Newspaper Extracts 1938-1942
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 12 February 1938:
Hotelkeepers Honoured - Presentation at Three Springs -
Farewell to Mr and Mrs R. Barnhart
"Residents of Three Springs and surrounding centres
assembled in goodly numbers at the Three Springs Hall on Thursday
evening of last week and remained in the building until Friday
morning was no loner young, the object of the gathering being to bid
farewell to Mr and Mrs R. Barnhart, who some ten years ago arrived
at Three Springs and built the Commercial Hotel, which they recently
sold to Mr J. J. Thorpe. The function was organised by a special
committee appointed at a public meeting, the people of the district
having decided that some appropriate recognition would be shown of
Mr and Mrs Barnhart's activities for the general welfare of the
The proceedings commenced with a dance, for which the music
was dispensed by Mr and Mrs C. F. Coffey and Mr F. Arndt assisted by
Messrs L. Schier and W. Jordan jun. At intervals songs were
contributed by Mrs W. G.. Jordan and Mr A. R. Barr, and also a duet
by Mr and Mrs Jordan. As master of ceremonies Mr W. G. Jordan did an
excellent job and was largely responsible of the fact that dull
moments were non-existent right throughout the entire evening. The
organising committee comprised Messrs C. F. Thomas jun (chairman),
E. Hunt, W. A. Harris, F. Connaughton, C. F. Coffey, C. M. Maley, C.
B. Thomas, A. E. Saggers, W. G. Jordan, and Rev R. Pym, with Mr M.
M. Williamson officiating as secretary in a thoroughly efficient and
courteous manner. The catering arrangements were admirably carried
out by a ladies' committee comprising Mesdames C. F. Thomas jun, E.
Sheahan and A. E. Saggers.
Mr C. F. Thomas jun, chairman of the Three Springs Road
Board, who presided during the more formal portion of the programme,
said there was little or no necessity to explain the object of the
gathering, which was to bid farewell to two highly respected
residents of the district. It was ten years since Mr and Mrs
Barnhart arrived at Three Springs, which was then only a ward of the
Carnamah Road Board, and in the successful fight for "Home Rule" Mr
Barnhart displayed a very active part. Other important events since
their advent were the formation of an Agricultural Society and the
building of the North Midlands District Hospital. It was quite
possible that all this would have taken place even if they had not
decided to reside at Three Springs, but it was certain they could
not come to the town and spend an amount between twenty and thirty
thousand pounds without having a big influence on the district. Mr
and Mrs Barnhart had been first class citizens, but much of their
work for the welfare of the community had been done in such a quiet
manner that many did not know how much they had really achieved. Mr
Barnhart had been president of the Three Springs-Arrino Sub-Branch
of the R.S.L., the Three Springs Football Club and the Three Springs
Rifle Club, and he had assisted other organisations. One very
important matter in which Mr Barnhart had interested himself was the
provision of a water supply for the town, although he did not think
anyone had ever heard him (Mr Barnhart) suggest that there was any
call for that liquid as a drink. (Laughter). They all regretted the
departure of Mr and Mrs Barnhart from the district, and on behalf of
the community he wished them long life, health and prosperity.
Mr A. R. Strutton, speaking on behalf of the Three Springs
Sub-Branch of the R.S.L. said that Mr Barnhart had officiated as the
district ex-service men's president and had thereby assisted the
Branch. For a number of years Mr Barnhart had not enjoyed really
good health, and he hoped a change in climate would be beneficial to
him. They would all miss Mrs Barnhart's smiling face, and so on
behalf of the returned men he wished them both the best of good
fortune in the future and also extended a welcome to Mr and Mrs
Mr A. Bastian who spoke for the Three Springs Agricultural
Society said that he also regretted the departure of Mr and Mrs
Barnhart from the district and expressed the hope that it would be
possible to see something more of them in the future. As president
of the society during its first three years of existence he was in a
position to know that the organisation received a considerable
amount of assistance from Mr and Mrs Barnhart. In addition to the
Agricultural Society, he had been associated with Mr Barnhart on
many occasions on some committee working to in the interests of the
district. Mr Barnhart had sometimes visited Perth in those
interests, and had generally succeeded in obtaining good results.
They often had visitors to the town and it was quite customary to
hear Three Springs spoken of very creditably. Nothing gave a town a
better name than a well conducted hotel, and they were very proud of
the building erected by Mr and Mrs Barnhart in the town. When
the Agricultural Society was battling for finance in its early years
Mr and Mrs Barnhart came forward and provided a free dinner of
visitors, judges, stewards and others on show day, and ever since
that time they had been a great help. Mrs Barnhart always received
them with a pleasant smile. She was a good business woman, and would
make visitors feel quite at home. On behalf of the society he wished
them both health and success in the years to come.
On behalf of the committees of the Catholic Church the Rev.
Father M. Lynch said they greatly regretted the departure of Mr and
Mrs Barnhart, who had been very staunch members of that committee.
They had been staunch friends and fine workers. They were just about
to build a new church at Three Springs, and when he was told that Mr
and Mrs Barnhart were going to leave the district he thought that
nothing worse could possibly happen unless it might be an
earthquake. They had accomplished a lot unselfishly both in church
and public life. A publican's life was not an easy one. In Australia
they had one of the best systems of liquor distribution in the
world, which was an example of British justice, and the manner in
which Mr and Mrs Barnhart conducted their hotel was a tribute to
British commonsense. It did not matter what request was made to Mr
and Mrs Barnhart, whether a truck of the children, wood for the
Sisters at the Convent or some other favour, the request was
granted. He thought Mr and Mrs Thorpe would prove worthy successors,
whilst Mr and Mrs Tippett needed no introduction. He was very glad
to be present, although he viewed the impending departure of Mr and
Mrs Barnhart with regret. He hoped they would enjoy the fullest
measure of prosperity and success in the future.
Mr W. G. Jordan, chairman of the North Midlands Hospital
Board, said the Board only had a limited number of members, but it
was sometimes difficult to get them. Mr Barnhart had been a member
and had done more than his share, and Mrs Barnhart had assisted him.
Mr Barnhart's "Alcoholic Playmates" scheme proved a success,
although people laughed when it was first inaugurated. Mr and Mrs
Barnhart had helped everything in the town. Mr Barnhart had been
well behind an effort to obtain a town water supply. Water had now
been obtained for the hospital, and he was sorry Mr Barnhart would
not be in the town to apply the "acid" on the Lotteries Commission
so that they could get some water laid on. However, he felt sure
that Mr Barnhart had already told Mr Thorpe of his activities, and
that he would be in a position to say later on - "Well I never
thought anyone else could throw it over as well as I could."
Speaking on behalf of the Three Springs Rifle Club and the
sporting bodies generally, Mr E. Hunt said that Mr Barnhart had been
president of the former and was deeply interested in all classes of
sport, more particularly in connection with football. Mr Hunt said
that the Three Springs Club was not very financial some time agoand
the matter of Guernseys being required was mentioned to Mr Barnhart
who talked the matter over with Mrs Barnhart and then announced that
they would buy the garments required. The club now had a credit
balance of £20. Such a thing as that had been done year by year ever
since Mr and Mrs Barnhart arrived in Three Springs, and on behalf of
the sporting bodies of Three Springs - and he thought he could
mention Arrino as well - he wished Mr and Mrs Barnhart all possible
happiness and prosperity and a bright future.
As an expression of appreciation for services rendered, Mr
Thomas then presented Mr and Mrs Barnhart with an illuminated
address from the residents of the district."
