WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
SquiersC. A.Locs. 23393, 21869, 21745, South Quairading8SQ and 5B, 49E1962
SquiersDavid Chas.Woodlands, DanginXS51924
SquiersFred S.Lease 6692/56, Kurrenkutten9SF1924
SquiersGeo.Mt. MagnetN1S1924
SquiersL. C.A.1183 W.S.L.S. Gairdner River, Via JerramungupXS5 and 80B, 11A1962
SquiersPercivalLocation No. 52 and 100, Wongan HillsSQ41924
SquiersRhodaRock Dale, Dangin8SQ1924
SquiersWalterHomestead, DarkanUD61924
SquiersWalterCome Vale, DarkanV5Z1924
SquillaceA.Laughing Waters, Harvey8AS and 7B, 35A1962
SquireG. R.Kewarra, CoomerdaleUR4 and 42C, 15A1962
SquireW. R.Hay Loc. 7429 Port 520 Greenvale Mt. BarkerSQ7 and 32C, 24E1962
Squire & SonF. L.Mortigallup, Mt. Barker7GH and 34B, 23A1962
Squire & SonsM.Devonleigh, MukinbudinSQ1 and 48D, 17E1962
SquiresGeo.Mt. MagnetN1S1912
SquiresK. G. & M. G.1 Lot 6, Upper Swan9KM and 28B, 12A1962
St JohnA. T.Hazelmere, KwolyinT2J1924
St JohnWmHazelwood, Ongerup0VJ1924
St Joseph Girls Orphanage-SubiacoOS81924
St. ClairW.Brockway, Llanelly, Canning, Block No. 7078/55, Dorakin7LY1912
St. Francis Xaviers Native Mission-Wandering Brook, Wandering Brook1FX and35D, 113E1962
St. JackH. T.Plantagenet 2048. 1404, 4383, 3057, Mt. BarkerUK5 and 48B, 29A1962
St. JackR. N. & E. A.Nockamany, York8RE and 118D, 31E1962
St. JackThos. ChasMerriwaberup, WoogenellupUK51924
St. Jack & SonsT.Parts Avon 2982, 3024, 4756, and 10992, Rickerys Siding, via Green HillsT6J and 3B, 33A1962
St. Jacks & SonsT.Locs. 6501-2, Balkuling6BO and 39B, 17E1962
St. JohnA. T.Hazlemere, KwollyillT2J1912
St. JohnP. F. & L. P.Mallee Plains, YunaPS6 and 32B, 16E1962
St. JohnW. A>Puriotta, AldersydeSJ4 and 7B, 14A1962
St. JohnsMaryBelmont Avenue, Belmont1SJ1928
St. Joseph's Girls Orphanage-SubiacoOS81912
StaceyA. F.Croyden Springs and Avalon Downs, Mundi-WindiSY9 and 44B, 4A1962
StaceyA. O.Corry Lynn, Dowerin7SQ1924
StaceyC.Murray 956, 1080, 1342, Waroona5CS and 34C, 12E1962
StaceyC. F.563, Somerset Hill, Via DenmarkCS61962
StaceyFrederick ArthurKurrajong, Tambellup9OB1924
StaceyH. J.Arralea, ArrinoCS9 and 44C, 4E1962
StaceyJ.Loc. 503 Kuldana, Moorine RockSJ7 and 28C, 71E1962
StaceyJohn B.Dumen Farm, Southern Cross8ST1912
StaceyJohn B.Dumen Farm, Southern Cross8ST1924
StaceyK. & D.Jalborragup, Nannup8KS and 117B, 48A1962
StaceyL. J.Sunnyvale, QuairadingS1F and 30B, 26A1962
StaceyN.Avon 17193-4, Narembeen7NT and 29B, 111A1962
StaceyP. N.Victoria Loc. 8917, BuntineR5J and 6B, 80E1962
StaceyT. P.Loc. 57, 125, BodallinTS2 and 55F, 42B1962
Stacey Bros.-Murry Vale, Waroona3SZ and 39B, 24E1962
StackThos.PascoeLongwood, HarveyK2U1924
StackWm. & JuniorFarm, BurracoppinQ7S1924