WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
CowcherS. T.Williams, L., Williams2SC and 116A, 39C1962
CowcherT. S. & D. E.Dulverton, W. NarroginE5D and 17C, 47A1962
CowcherT. S. & D. E.Geeralying, W. NarroginS2C and18B, 20E1962
CowcherV. A. J. S.Lyndhurst, Quindanning via Williams4CH and 27B, 33E1962
CowcherW. GHillcrest, WilliamsE7C and 10B, 22E1962
CowcherW. M. (Miss)Geeralying, NarroginW2C and 7D, 80E1962
Cowcher Bros.-Dookenine, WilliamsF2G1927
CowcillA.Romlea Farm, Quairading40C and 3C, 40E1962
CowcillAlfredRomlea Farm, Quairading4OC1924
CowcillC.Plant. 5797, AlbanyC8C and 17C, 24A1962
Cowcilll.Hill Grove, Quairading6LC and 22C, 110A1962
Cowcill Co.G. A.27421, 25737, 26003, 12597, 21893, 10557, 17523, 16053, 19542, 2194, QuairadingGC8 and 10C, 9A1962
CowdenR. BrookeSchool Grounds, ToodyayKC31912
CowdenR. BrookeToodyayKC31924
Cowell & SonsG. E.Shadwell Park, Midland Junction9GC and 3B, 106E1962
CowenW. J.BridgetownWC91912
CowenW. J.BridgetownWC91924
CowensR.Butterfly Station, KookynieXF91924
CowinR. K. & E. N.Toorackie, Tarwongup, via WilliamsTC1 and 7B, 105A1962
CowinT. A.Hurtle Vale, HighburyT0C1924
Cowles & Son-Hyams, Gabbin, Bencubbin3EC and 31B, 110E1962
CowleyJ. F. & G. L Lot 3, L Lot 2, Beechboro, via Bayswater9CJ and 12E, 34B1962
CowleyJohn A.Lone Hollow, Near Nannup, Sussex Mill, DellertonQ1O1925
CowlingD. & L.Woodhouse Farm, KojonupEA6 and 84B, 6E1962
CowlingE. W.Roe Location 445, Karlgarnen, via KondininYV61924
CowlingFrederick G. B.Wellington Loc. 3329, Elgin, Capel6QU1925
CownieJohn S.Nelson Location 7971, Greenbushes4KN1924
CoxArthurNewnham, Kojonup via Springfield8CA1912
CoxArthurNewnham, Kojonup8CA1924
CoxB. R.Kyogle, Quairading8CX1924
CoxC. & E.Shovelong, Korrelocking0CX and 8D, 110E1962
CoxC. G. & M. D.Denham Farm Vic. Loc. 6339 & 5347, Naraling, via Geraldton6CC and 13D, 35E1962
CoxC. P.Rose Park, Hine's Hill2RL1912
CoxC. P.Rose Park, Hines Hill2RL1924
CoxC. T. B. & I. M.2396, 184, WaroonaC3X and 17E, 110B1962
CoxC. V.Statfield, RoelandsW6C and 116B, 106E1962
CoxD. G. & L. M.Winchester Park, PinjarraZ4M and 114E, 29B1962
CoxD. L.Illyee Station, Peak Hill0MZ1924
CoxD. L.Pinjarra0SV1924
CoxD. M. (Mrs)Minga Mia, YericoinO8W1962
CoxDon. Lind.Wiluna9SV1924
CoxE. H.Cloverdale, Kojonup8OX and 30D, 12E1962
CoxE. M. (Mrs)Avon Loc. 16022, 16085-6-4, 15223-4, 17553, 23371, Kellerberrin3EC and 38C, 120A1962
CoxF. CAvon Loc. 16085, 16085-6-4, 152223-4, 17553, 23371, KellerberrinOX4 and 5D, 38E1962
CoxF. H.Avon Loc. 16085, 16086, 23371, 16086, 23371, 17553, 16084, 15223, 15224, 20389, Kellerberrin7FC and 12D, 109E1962
CoxF. W.Sherwood, KatanningFV5 and 13D, 42E1962
CoxG.Block 28, Collie River, BurekupC0X and 35B, 36E1962
CoxG. H.Loc. 11462, YorkrakineG5C1912
CoxG. H.Loc. 11462, YorkakineG5C1924
CoxGeo. Wm.Rocklee, Wickepin7CY1912