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 19 February 1938:
Valedictory - Three Springs Residents Honoured -
Presentations and Good Wishes
"The Agricultural Hall of Three Springs was well filled on
Tuesday evening of last week with a representative assemblage of
members of the district and particularly of the older families.
Visitors were also present from Mingenew, Yandanooka, Arrino,
Carnamah and Coorow, the gathering having been arranged with the
object of honouring two very old residents of Three Springs in the
persons of Mrs M. M. Watson and Mr Arthur Mortimer, the latter
having managed Mrs Watson's farming property in the district for
over twenty years, such being the fulfilment of a promise made to
the late Mr G. Watson prior to his death. Mr Mortimer, who is
suffering from a war disability, has now been ordered to cease
undertaking any work of a strenuous nature and take a sea trip for
health reasons. In the circumstances Mrs Watson decided to
relinquish farming activities, and both will therefore leave the
district. After remaining in Perth for a brief period Mrs Watson
intends visiting friends in the Eastern States, but Mr Mortimer has
not yet decided anything in connection with his future movements.
Both have been particularly active in public affairs and also in the
social life of the district, and in those connections they will be
greatly missed by the community.
It is due to Mrs Watson's generosity that the Perth -
Geraldton Road now runs through the town of Three Springs instead of
three miles away as was at first proposed. In order to obtain the
present route Mrs Watson gave the land through a section of her
property free of cost, thus eliminating any argument against that
route on the ground of resumption costs. The news of the departure
of Mrs Watson and Mr Mortimer, coming so soon after that of Mr and
Mrs Barnhart, gave citizens something of a shock, but a committee
was speedily formed in order that they would not leave the district
without some token of appreciation of citizenship. The committee
appointed by a public meeting to organise the function comprised
Messrs C.F. Thomas jun (chairman), M.M. Williams (secretary), H.
hunter, R. Shaw, G. Meyer, M. Coffey, C.B. Thomas, A.J. Ferguson,
Geo. H. Bickford, J. Jefford, W.G. Jordan. H. Nairn and Mesdames
Jordan and Coffey and Miss Hunter, and at the gathering several
other ladies assisted in serving an excellent supper. Mr W.G.
Jordan officiated as master of ceremonies and the music for dancing
was dispensed in generous measure by Messrs L. Schier, F. Arndt,
W.G. Jordan and W. Jordan jun, augmented by a gramophone and
amplifiers operated by Mr L. Watson of Carnamah.
During an interval in the proceedings the chairman of the
Three Springs Road Board (Mr C.F. Thomas jun) explained that the
function had been arranged to bid farewell to Mrs Watson and Mr
Arthur Mortimer and to wish them all that was good for
the future. In so doing, he said that it was necessary to go back to
1909, in which year the eastern side of Three Springs was being
settled, the western portion having been settled three years
previously. The second lot of pioneers, which included the Lynch,
Bastian and Watson families, then became known in the district. The
Watsons purchased land in its virgin state, and in a period of about
thirty years it had been brought to a highly improved state. Both
Mrs Watson and Mr Mortimer had played an important part in the
development of the district and the State, and they had always been
helpful in the social life of the district. Mrs Watson played a
leading part in Red Cross work during the war, and was active in
assisting the agricultural society, the hospital and numerous other
movements, in addition to many acts of individual kindness that were
known only to those directly concerned. He hoped her future life
would be like one long holiday. When Three Springs increased
in importance Mr Mortimer was appointed the first station master at
that centre. The most impressive fact about Mr Mortimer that
remained in his (Mr Thomas') memory was that he was a champion
runner. There had been many good runners at Three Springs but in his
opinion none of them were as good as Mr Mortimer during a period
before the war. Mr Mortimer went to the war with the first
expeditionary force. He was at the landing at Gallipoli and was one
of the first to fall, being severely wounded on the first day. For
most people the war ended in 1918, but over twenty years Mar
Mortimer had nursed war injuries and yet had been noted for his
jokes and short stories. (Laughter). He had found it necessary to
relinquish farm life and the Three Springs climate and go in quest
of health, and in that quest all hoped he would be successful.
In speaking on behalf of the older settlers of the district,
Mr J. K. Hebiton said it was particularly difficult to bid farewell
to Mrs Watson and Mr Mortimer. It was twenty nine years since Mrs
Watson arrived at Three Springs, and he had been personally
associated with Mr Mortimer on the railway when that gentleman was
the first station master at Three Springs. Even then he was always
ready for a bit of fun, and equally ready to work for anything that
was for the benefit of the community. The district could always
depend on Mrs Watson also when anything was required. All residents
were sorry they were leaving, but they hoped they would soon return
to the district in better health. He wished them both a good
Mr E. Hunt said he was speaking on behalf of the sporting
bodies and all other organisations in the district - and he did not
think there was one with which Mrs Watson and Mr Mortimer had not
been connected, except perhaps the latter was not a member of the
Country Women's Association. They would miss both very much.
Whenever refreshments were required for any function or outing Mrs
Watson was always to the fore, and Mr Mortimer had also helped in
everything and materially assisted in raising finance for various
organisations. Every small child in the district would miss Mr
Mortimer, who was accustomed to speaking to them all. Mrs Watson
too, always had a cheery word for everybody. The district could ill
afford to lose people of that calibre. He wished both Mrs Watson and
Mr Mortimer long life, good health and a happy and pleasant holiday.
At this stage the chairman read a telegram fro Mr R.
Barnhart expressing regret for his absence and conveying good wishes
to the guests of the evening. He then handed to each of the guest a
travelling rug, together with a cheque, asking them to accept the
gifts as a memento of the occasion and expressing the hope that they
would also serve to remind them of the friends they were leaving in
Three Springs.
Mr Mortimer rose to respond to the accompaniment of a chorus
- "Why was he born so beautiful" and said that the last occasion on
which he had appeared on the stage at Three Springs was when he
appeared as a fairy. (laughter). He thanked all for the very
pleasant evening and to the very nice rug, which would be useful on
the beach. It would be very hard to break from friends at Three
Springs, but he felt that he must obey doctor's orders.
Mrs Watson, who was greeted with cheers and a similar
chorus, said she did not know why she had been the recipient of such
a nice present, but she was very pleased to see so many old friends
that night. It had been a pleasure to do anything for the district,
for it was one of the pleasures of her life to endeavour to make
people happy. She hoped to return at some future date to renew
acquaintance with a lot of good friends, and concluded by adding -
"When the fields are white with daisies I'll return.""
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 26 February 1938:
Wedding Bells - Lane-Howard - Three Springs Residents
"In the early evening of the 19th inst. a quiet but very
pretty wedding was solemnised at Claremont Christ Church, the
contracting parties being Miss Ella Howard, fourth daughter of Mrs
S. J. Howard and the late Mr W. J. Howard, of Three Springs, and Mr
Frankis Lane, also of Three Springs.
The bride, who entered the church on the arm of
her brother (Mr William H. Howard), wore a simply cut but charming
frock of cream lace over cream satin. A dainty sash of georgette was
drawn round the waist, and small buttons of the same material
adorned the front from the high bust to the full length of the
frock. A capelet and short veil graced her head and she carried a
beautiful bouquet of pink and white tiger lilies.
Miss Ethel Miller, of Leederville, who officiated
as bridesmaid, looked graceful in a floral apple green organdie
frock with autumn tonings and spray. A fitting match to this
charming frock was a delicate autumn tinted hat, set off by a
gorgeous bouquet of autumn coloured gladioli and tiger lilies. The
duties of best man were ably carried out by Mr Archie Howard.
