WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
WattsJ. J.Avon Loc. 18453, Port. 6117, 7725, 16324, 5571, Mears Siding, via BrooktonJ5W and 104D, 107E1962
WattsJ. M.Highgate, WickepinJ8W and 40D, 49E1962
WattsJ. S.Waratah, West Pingelly0YR and 34C, 16A1962
WattsL. O.Hillview, West PingellyE1W and 4B, 9E1962
WattsL. R.Hotham Dale, Pingelly2LW and 56F, 31D1962
WattsL. R.Swan Locs. 1693, 1710, 3274, 1951, 1862, WoorolooE2W and 5B, 32E1962
WattsL. S. & E.Biberkine, West Pingelly7LS and 34B, 107A1962
WattsL. S. & H.Pumphreys Bridge, West PingellySW2 and 3B, 4E1962
WattsL. V.Corranup Park 2070, Rocky GullyL5W and 16C, 23E1962
WattsM. A.Hillvale, West Pingelly3WZ and 29B, 107E1962
WattsMary C.Garthowrn & Wallacewood, Kojonup2CN1924
WattsMary CatherineGarthowrn and Wallacewood, Kojonup2CN1912
WattsMrs F.Westwood, WanderingFW71924
WattsMrs. F.Westwood, WanderingFW71912
WattsN. A. & V. M.Avon 7319, 5079, 5549, 9475, West Pingelly0MW and 30B, 26E1962
WattsOlga RoseFern Hill, WanderingD5W1924
WattsP. B.Springfield, WickepinPW5 and 8B, 22E1962
WattsP.D.Hillside, PinjarraWX71962
WattsPhillip D.East KimberleyPW51924
WattsR. A.Chance Farm, KulyalingZ1X1912
WattsR. A.Chance Farm, KulyalingZ1X1924
WattsR. A.Chance Farm, Mears Siding, BrooktonZ1X and 14B, 26A1962
WattsS. G. H.Kojonup Locs. 4861-2 and Part 7507, KojonupS5W and 19B, 27A1962
WattsS. R.Oakleigh, PopanyingSW21912
WattsS. R.Oakleigh, PopanyinningSW21924
WattsV. & E.Nimbedilling and Bensfield, West PingellyV8W and 27D, 114E1962
WattsWalter B.Lock Ellen Paddock, KendenupW3W1927
WattsWm. EdwardNewstead, KojonupVF51924
Watts & Co.-Melbourne 2076, 116, 3778, Wongan Hills3DW and 28C, 116A1962
Watts & Co.H. A.Lot 91 and 119 Glenroyd Est. Loc. 1316, Gidgegannup8IW and 107B, 108A1962
Watts & SonA. S.Grassdale, WanderingE7S and 12B, 10A1962
WauchopeA.Glenarden Farm, BalingupZ5W1924
WauchopeD.Nelson 949, 822, BalingupZ5W and 58F, 22C1962
Waud & SonC. H. & E.Melbourne Loc. 3715, Badgingarra0CW and 21B, 49A1962
WaughC.Waugh's Farm, HighburyCW81912
WaughC.Waugh's Farm, HighburyCW81924
WaughE.Bondoola 9176 Nelson, Glenoran, ManjimupZA1 and 31B, 32E1962
WaughJ. C.Willow Flats 10921-2, ManjimupW7O1962
WaughJ. W.Locs. 22601, 11474, -8, 21127, Yorkrakine8JW and 50B, 17A1962
WaughT. (jnr.)9768, 9677, Appadene, via Manjimup6WV1962
WaughT. W.Bonnie Rigg, 9766, 9770, Appadene, via ManjimupY8G1962
WauhopW.Block 11, Perth8UW1962
WayE. J.Victoria Loc. 3897 and Narngalu, Canna and GreenoughE5W and 41B, 104E1962
WayErnestVic. Locs. 7147, 5522, 5521, GuthaQQ51925
WayN. G.Tondarup, KojonupH1V and 67B, 14E1962
WayT. H.Victoria 8627, GuthaZ3W and 45B, 116A1962
Way & SonsG. H.Kardalou Station, Mullewa3LT and 22B, 102E1962
WaycottA. S. & M. E.Lot 242 O'Brien Road, Gidgegannup2AW and 43C, 113E1962
WaycottS. H. & E. B.Innisfail, KununoppinSE6 and 104B, 10A1962
WaycottS. S.15553, Kununoppin1SW and 38C, 41A1962