WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
BrounA. D.Barragunda, Marchagee, via CoorowB0A and 31B, 105A1962
BrounC. M & M. A.Springfield, Coorow4BN and 18E, 45D1962
BrounC. McB.Rockcliffe, E. PingellyC4B and 80B, 102A1962
BrounC. S.Fern Bank, KulyalingD7B1924
BrounChas McBrideBongainvale, Pingelly9MR1924
Broun de C. S.Fern Bank, KulyayingD7B1912
BrounF. M. T. & Tomlinson, J. D.Myamba, Keysbrook1BT and 11B, 17A1962
Broun F. R. B.Lyndhurst, Wagin1BF1912
BrounF. R. B.Lyndhurst, Wagin1BF1924
Broun F. T.Waterhatch, Beverley1FO1912
BrounF. T.Waterhatch, Beverley1FO1924
BrounGeo. L.Avondale, YorkBN11912
BrounGeo. L.Avondale, YorkBN11924
BrounJohn The Gleam, TambellupJ0Z 1912
BrounJohnThe Gleam, TambellupJ0Z1924
BrounL. H.The Ranch, Bulyee, via East PingellyJB7 and 16B, 30E1962
BrounM. A.Bouganville, Pingelly9MR and 6C, 11A1962
BrounN. F. & E. R.Block No. 9539, Coorow2NB and 38B, 8E1962
BrounO. B. & H. G.Rockcliffe, E. Pingelly3NO and 102E, 80D1962
BrounR. T.Boyadine, BeverleyBR6 and 49B, 112A1962
BrounV. W.Braodview, CoorowVB1 and 34B, 42E1962
BrounW. H.Southbourne, BeverleyJ5B and 30D, 31E1962
BrounW. O. T.Waterhatch, Beverley1FO and 30D, 31E1962
Broun Bros. -Kingston Farm, DumbleyungB4D1912
Broun Bros.-Kingston Farm, DumbleyungB4D1924
Broun, Baden, & Broun, Roderi-Rockcliffe, East Kulyalling3NO1924
BrownA.Lots 214 and 216 GreenmountN8W1924
BrownA. & H." Parkfield," Arthur River2YB1924
BrownA. A.Ningham Location 742 and 314, Bencubbin5AQ1924
BrownA. A.Victoria Location 365 and 482, Three Springs7ZY1924
BrownA. A. & Co.Riverview, Arthur River, via Wagin2YB and 24B, 33E1962
BrownA. C.Narrimba Loc. 7550, Kojonup5AB and 35B, 16E1962
BrownA. E.Blocks 11148 and 11151, Nangeenan4AB1912
BrownA. E.Mt. Erin, Arthur RiverA9B1912
BrownA. E.Blocks 11148 and 11151, Nangeenan4AB1924
BrownA. E.Mt. Erin, Arthur RiverA9B1924
BrownA. F.Cuneenying, WickepinC7M and 24D, 22E1962
BrownA. H.Mount Carmel, 3084, 4011, 2590, DarkenAU6 and 115D, 28E1962
BrownA. KMount Margaret District, Laverton2AK1912
BrownA. K.Mt. Margaret district, Laverton2AK1924
BrownA. L, F.Oakover, Arthur River5HB and 13C, 29E1962
BrownA. L.Mangelling, Quairading0AB and 38D, 8E1962
BrownA. L.Hartville, Cranbrook1AB and 41D, 8E1962
BrownA. L. F.Oakover, Arthur River5HB1925
BrownA. R.Mt. Pleasant, Dinninup1BN and 45A, 4C1962
BrownA. T.Viewhill, Wubin4TH and 17D, 120E1962
BrownA. W.Hill View, Muradup6EW and 46C, 113E1962
BrownA. W. J.Nellawarra, Dalwallinu0AZ1924
BrownAlbertC/o O. H. Bennet, BridgetownA7Z1924
BrownAlfred Jos.Adelaide Farm, Ravensthorpe7AZ1924