After the ceremony a reception was held at the home of Mr
and Mrs Mackay (brother-in-law and sister of the bridegroom) of
Claremont, where a small gathering of relatives and friends spent an
enjoyable time in honouring the customary toasts incidental to such
happy occasions. Many useful presents were received by the bridal
couple, and also numerous congratulatory telegrams form relatives
and many residents of Three Springs
Later in the evening Mr and Mrs Lane left by the great
western express on a honeymoon trip to Sydney, the bride travelling
in a neat ensemble of blue and white with torque and veil to match.
Mr and Mrs Lane intend spending about a month in the Eastern
States with relatives of the bridegroom, afterwards returning to
this State to settle on Mr Lane's farm in the Three Springs
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 25 June 1938:
Valedictory - Gathering at Three Springs - Departure of a
District Pioneer
"On Thursday night of last week the residents of Three
Springs and district were present in large numbers at a farewell
gathering held in the Three Springs Hall, the function having been
arranged to bid farewell to four residents in Mr E. K. Byrne, Mr and
Mrs L. Byrne and Mrs M. M. Williams. Mr Byrne and his son had been
residents of the district for nearly thirty years. During the whole
of the period the third gentleman, Mr M. M. Williams, lived at Three
Springs he was a member of the staff of the National Bank. Mr
Williams evinced a lively interest in practically all sporting
activities and also very efficiently carried out the duties of
secretary of the Three Springs Agricultural Society. During the
evening the majority of those present indulged in dancing to music
supplied by an orchestra comprising Mrs C. F. Coffey (piano)
and Messrs F. Arndt (violin) and C. F. Coffey (drums and effects),
and a sumptuous supper was served under the supervision of the Three
Springs Branch of the Country Women's Association.
Following the supper interval the guests of the evening were
invited to take a position of the stage in company with the chairman
of the Three Springs Road Board (Mr C. F. Thomas jun) and Messrs E.
W. Franklin, C. Luscombe, E. Hunt and C. B. Thomas, manager of the
National Bank at Three Springs.
After briefly expressing regret that the necessity had
arisen for such a gathering Mr Thomas remarked that the occasion
brought to him a peculiar pleasure on account of the fact that in
the capacity of chairman of the Three Springs Road Board he was
assisting in bidding farewell to a foundation member of the Board in
Mr E. K. Byrne, who was one of the pioneers of the district. He
expressed thanks to Mr Byrne and his family for the interest they
had displayed in district affairs over a very lengthy period, and he
also returned thanks to Mr Williams, who had proved himself a very
estimable citizen during his residence at Three Springs.
Mr E. W. Franklin said that he had been deputed
by the president of the Three Springs Agricultural Society (Mr C. E.
Maley) to represent that organisation for the reason that he had
occupied the presidential chair during the period in which Mr
Williams had rendered such excellent service as secretary. He
considered it a privilege to have been given the opportunity of
bearing witness to the work of Mr Williams, and he concluded by
returning thanks to that gentleman for his untiring efforts on
behalf of the society.
Other speakers endorsed the remarks of the previous
speakers, reference also being made to the fact that Mr Williams was
shortly to be married, in which sphere of life he and his fiancée
(Matron Thorley) were wished all possible happiness and prosperity.
On behalf of the residents of the district Mr Thomas then
presented a wallet of notes to Mr E. K. Byrne, this being followed
by the presentation of a writing sachet from the same source. As an
expression of appreciation of service rendered to the Three Springs
Agricultural Society a travelling bag was also presented to Mr
Williams by the president of the society (Mr C. E. Maley).
All the guests made a suitable response and returned thanks for the
happy gathering that had been arranged in their honour."
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 2 July 1938:
Wedding Bells - Herman-Howard - Ceremony at Nedlands
"A pretty wedding was solemnised at the Nedlands Presbyterian Church
on the 19th ult. the contracting parties being Mr Victor Herman of
Nedlands, and Miss Grace Howard, second daughter of Mr and Mrs P. S.
Howard of Three Springs. In the unavoidable absence of her father,
the bride was given away by an old family friend in the person of Mr
J. Haden, and Miss Mary Howard attended her sister as bridesmaid.
The duties of best man were carried out by Mr F. Quinn. Following
the ceremony a reception was held at the home of the bridegroom's
parents and subsequently the happy couple left on a honeymoon in the
South West."
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 9 July 1938:
Valedictory - A Carnamah Gathering - Misses Giles and
Stephens Farewelled
"A large gathering of friends and well wishers assembled in
the Carnamah Hall on the evening of Wednesday, June 29th to bid
farewell to Misses Amy Giles and Vera Stephens, prior to their
departure from Carnamah. The gathering was presided over by Mr. R.
D. Gell. Tables were set, cabaret fashion, in the centre of the
hall, and a very congenial and enjoyable evening was spent between
vocal and musical items, dancing and refreshments. Mrs. E. K. Wells
officiated as honorary pianist, relieved at intervals by Mr. Len
Schier. Mr. Darcy Leithhead capably carried out the duties of master
of ceremonies. Two very popular numbers were rendered by several
members of the musical section of the Repertory Club, under the
baton of Mr. A. Turner. Those taking part were Mesdames A. Turner,
F. Broadhurst, M. Plunkett, Misses D. Cole and V. Stephens with Mrs.
S. Ford at the piano. Enjoyable vocal items were also rendered by
Mrs. M. Plunkett, Mrs. A. Turner, Miss V. Stephens, Miss Cole and
Mr. Callagher and Mr. H. Wright played a violin solo.
The chairman (Mr. R. D. Gell) expressed the great regret, which was
generally felt at the departure of the guests of honour, who had
resided in Carnamah for the past eight years. During that time they
had been interested in, or had given willing assistance to, almost
every organisation in the town. He wished them every success in the
Mr. J. K. Forrester said it was the unanimous opinion of all
who knew the departing guests that they had both been of great
assistance to the Carnamah district during their long sojourn in it,
and had taken a very active part in all social and sporting
activities. On behalf of the people of Carnamah and district he
wished them every happiness and success in future.
Mr. I. Johnson (president of the Carnamah Repertory Club)
said Miss Stephens had taken an active part in the Repertory Club,
and Miss Giles had always helped in the organisation of suppers etc.
They would be sadly missed from the social side of the club.
Mr. Alexander Turner, on behalf of the musical section of the
Repertory Club expressed regret to losing Miss Stephens. He had also
entertained hopes that Miss Giles would have joined up with the
nightingales very soon. That hope had, however, been dispelled by
her impending departure. He supported the previous speakers in
wishing them both the best for the future.
Mr. J. House (secretary of the Carnamah Tennis Club) said
Misses Giles and Stephens would be sadly missed from the tennis
club, as they were equally good players.
Mrs. Broadhurst then presented a handsome travelling rug to
each departing guest, of behalf the Tennis, Repertory and Golf
Clubs. In doing so she wished them every happiness in the future,
and expressed the hope that the rugs would go many a happy voyage
with them.
Misses Giles and Stephens each suitably responded to the
many remarks and good wishes, and expressed regret at leaving so
maybe friends. They thanked all present for the very happy evening,
the kind remarks, and the beautiful gifts.
Dancing continued until after midnight, and at the
conclusion all joined hands and sang "Auld Lang Syne.""
