WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
NelsonW. A.Wandene, BalingupWD71912
NelsonW. A.Wandene, BalingupWD71924
NelsonW. A.Sunnyside, BroomehillWN3 and 44D, 26E1962
Nelson & Johnson-Hillgrove, East KimberleyJN21912
Nelson & Joyce-Homestead, Brookton1NJ1912
Nelson & Joyce-Homestead, Brookton1NJ1924
Nelson & Son-Wallena, TamminU2N and 44C, 35E1962
Nelson Bros.-Woodside, Wagin E.H9M1924
Nelson Road Board-Public Pound, Bridgetown1BP1924
Nelson Roads Board-Public Pound, Bridgetown1BP1912
NenkeC. E.Parkston, Kukerin1NK and 54F, 18B1962
NenkeClara A.Nenkeville Farm, WaginS7N1924
NenkeJ. C. H.Colanelling, East Wagin1NN1912
NenkeJ. C. H.Colanelling, East Wagin1NN1924
NeranSinghBlock 3643/56, QuairadingN0S1924
NesbittA.53 Earl Street, Albany7AN and 44C, 33E1962
NessA. C.Myrtle Hill, BokalAN9 and 25D, 45E1962
NessA. S. & H. G.Reniss, Bokal, via Darkan7OO and 24D, 49E1962
NessR. E.Myrtle Hill, West AthurRN11912
NessR. E.Myrtle Hill, W. ArthurRN11924
NessR. J.Roe Loc. 52, Newdegate6NT1924
NessStanley T.Newdegate7QN1925
NessWm. JNartindale, NarroginNS31912
NessWm. J.Nartindale, NarroginNS31924
Ness & Co.J. R.Loc. 2786, Qualup, via KojonupEP0 and 110B, 9E1962
NettletonS. B.6224, BordenSA5 and 103B, 80A1962
NeumanC. H.Glenlossie, Kojonup2NJ1924
NeumanO. B.Cressaire Park, Carani, via Toodyay0YN1924
NeumanRobt.Commonage, Gascoyne Hotel, CarnarvonUP31924
NeumannE. H.Hills View, MooraRV71927
NeumannO. B. & E. V.Cumberland Farm, Byford0BN and 38D, 10E1962
NeumannWilliam C.Jesmond Dene, Walebing Road, Moora2UN1926
NeuzerlingH. L.Mount View, Hazelvale, via DenmarkLN61962
NeveDavidCommonage, MenziesDZ51924
NeveDavid.Commonage, MenziesDZ51912
NeveH. D.37E and 317E, Kalgoorlie7HN and 13A, 4C1962
NeveJ. H.M. H. Lease 21z, Menzies0NJ1912
NeveJ. H.M. H. Lease 21z, Menzies0NJ1924
NeveJames F.Commonage, MenziesJN31912
NeveJames F.Commonage, MenziesJN31924
NeveN. E.Farnham, Pingrup, East KatanningNN9 and 35D, 59F1962
NeveNorman Robt.Farnham, PingrupNN91924
NevermannF.Kaarz Farm, NannupNF61924
NevermannI. P. & W. R.Karaz and Coobana, NannupNF61962
NevettW. J.Tatura Farm, KellerberrinNE31912
NevettW. J.Tatura Farm, KellerberrinNE31924
NevileV. H. & D. S.Lot No. 401, Red Lake, Red LakeD1N1927
NevillJ. L.Yalgoo Common, YalgooVH91926
Neville A. L .Chocolyn, YealeringA4N1962