WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
WiseH. E.MoojebingHE21912
WiseH. E.MoojebingHE21924
WiseHerbert Chas. Jno.Warren Road, via Katanning5CY1924
WiseJ.Cockmanning's, Manjimup2UW1924
WiseJ.1497, Upper SwanW1J1962
WiseJohn WilliamKevington, JarnadupQE91925
WiseS. J.Oak Dale, BroomeSW51912
WiseS. J.Oak Dale, BroomeSW51924
WiseWm. H.Kia-Ora, Kent Road, DenmarkZW31924
Wise & LeachR. A. & P.The Prairie, TambellupPL7 and 104D, 28E1962
Wise & SonH. J.Clear Valley, GnowangerupHJ7 and 39B, 29A1962
Wise & SonR. A.Wililoo, Katanning2RW and 50B, 3A1962
WisemanF. R.Stanhope, Farm, Talbot Brook via Northam1WY1924
WisemanJohn G.Talbot via YorkW5F1924
WisemanL. L.Sussex 1731-2, 1744, CowaramupAW2 and 7B, 38E1962
WisemanW. M.Stanhope, Talbot, via York1WY and 29B, 27E1962
WishartHMuntebin, QuairadingW7U1924
WishartH.Muntebin, QuairadingW7U1912
WishartH. E.Leschenaltin Park, YotingHW8 and 12C, 105A1962
WishartH. H.C.P. 56/598, WooralooHW41912
WishartH. H.C. P. 56/598. WoorolooHW41924
WishartJ. H.19291, 17529, YotingWJ2 and 32D, 116E1962
WishartT. K.The Braes, NannupT2K and 49B, 109E1962
WishartW.Swan Loc. 1637, WoorolooBM0 and 22C, 37A1962
WishartW. MBlock 4123, Mt. CarolingTJ51924
WishartWm.Block 4123, Mt. CarolingTJ51912
Wishart & Co.D. R.Muntipin, PantapinW7U and 30D, 20E1962
WithamB. A.Arronville, CranbrookB2W and 22B, 103E1962
WithamJ. AThe Grange, Lake BiddyW9M and 49D, 52F1962
WithamN. J. & J. A.8781, BroomehillDF2 and 43D, 58F1962
WithamW. G. & J. E.Woodlands, Wyalkatchem4GW and 17B, 104A1962
WithamW. M.Varden Hall, BrooktonW9M1912
WithamW. M.Varden Hall, BrooktonW9M1924
Witham & Co.W. R.Holme Park, Tambellup9XV and 28B, 48E1962
WithellF. S.Vict. Locations 7695, 6,7, DalwallinuY2Q1924
WithellF. S.7730, 7695-7, 6466, 7744, 111, 109, 7799, 88, 11, DalwallinuFW7 and 24D, 115E1962
WitheridgeC. C.South Belmont1WB1928
WithersA. J.Common, LeonoraAW91912
WithersA. J.Cooee, WilliamsAW91924
WithersAlexHomestead, Mt. Morgans2AW1924
WithersAlex.Homestead, Mt. Morgans2AW1912
WithersCora EmilyLeylholm Hall, MardellaSU91924
WithersE. H.Commonage, BunburyBE81924
WithersEva MCooee, Williams7SC1924
WithersEva M.Cooee, Williams7SC1912
WithersFredk. Jas.Commonage, BunburyFX41924
WithersL. A.Plantagenet Loc. 6058, Katanning9LW and 33B, 19E1962
WithnellH & HCanberra Springs, GoomallingZ7H1924
WithnellJ. E.Lots 8138 & 8139 BalingupE9V1924
WithnellJ. G.Wooling Station, East MurchisonOU11926