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 9 July 1938:Carnamah Club - Last Sunday's [Golf] Competitions
"Members of the Carnamah Golf Club played a stroke competition over
eighteen holes on Sunday morning last, the winner being S. Porter
(110-30-80) with C. Robertson (95-14-81) as runner-up.
In the afternoon the links were occupied by members and associates
in the playing of mixed foursomes, for which partners were drawn.
The winners were C. Robertson and Mrs Johnson (50-13-37), other
cards returned being as follows:- A. Timms and Miss Sharp, 53-14-39;
T. Lucas and Mrs. Gell, 58-14-44; Mathiessen and Mrs. Robertson
57-13-44; T. Lawson and Mrs. Porter, 63-18-45; S. Porter and Mrs.
Sharp, 64-15-48; Hunt and Miss Eaton, 68-17-51; C. Turner and Mrs.
Broadhurst, 70-18-52.
During to-morrow (Sunday) morning members will play a bogey
competition, and in the afternoon another mixed foursomes will
occupy the attention of members and associates. During the following
week-end the second round of the club championship and plate will be
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 10 September 1938:Wedding Bells - Mutter-Stokes - Ceremony at Three Springs
"A pretty wedding was solemnised in St James' Church in
Three Springs on Tuesday last, the contracting parties being Mr
Kenneth Mutter, only son of Mr and Mrs Mutter of Dudawa, and Miss
Gladys Stokes, second daughter of Mr and Mrs N. E. Stokes of Arrino.
The ceremony was performed by the Rector of Three Springs (Rev. A.
J. Toomey) and Mrs Toomey presided at the organ. The church was very
tastefully decorated for the occasion by Mrs W. G. Jordan, who also
very effectively rendered the solo "Thanks be to God" - during the
signing of the register.
The bride entered the church on the arm of her father, being
prettily gowned in white satin and wearing a necklet of pearls, the
latter being the gift of the bridegroom… The bridesmaids were Misses
D. Mutter, Isabel Maley and Claudine Maley… Mr C. A. Winter carried
out the duties of best man and Messrs L. Angel and P. McCagh
officiated as groomsmen.
After the ceremony a delectable wedding breakfast was
partaken by a number of friends and relatives at the home of the
bride's parents. The usual toasts incidental to such happy occasions
were proposed and honoured with the Rev A.J. Toomey officiating as
chairman. The guests were greeted by Mrs N.E. Stokes, mother of the
bride… who was assisted by Mrs W. Mutter, mother of the bridegroom…"
From The North Midland Times,
Friday 16 September 1938:
Red Letter Day for Three Springs - New Post Office Opened
The new Post Office building at Three Springs is now
completed, and was officially opened for business on Monday morning
the 12th August, 1938. The opening ceremony was attended by Mr S.R.
Roberts, (Deputy Director of Post and Telegraphs), Mr Perkins,
(Senior Inspector), Mr Dale, (Assistant Engineer), Mr Finlayson of
the Commonwealth Public Works Dept., Senator P.J. Lynch, the
Chairman of the Three Springs Road Board, (Mr C.F. Thomas) and the
public generally.
Before introducing the post office officials, Mr C .F.
Thomas expressed pleasure at the passing of another milestone in the
history of Three Springs. He passed briefly over the history of the
past, to the time when it was felt that a new and more pretentious
building was required to meet the demands of the district. Mention
was made of continuous applications to, and deputations sent, to
interview the officials concerned, for a new Post Office building to
meet the growing demands of the district. A long battle had been
waged and at last had been won, and that day had produced the
fruition of past efforts, and a building secured, which was a source
of pride and admiration on the part of the residents, and more
adequate and in keeping with the demands and requirements of this
wealthy and progressive district. Mr S. R. Roberts, was then
introduced by the chairman of the Road Board, and expressed his
pleasure at being present on this memorable day in the history of
Three Springs. He made it quite clear, that the public purse is not
elastic and that of many demands made for new post offices it was
impossible to hand them out like stamps. He expressed satisfaction
at the completion and opening of the building at this centre, prior
to his imminent retirement for the service, as he felt it was
another milestone in the history of Western Australia, and the
advancement of adequate postal facilities generally was a difficult
achievement in a land of vast spaces and small population.
Mr Perkins was then introduced, and addressed the public. He
took his listeners back to the early days of the district, to the
first post office in Three Springs, and the various changes made
during the course off the ensuing years. He recalled the first
installation of the telephone when there were only three
subscribers, and of the continued growth of the postal services and
requirements, which had culminated in the erection of such a
building as was being officially opened that day. One felt a glow of
pride at the achievements of the early settlers despite the
difficulties they had encountered. The building could well be
considered a monument to their courage, initiative and energy.
Mr Dale (Assistant engineer), in a few well
chosen words spoke of the achievement in maintaining communications
between distant parts of the State. This caused a heavy drainage on
revenue but personally he would like to see similar buildings opened
up all over the State, progress in this direction was being made as
fast as could be expected in a young country
Senator P.J. Lynch then addresses the gathering, and
expressed pardonable pride at being present to perform the Official
Opening of the new Post Office, for he had played some small part in
bringing before the authorities the requirements of the district.
Along with early settlers, he found nothing was secured without a
fight and he exhorted the youngsters present to strive to emulate
the achievements of their forbears; to imbibe their courage and
industry and the ever constant need for progress. Nothing was
achieved without a fight, fight, fight, , , , so keep on fighting
(Good Old Ireland). At this juncture the Post Office was declared
opened and the public were invited to inspect it.
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 1 October 1938:
Carnamah Road Board - Monthly Meeting - Welcome to Town
"The monthly meeting of the Carnamah Road Board was held on
Wednesday of last week, there being present Messrs. J. K. Forrester
(chairman), R. W. Clark, W. A. T. Sargent, A. A. McGilp, B. D.
Bothe, F. R. Bryant, and the secretary (Mr. A. C. Bierman). An
apology for non-attendance was received from W. T. White.
Town Member Welcomed.
Prior to the commencement of business
Mr. Forrester extended a welcome to Mr. R. W. Clark, a member for
the Town Ward, who recently returned from an extended holiday
abroad. Mr. Clark expressed thanks for the courtesy and for the
information of fellow members he gave a brief and interesting resume
of the result of inquires into local government activities in
Hall Light Charges. On the motion of Messrs. Sargent and
Bryant the secretary and Town Ward member were authorised to
interview Messrs. H. Parkin & Son with the object of obtaining a
reduced charge for current supplied to the Carnamah Hall.
Finance The financial statement for August was adopted on the motion
of Messrs. Bothe and Sargent, the secretary supplementing these
figures with a further statement disclosing a credit balance of
£965/15/7 at the date of meeting. The ward and other accounts were
shown as follows:- Town Ward (debit), £228/10/5; Winchester Ward
(credit), £230/9/4; North Ward (credit), £421/1/6; Coorow Ward
(credit), £55/1/8; South Ward (credit), £234/7/11. Satisfactory
reports were received from the Government auditor relative to the
affairs of the Board fpr the year ended June 30th, 1938, these being
received on the motion of Messrs. Bothe and Sargent. Accounts passed
for pyment totalled £570/6/10.
Hall Crockery. After some discussion it was decided on the
motion of Messrs. Sargent and Bryant that any person or persons
catering for suppers in the Board's halls and receiving payment for
same must see that all crockery and other utensils used are properly
washed and dried and all breakages replaced. The secretary was
authorised to purchase a quantity of saucers for use in the Carnamah
and Coorow Halls.
