WA Livestock Brands 1912-1962

Surname Name Property Brand Year
YoungA. H. & J. O.Stratford Farm, BrooktonY2Y1924
YoungA. J.Causeway Homestead, NorsemanA0Y1924
YoungA. J.Maroomba Farm, BenderingYA81924
YoungA. J. & E. J.2019, M/1349, Three SpringsA0Y and 48D, 25E1962
YoungA. M.Peel Estate Loc. 1110, South FremantleAY1 and 11D, 51F1962
YoungB.225, ManjimupY7O and 2C, 102A1962
YoungB. M.Bald Hill, GwambygineYM41924
YoungBertramDunreath, ManjimupY7O1924
YoungC. C.Nelson Locs. 6070, 5277, 5865, ManjimupH2G and 7C, 14E1962
YoungC. D.Thornton Park, BrooktonCY1 and 11B, 1161962
YoungC. T.Colliedale. Shotts, via CollieQY0 and 102C, 28E1962
YoungChas.Wokalwarrup and Mica Hill, BalbarrupCY41912
YoungChas.Wokalwarrup and Mica Hill, BalbarrupCY41924
YoungChas. H.Karri Gate, BalbarrupHY11912
YoungChas. H.Karri Gate, BalbarrupHY11924
YoungD. A.Redcliffe, BelmontD1Y and 22C, 41E1962
YoungD. L.Denhil Farm, 14091, NungarinD1Y and 43B, 41E1962
YoungD. M.Ptn. 6229, AlbanyDY0 and 31B, 7E1962
YoungD. McM.Minden, Beverley0QU and 38D, 25E1962
YoungE. D.Boyanup Swamp, Manjimup7DY1962
YoungE. E. & G. M.Waimarama, North Dandalup1EY1924
YoungE. N.Salt Spring Gully, BridgetownEY7 and 22D, 37E1962
YoungEdgar PercyKondininE1Y1926
YoungErnest P.Many Waters Station, West WaginQY01925
YoungF. H.Avon 16136, 16142 -3, Kondinin7FY and 38C, 20A1962
YoungF. M.Preston A. D., DonnybrookFY31912
YoungF. M.Preston A.D., DonnybrookFY31924
YoungF. S.Lease 22698/74, Esperance5YG1924
YoungG. A. & J. D.Plantagenet 574, Denmark2GY and 37B, 112E1962
YoungG. E.YorkY1G1912
YoungG. E.YorkY1G1924
YoungG. E.Daisyville, KendenupGY5 and 23D, 12E1962
YoungG. H.Mardale, Duranillin6GY and 28B, 113E1962
YoungG. L.Twin Hills, ManjimupHY1 and 80D, 12E1962
YoungG. T.14037, 38039, Nungarin3GY and 47B, 44A1962
YoungGeo.Commonage, CarnarvonGY11912
YoungGeo.Koj. Locations 6180, 6181, NyabingGY71924
YoungGeo.Avon location 24511, MukinbudinQY31924
YoungGilbertForest Dale Farm, East KirupGY21924
YoungH. J. P.Callawa Station, Port HedlandJY3 and 43C, 45A1962
YoungH. M.Talgommie Flats, NungarinHY6 and 19C, 47A1962
YoungHenryMarblup, Young's Siding1HY1912
YoungI. (Mrs)Blocks 11006-7-9 Peel Estate, Wellard1Yl1962
YoungIsaacParadise Alley, Balbarrup1XY1912
YoungIsaacParadise Alley, Balbarrup1XY1924
YoungJ. C.Rosedale, KendenupJY5 and 24D, 17E1962
YoungJ. M.Rosebank, YorkJY11912
YoungJ. M.Rosebank, YorkJY11924