quairading | 4JK and 8A, 29B | 1962 |
Kelly | A. H. B. | 1691 and 2096, Cowaramup | LA8 and 30B, 34A | 1962 |
Kelly | A. J. | Forrest Glen, Quairading | 4JK | 1912 |
Kelly | A. J. | Forrest Glen, Quairading | 4JK | 1924 |
Kelly | A. T. | Melbourne Loc. 3746, Badgingarra | 6AT and 119B, 17A | 1962 |
Kelly | Angus | No. 6 Mill, Jarrahdale | A9K | 1912 |
Kelly | Angus | No. 6 Mill, Jarrahdale | A9K | 1924 |
Kelly | B. E. | Culbernine, Meckering | OK1 and 80C, 18E | 1962 |
Kelly | B. F. & M. J. | Santa Fe, Mingenew | 3WK and 37D, 49E | 1962 |
Kelly | B. P. & P. M. | Rusholme, Stambles, Deans, Gillingarra | B8K and 120A, 16C | 1962 |
Kelly | C. F. | Wattle Flat, Dumbleyung | DK4 and 40D, 7E | 1962 |
Kelly | C. J. | Sunnyside, via Derby | V4K and 115B, 24A | 1962 |
Kelly | C. W. & M. B. | 1317 Part Lot 206, Caversham | CK4 and 14B, 80A | 1962 |
Kelly | Chas. | Manjimup | U3K | 1924 |
Kelly | Chas. Jas. | Gillingarra | K5Y | 1924 |
Kelly | D. Jas | Blocks 6759-6760, Wishbone Pool, East Wagin | DK4 | 1912 |
Kelly | D. Jas. | Blocks 6759-6760, Wishbone Pool, East Wagin | DK4 | 1924 |
Kelly | D. P. | Avon Loc. 15727, Korrelocking | D9K and 108B, 118A | 1962 |
Kelly | D. W. | Donald Downs, Yoting | 6NK and 22A, 17B | 1962 |
Kelly | E. | Northwitch, Wongan Hills | 1EK and 17D, 105E | 1962 |
Kelly | E. J. | Bolton Pools, Collie | EK1 and 110E, 48D | 1962 |
Kelly | E. M. | Hardwick, Locarno, Gabbin | BK1 and 19D, 37E | 1962 |
Kelly | E. M. | Wicklow, Gillingarra | L8K and 37D, 25E | 1962 |
Kelly | Emily | Trevenson, Northampton | EG7 | 1912 |
Kelly | Emily | Trevenson, Northampton | EG7 | 1924 |
Kelly | Emily (Ex trix. Wm. Nancarrow), | Trevenson, Northampton | WN7 | 1924 |
Kelly | Emily (Executrix Wm. Nancarrow) | Trevenson, Northampton | WN7 | 1912 |
Kelly | Ethel | Avon Loc. 17668, Kulin | 8KY | 1925 |
Kelly | F. R. | Turf Club, Perth | FK0 | 1928 |
Kelly | F. W. & K. N. | Chittinup, Kojonup | BR2 and 34C, 40A | 1962 |
Kelly | Frank | Nina Springs, Issika | K4X | 1925 |