Main Road Grant. The secretary submitted a letter from the
Main Roads Department stating that the Department could not assist
in connection with the construction work required on the
Carnamah-Perenjori Road, but would agree to pay £150 towards the
East Gunyidi Road if the Board would make a similar amount
available. The secretary was instructed to ascertain from the Mains
Road Department further particulars regarding the proposed work on
the East Gunyidi Road.
Appeals. The secretary reported that appeals against valuations had
been received from Mr. W. C. Johnson in respect of Location M1532,
and from M. P. A. Connolly in connection with the Coorow Hotel. The
appeals were received and will be dealt with at a later date.
Petition for Sheep Yards. A petition was received from
residents east of Carnamah asking the Board to provide suitable
sheep holding yards on a site about five miles east of town. After a
discussion on the subject the secretary was directed to write to the
petitioners inviting them to form a committee to meet the Board on
the occasion of the next meeting.
Proposed Main Road. A letter was received from the Morawa Road Board
seeking the Board's view relative to a proposal to approach the Main
Roads Department with request that the road from Morawa to Carnamah,
and thence to Perth be declared a main road. The secretary was
instructed to reply stating that the Board unanimously endorsed the
Coorow Golf Links Road. The Coorow Golf Club were asking the
Board to clear about seven chains of road to the golf links, and the
matter was left in the hands of the Coorow members to inspect and
make any arrangements deemed necessary.
General. The Board approved of the member for the Winchester
Ward making arrangements for hiring a tractor for use on road work
in that ward. With reference to instructions received from the Chief
Inspector of Rabbits to the effect that labels showing the name of
the person who actually killed the vermin for which payment was
claimed had to be attached to scalps and completed by the person who
submitted them., the secretary pointed out that great inconvenience
would result from the adoption of such a scheme, and he was
instructed to submit this view to the Chief Inspector.
Mr. J. Hogan, of Buntine, wrote claiming payment for approximately
100 chains of clearing purported to have been done by him in the
South Ward, and the secretary was instructed to reply stating that
as the Board had not authorised such clearing the claim could not be
Mr. J. Bowman met the Board to discuss the condition of the road to
his property near Tully's. Members made an inspection of the
locality, and after the taking of levels it was decided that action
be taken to prevent the flooding of the road by the overflow of
water from the nearby dam."
[Note: the mentioned road near Tully's is what is now known as the
North Boundary Road]
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 11 March 1939:
Wedding Bells - Caulfield - Sheppard - Ceremony at Fremantle
"A wedding of interest to numerous residents in the northern
areas and other parts of the State took place at St John's Church at
Fremantle on February 4
th, when Miss Margaret Sheppard,
third daughter of Mr and Mrs J. R. Sheppard, of Dudawa, was married
to Morawa's popular medico (Dr Henry George Caulfield). The Rev.
Canon E. M. Collick was the officiating clergyman.
The bride, who was given away by her uncle (Mr. A. Sheppard,
of Fremantle), was becomingly gowned in a frock of cream satin cut
on classical lines with a round neck line trimmed with Richelieu
rosettes of the same material. The waistline was finished with a
plaited girdle and touches of Richelieu trimming were added to the
long flowing train. The beautiful veil, which was worn off the face,
was loaned for the occasion by an old friend of the bride and was
surmounted by a halo of orange blossom. A striking toilette was
completed with a long spray of cream roses.
The bride was attended by Miss Jean Sheppard as
first bridesmaid, who wore a lovely frock of cornflower blue
georgette made with softly shirred bodice and full skirt. A blue
tulle veil was held in position by a halo of gold leaves and she
carried a bouquet of old gold roses. As second bridesmaid Miss Edith
Sheppard was attired in a pale pink girlish frock of georgette
finished with ruching of the same material, her pink tulle veil
being held with a silver halo and worn over the face, and the
bouquet was of pink roses.
The duties of best man were carried out by Mr Colin Dawson,
of Morawa.
After the ceremony a reception was held at the Newmarket
Hotel at North Fremantle, Mrs Sheppard receiving the guests in a
well-fitting black floral sheer frock with white accessories and
black hat to match. She also carried a bouquet of red roses. During
the breakfast the usual toasts were honoured and a handsome
three-tiered cake made by the bride's mother was cut in the orthodox
manner and served to the guests.
Dr and Mrs Caulfield subsequently left by car for a tour of
the South-West, the bride travelling in a navy sheer frock finished
at waist and neck with gold trimmings, with top coat and hat to
match, s mart finish being given by navy accessories."
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 29 July 1939:Carnamah Road Board - Monthly Meeting - Assistance for Military Unit
"The monthly meeting of the Carnamah Road Board was held last week,
there being present Messrs. J. K. Forrester (chairman), A. A.
McGilp, W. A. T. Sargent, F. R. Bryant, W. T. White, B. D. Bothe and
the secretary (Mr. A. C. Bierman). An apology for non-attendance was
received from Mr. R. W. Clark.
The secretary reported that the Government auditor had visited the
district and stated that the annual statement and report would be
available for the next meeting. He submitted a statement dealing
with the period closing at the date of the meeting, when the Board
had a credit balance of £429/12/1. The ward balances were shown as
follows:- Town (debit), £292/0/10; North (credit), £279/7/1;
Winchester (credit), £137/9/4; Coorow (debit), £70/17/11; South
(credit), £85/1/3. The statement was adopted on the motion of
Messrs. McGilp and Bryant.
The secretary's estimate of the revenue for the ensuing year was
£3775 against an expenditure totalling £3835, and these figures were
adopted on the motion of Messrs. Brynt and Bothe.
At the instance of Messrs. Sargent and White it was decided that no
alteration be made in this years' rating, and valuations were also
left as for last year.
The Carnamah Sub-Branch of the R.S.L. wrote asking the Board to
provide mats for the hall entrance to prevent sand being carried on
to the hall floor, and the secretary was authorised to make the
necessary purchases.
Hon. A. E. Green, M.H.R., forwarded a copy of a letter received from
the Deputy Postmaster-General relative to the lopping of trees by
linesman at Coorow, this stating that the matter would be
investigated. A letter was also received from the superintending
engineer of the Postal Department advising that an officer would
visit the district and confer with the Board on the matter.
The Moora Road Board wrote advising that a resolution had been
passed at a recent public meeting protesting against the high rate
of freight on the Midland Railway, it being also contended that a
recent decision by the W.A. Transport Board should not be accepted
as final. The Moora Board asked if the Carnamah Board would
co-operate in submitting a protest to the proper quarters, and the
secretary was directed to reply stating that the Board would
co-operate if definate cases of overcharge of freight could be
The Midland Railway Company advised that approval had been given for
the construction of a crossing over the line on the south side of
the Winchester Siding, the Board to construct and maintain road
approaches and provide suitable 12-inch pipes under the eastern
approach for drainage purposes.
Mr. R. Mackie wrote asking the Board to remove an unsightly windmill
and tank situated at the corner of Macpherson and Robertson Streets.
In addition to being an eye sore, it was contended that the
structure devaluated adjoining properties. The matter was held over
for consideration at the next meeting.
Mr. P. Casey wrote stating that he would be prepared to pay
something towards the cost of bituminising the footpath in front of
his store at Coorow if the Board would authorise the work and
assist. A discussion on the matter was deferred.
Mr. R. A. F. Solling wrote to the relative to the ringbarking of
trees on the western boundary of his property and stated that this
had been done to facilitate fencing. It understood that it was
permissible to clear to clear six feet on either side of a fence
line, and he asked that the Winchester member be delegated to visit
his property and advise as to the amount of clearing that was
permissible. The secretary was instructed to obtain further
information on the subject.
Mr. A. E. Jones wrote asking the Board to close the road bisecting
his property from the Gunyidi Road to the eastern boundary. Mr.
Bryant was authorised to inspect and submit a report.
Mr. Bryant was also authorised to deal with the matter of work still
required on Hurley's Road.
The secretary reported that the Carnamah School Board had invited
the Minister of Education and the Chief Inspector of Education to
visit the district and would like the [Road] Board to be
represented. The chairman and two other members were delegated to
The chairman informed the meeting that Mr. I. Johnson, of Carnamah
had passed his recent examination for a military commission with the
highest honors in the State, it also being mentioned that Lieutenant
Johnson would appreciate the co-operation of the Board in a class
for non-commissioned officers to be commenced at Carnamah in the
near future.
The secretary intimated that Lieutenant-Colonel Mitchell recently
informed him the Defence Department expected the Defence League to
assist in maintaining interest in the local military unit, and the
Board decided to make a grant of £10 from the three per cent account
to assit in defraying the cost of travelling by members of the
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 29 July 1939:Football - Play in North Midlands - Carnamah Still in Winning Vein
"Members of the Carnamah and Coorow Clubs met at the former centre
and still being in winning vein the home club again had another
comparatively easy victory. Coorow was again without two or three of
the club's stalwarts, and taking this fact into consideration the
team did fairly well. The form of the Carnamah players was not quite
equal to that of the previous two or three weeks, the kicking for
goal in the second and last quarters being particularly weak. A.
Brimson officiated as a central umpire and took the field with the
following teams:-
Carnamah - D. Bowman (capt.), M. Niven, J. Clark, R. Clark, G.
Perry, R. Sheridan, H. Lee, A. Simeon, M. Baker, C. Wally, R.
Gillespie, E. Haig, E. Rowland, I. Turnbull, A. Forrester, M. Clune,
R. Haeussler and Henry.
Coorow - P. Thomson (capt.), W. Clark, H. Kau, J. Wallace, W.
Wallace, L. Croft, H. Greenwood, J. Morcombe, J. Simpson, Rhodes, A.
Manning, S. Rowland, R. Kerr, R. Beecroft, E. Davies, E. Bradley and
R. Baird.
In the opening term Carnamah established a lead of one goal, Coorow
having scored two singles against one goal and two behinds. The
second quarter was more or less one-sided, and taking advantage of
the opportunity to pile on points the home team obtained an
advantage of 40 points, Coorow still having only two points on the
board at half-time. During the third stage of the game the play was
of a more even nature, but Coorow was not equal to the occasion on
the day. Carnamah eventually ran out winners with a margin equal to
seven goals, the quarter scores of the game being as follows:-
First Quarter: Carnamah - 1 goal 2 behinds; Coorow - 2 behinds
Second Quarter: Carnamah - 5 goals 12 behinds; Coorow - 2 behinds
Third Quarter: Carnamah - 7 goals 17 behinds; Coorow - 3 goals 6
Fourth Quarter: Carnamah - 4 goals 19 behinds (73 points); Coorow -
4 goals 7 behinds (31 points)
The goal-scorers for the winners were Wally (5), Simeon (2),
Haeussler and Bowman, and the full pointers for Coorow being
obtained by Morcombe, Bradley, Beecroft and Manning. For the victors
the outstanding players were Simeon, Wally, R. Clark, R. Gillespie,
Baker and Clune, the defeated team having being best represented by
Davies, Simpson, Clark, Wallace, Beecroft, Thomson and Jim
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 14 October 1939:District Churches - Arrangements for To-morrow
"North Midlands Parish (Three Springs-Coorow district) - 8 a.m.,
Holy Communion at Carnamah; 9:30 a.m., Holy Communion at Winchester;
11 a.m., Holy Eucharist at Coorow; 3.30 p.m., Evensong at Billeroo;
8 p.m., Evensong at Carnamah. The Rector (Rev. C. A. Walsh) will
officiate at all services."
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 20 July 1940:
Wedding Bells - Fawcett-Mutter - Ceremony in City Church
"At Wesley Church in Perth on Saturday, the 6th inst., the
marriage was solemnised of Mr Herbert B. Fawcett, son of Mr and Mrs
A. W. Fawcett, of Kapunda (South Australia), and Miss Dulcie Mutter,
younger daughter of Mr and Mrs W. Mutter, of Belmont and Arrino, the
officiating minister being the Rev. A. B. Lloyd.
The bride, who was given away by her father, wore a frock of
ivory satin with a three-quarter length tow-tier embroidered veil
with a lace halo ornamented with orange blossom. She also carried a
trailing sheaf of tuber roses, carnation, gladioli, heather,
camellias and maiden hair fern.
Miss Doreen Douglas (cousin of the bride) acted as
bridesmaid and wore a frock of daffodil taffeta with a matching halo
and veil of net, and she carried a bouquet of mauve and gold
gladioli, gerberas and Talisman roses. Mr J. K. Allan, of Arrino,
performed the duties of best man.
Mrs Mutter (mother of the bride) chose a russet ensemble and
wore a spray of shaded Talisman roses, berries and autumn leaves, a
felt hat to match and accessories to tone.
After the ceremony about forty guests were entertained at a
reception at the Blue Gum Tea Rooms, and later the bridal couple
left on a honeymoon trip, the bride travelling in an ensemble of
powder blue robaix with nay blue accessories.
Mr and Mrs Fawcett were the recipients of many beautiful
presents and a large number of cheques."
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 20 July 1940:Big Majority Party - Function at Three Springs - Miss Joan Hunt
"The town of Three Springs was en fete on Monday night last,
when a large number of people assembled at the Three Springs Hall as
the guests of Mr and Mrs E. Hunt to celebrate the twenty first
birthday of their only daughter (Miss Joan Hunt). Wearing a frock of
wine crepe romaine with a floral spray at the neckline, Mrs Hunt
received the guests and Miss Hunt made a graceful picture in a
beautifully embroidered white georgette gown, her only adornment
being a string of pearls. Mr F. Metcalf conducted the dance
programme throughout the evening and the music was supplied by
Coffey's Orchestra. Long supper tables were arranged through the
centre of the hall, the decorative scheme consisting of roses,
ti-tree and Iceland poppies, and at the conclusion of an excellent
repast Miss Hunt cut an artistically decorated double-decker
birthday cake amid cheering and singing. The guest of honour then
suitably acknowledged the good wishes extended to her during the
evening and also returned thanks for a host of beautiful birthday
gifts, after which dancing was resumed and continued until the early
hours of the following morning.
The guests included many of Miss Hunt's school friends and
were as follows: - Rev. C. A. and Mrs Walsh, Mr and Mrs K. Glyde, Mr
and Mrs M. Wilson, Mr and Mrs J. Evans, Mr and Mrs R. Shaw, Mr and
Mrs P. Devitt, Mr and Mrs A. Potts, Mr and Mrs E. W. Franklin, Mr
and Mrs J. B. Kuhnberg, Mr and Mrs C. F. Thomas jun, Mr and Mrs P.
L. Millard, Mr and Mrs B. Antonio, Mr and Mrs V. Tippett, Mr and Mrs
A. Bastian, Mr and Mrs A. M. Williamson, Mr and Mrs A. J. Ferguson,
Mr and Mrs E. Burge, Mr and Mrs B. Fogarty, Mr and Mrs A. Brown, Mr
and Mrs A. E. Bateman, Mr and Mrs Chris. Thomas, Mesdames M. A.
Mayrhofer, L. J. Carter and Watson, Misses H. Franklin, E. Humphrys,
M. Bastian, N. Bastian, M. Howard, I. Howard, J. Blakiston, J.
Grant, R. Lakotis, M. Ferguson, A. Booth, E. Wick, E. Maley, D.
Arndt, L. Luscombe, L. Gooch, G. Bateman, R. Bateman, L. Carter, D.
Carter, L. Allen, J. Fogarty, Messrs H. Hunt, Don Hunt, Dudley Hunt,
E. Franklin, M. Franklin, W. Jordan, Jim Hunt, K. Bussenschutt, E.
Davies, J. Rojo, A. Franklin, R. Black, N. Fogarty, A. Howard, W.
Howard, J. Howard, L. Howard, R. Bateman, J. Oliver, A. Mortimer, T.
Sheahan, K. Bastian, A. E. Saggers, F. Connaughton and Rev Father
Lynch (Three Springs); Mr and Mrs C. E. Maley, Misses I. Maley, C.
Maley, F. Maley, H. Maley, D. Stokes, M. Bowtell, D. Bowtell, J.
Bowtell; Messrs Bill Turner, J. McCagh, P. McCagh, K. Stokes, S.
Stokes and B. Bowtell (Arrino), Miss B. Marsden (Fremantle); Miss P
Barnett (Corrigin); Mr and Mrs W. H. G. Howard (Mingenew); Mrs C. C.
Bothe and Mr Bill Bothe (Coorow), Mr A. Fowler (Perenjori); Mr F.
Metcalf (Moora); Mrs D. Leithhead and Messrs L. Schier, J. Gallagher
and A. Yelland (Carnamah); Mr and Mrs Bickell, Messrs G. Bickell, C.
Bickell, H. Campbell, W. Campbell, Stan Campbell, Scott Campbell, A.
Campbell and C. Clarkson (Yandanooka); Mr and Mrs F. Lane, Misses D.
Ryan, C. Ryan, A. White, A. Thorley, L. George, Messrs G. Valentine,
J. Harley, C. Lane, J. Agar and R. Gronow."
From The North Midland Times
newspaper, Friday 27 September 1940:
Queen Competition - Miss L. Bowman Crowned
"Last Saturday evening the Carnamah District War and Patriotic Fund
Queen Competition was brought to a successful conclusion with a
dance in the Carnamah Hall. The winner of the competition was the
Carnamah Queen (Miss L. Bowman) who raised the magnificent sum of
£123/14/3. Mrs. J. L. Adams also put up an excellence performance,
and she and her supporters raised £103/14/2. Mrs. H. L. Fogg was
responsible for the raising of £69/9/8, and Mrs. G. Aunger was close
behind her with £50/5/3. The total sum raised by the four Queens was
£347/3/4. Unfortunately pressure on our space this week does not
permit us to give a full report of the crowning of the Queen, but
reference to this will probably be made in our next issue."
[Note: a copy of this article is contained within image 03904]
From The North Midland Times
newspaper, Friday 4 October 1940:
Queen Carnival - Miss L. Bowman Successful
"On Saturday evening, September 21st, the Queen Carnival Competition
was brought to a close in Carnamah, but unfortunately we were unable
to report the function fully in our last issue.
The early part of the evening provided a busy time for the supports
of the four Queens who put forward their last minute efforts in an
endeavour to put their chosen candidate ahead. Voting ceased at 11
p.m., and it was not long before the final tallies were made up.
A hush of expectancy greeted Mr. T. Turner's appearance on the stage
and with a dramatic gesture he unfolded the Royal Proclamation and
addressed the subjects of the Carnamah court as follows:-
"By Royal decree be it known to all the subjects of this Kingdom
that in the election recently held within the precincts of this
Court to determine which Queen should be selected and elevated to
the most high and coveted throne of the Carnamah District War and
Patriotic Fund, the winning candidate by a majority of 4801 votes
was Miss Lesley Bowman the Queen of Carnamah Town." Loud applause.
"The Ministers and Officers of her Majesty, together with the ladies
and gentleman of this royal court will shortly assemble to witness
the coronation ceremony of the noble Queen chosen.
"On this royal occasion the court will be graced also by the
presence of their royal highnesses the Commercial Queen, the Queen
of Carnamah Town, the Queen of Inering-Five Gums and the Queen of
Winchester-Billeroo, to whom we all assembled with pay homage.
"The prime minister of this Great Kingdom is hereby invested with
full powers of authority of her Majesty's Executive Council to
perform the crowning of Miss Lesley Bowman as the reigning queen and
she will then be known as the Queen of Carnamah District."
As each Queen made her appearance Mr. Turner announced her arrival
together with the sum she and her supporters had caused to be
collected. The various amounts collected were:-
Queen of Inering-Five Gums (Mrs. G. Aunger) £50/5/3 totalling 12063
Commercial Queen (Mrs. H. L. Fogg) £69/9/8 totalling 16676 votes
Queen of Winchester-Billeroo (Mrs. J. L. Adams) £103/14/2 totalling
24890 votes
Queen of Carnamah Town (Miss L. Bowman) £123/14/3 totalling 29691
Miss Bowman who made her appearance last was attended by Miss Clark
and Miss Faulks as maids of honour.
When all had assembled for the coronation ceremony Mr. Gell
addressed Miss Bowman in the following terms, "Miss Lesley Bowman,
the Queen designate and Queen of by virtue of my office as your
Prime Minister and as chairman of the Carnamah District War and
Patriotic Fund, I am about to crown you as the Queen of the Carnamah
district, amidst the good wishes of all your subjects. Will you
promise that you will always take a deep interest in the Carnamah
district?" On Miss Bowman answering in the affirmative Mr. Gell
continued, "I now crown you as our Queen. Here is your septre of
office and her is your orb of dominion."
Mr. Gell then addressed the four Queens and thanked them most
sincerely for their wonderful effort in raising stupendous sum.
Mr. Gell then introduced Mr. F. V. Fels, the secretary of the
Carnamah District War and Patriotic Fund who presented each of the
Queens with a gift in recognition of their wonderful services. In
doing so he said, "Your majesties, on behalf of the Carnamah
District War and Patriotic Fund I am privileged to offer you these
small gifts as a memento of this historic occasion and a token of
our appreciation of the magnificent efforts you have put forward.
The escorts of the four Queens (Mr. C. Robertson, Mr. J. L. Adams,
Mr. H. Fogg and Mr. T. H. Perry) spoke on behalf of the Queens, and
thanked the War and Patriotic Fund Committee for their gifts.
The ceremony was brought to a conclusion with the National Anthem."
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 1 February 1941:
Wedding - Parker-Carter - Ceremony at Three Springs
"A wedding of local interest was solemnised by Missioner F.
Hales at the Three Springs Methodist Church on Saturday last, the
contracting parties being Miss Daphne Grace Carter, eldest daughter
of Mr and Mrs H. R. Carter of Three Springs and Mr Leonard David
Parker, youngest son of Mr and Mrs D. H. Parker, of Quairading.
The bride, who was given away by her father, was charmingly
attired in a white frock of Marquisette and taffeta, embroidered on
yoke and hem of skirt with silver water lilies. A handsome tulle
veil mounted of a pretty head-dress of kilted organdie and orange
blossoms completed the ensemble. The bridal bouquet comprised a
sheaf of white arum lilies.
Miss Lois Carter attended her sister as bridesmaid and was
tastefully attired in a pretty frock of crinkle chiffon with a blue
veil and head-dress of flowers. She also carried a sheaf of blue
roses and wore a handsome bracelet, the gift of the bridegroom.
After the ceremony, over forty relatives and friends
assembled at the home of the bride's parents, the guests being
received At
Fairview by Mrs H. R. Carter (mother of the
bride), assisted by Mr D. H. Parker (mother of the bridegroom). Mrs
Carter wore an attractive frock of arcadia blue rihalane crepe with
a navy hat and spray of golden roses, and Mrs Parker was attired in
a handsome frock of Burgundy crepe adora finished with a shoulder
spray of lighter shade and a hat to match. The bride's grandmother
(Mrs R. Carter) was also present and was attired in a tasteful frock
of navy sheer, with shoulder spray of lemon flowers.
At the reception the usual toast were honoured, and numerous
telegrams received from absent friends were also read. The happy
couple were the recipients of many handsome and useful presents,
which included many cheques.
Later in the afternoon, Mr and Mrs Parker left by car on a
honeymoon trip, the bride choosing a travelling frock of heavenly
blue linen with navy coat and hat to match.
Prior to the wedding the bride was entertained at a kitchen
tea by friends and members of the Methodist Church, of which she was
the assistant pianist, and at this gathering she was made the
recipient of a silver sugar bowl."
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 8 February 1941:
Arrino Birthday Party - Popular Twins Attain Majority - An
Enjoyable Gathering
"The Arrino Hall was well filled on Monday evening last,
when Mr and Mrs C. Maley, of
The Oaks, Arrino, entertained at
a party in celebration of the coming-of-age of their twin
daughters (Misses Claudine and Isabel Maley), both of whom have
attained distinction in the tennis world and are well known and
highly popular in and around the district. Despite the sultry
conditions the party proved most enjoyable, and it was with
reluctance that the guest finally left in the early hours of the
following morning. The hall was tastefully decorated for the
occasion with a canopy of mauve and green streamers running across
the width of the hall to give a pretty ceiling effect.
Dancing was the principal feature of the night
with the music being supplied by Mr and Mrs C. F. Coffey, and much
appreciated vocal and elocutionary items were contributed by Mr and
Mrs W. H. Burgess and Messrs J. K. Allan and W. H. G. Howard. A
wonderful collection of delectable examples of the culinary art
graced the supper tables and very welcome liquid refreshments were
handed round at intervals during the evening.
The chairman of the proceedings (Mr W. H. Burgess), who
remarked that he was extremely happy to preside at such a gathering,
said he had known Misses Claudine and Isabel Maley for a number of
years and knew their many fine qualities, perhaps better than most
other guests present. On behalf of all their friends he expressed to
the two young ladies happy birthday greetings and best wishes for
the future.
The Rev. C. A. Walsh supported the chairman's remarks, and
on behalf of absent friends particularly he also tendered greetings
and good wishes and read a number of congratulatory telegrams
received by the two young ladies.
The extinguishing of the candles on a handsomely decorated
birthday cake presented no difficulty to the twin sisters and after
it had been cut and handed round to the large assemblage they were
honoured by a toast supported by musical honours.
Mr Maley expressed thanks for the good wishes expressed to
his daughters and also for the numerous presents and the presence of
the company which had made the evening so successful.
The guests were received by Mrs Maley, who was becomingly
gowned in a stylish dress of floral silk trimmed with white and
ornamented with a red posy. She was assisted by Misses Claudine and
Isabel Maley, who were dressed alike in dainty frocks of white
novelty taffeta with bodices trimmed with shirring, and on the
skirts were applique of fine old English quilting in a design of
flowers and leaves. A single white flower adorned their hair. Miss
Hazel Maley wore a very smart frock of orange taffeta strikingly
trimmed with black on bodice, which also had a shirred vest in
front, and hand-embroidered appliques in black on the shirt. Miss
Freda Maley chose blue floral georgette for the occasion made with a
shirred bodice and finished at the waist with a narrow blue sash.
Several other younger daughters of Mr and Mrs Maley were also
present as also was their grandmother (Mrs I. Angel), who appeared
to quite enjoy the party and the company.
Among the guests were the Rev. C. A. Walsh and Mrs Walsh, Mr
and Mrs W. H. Burgess, Mr and Mrs R. Shaw, Mr and Mrs C. Teakle
(Isseka), Mr and Mrs C. Luscombe, Mr and Mrs Bygrave, Mr and Mrs A.
A. Smith, Mr and Mrs K. Mutter, Mr and Mrs H. B. Fawcett, Mr and Mrs
J. Turner, Mr and Mrs J. McAuliffe, Mr and Mrs Boddington, Mr and
Mrs T. K. Bickell, Mr and Mrs A. Saunders, Mr and Mrs E. Pearse sen,
Mr and Mrs Harold Stacey, Mr and Mrs N. Stokes, Mr and Mrs A. Money,
Mr and Mrs Ackley, Mr and Mrs W. Durack, Mr and Mrs H. J. W.
Sweetman, Mr and Mrs F. Connaughton, Mr and Mrs V. Tippett, Mr and
Mrs W. H. G. Howard, Mesdames Turner sen, Hutchinson (Geraldton),
Wilbur Burges, McNeill, Bowtell, J. Sheppard, E. Hunt, O'Shannessy,
J. McCagh, H. C. Stacey, Misses Carroll, E. Turner, M. Turner, Mag
Turner and A. Turner, Humphrys, Wick, Luscombe, H. Franklin, M.
Bastian, A. Bastian, A. Hunt, J. Hunt, E. McNeill, D. McNeill, M.
Bowtell, J. Bowtell, B. Sheppard, E. Sheppard, Joan Hunt, Jean
Saunders, Joy Saunders, F. Wilson, R. Wilson, D. O'Shannessy, Messrs
P. C. Neville, C. Pell, E. Stokes, W. Stokes, K. Stokes, S. Stokes,
K. Bastian, N. McNeill, T. McNeill, W. J. Turner, R. Bowtell, P.
Bowtell, A. R. Sheppard, W. Sheppard, D. Hunt, G. Bickell, C.
Bickell, W. Booth, I. Ruo, E. K. Wilson, W. Wilson, J. McCagh, W.
McCagh, E. Franklin, W. H. Howard (Three Springs), R. Withers, S.
O'Shannessy, R. O'Neill, J. K. Allan, V. Quartermaine and K. Troy
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 1 March 1941:
Wedding Bells - Gersch-Sheppard - Ceremony at Three Springs
"A pretty wedding was solemnised in St James' Church at
Three Springs on Thursday afternoon of last week, the contracting
parties being Mr A. Gersch, second son of Mr Gersch, of Winchester,
and Miss Bessie Sheppard, second daughter of Mr and Mrs J. R.
Sheppard, of Dudawa. The bridesmaids were Misses M. Bowtell and E.
Sheppard, the best man was Mr Laurie Gersch, and Mr W. M. ("Bill")
Sheppard (brother of the bride) officiated as groomsman. In the
absence of the bride's father through indisposition the bride was
given away by her brother (Mr A. Sheppard). The officiating minister
was the Rev. C. A. Walsh, and for the fully choral service Mrs Walsh
presided at the organ.
Both the bride and bridesmaids looked charming in their
pretty frocks, the former wearing a dress of georgette and lace with
a bouquet of white lilies. The bridesmaids were dressed alike in
mauve organdie.
In the evening a wedding breakfast was held at
the residence of the bride's parents and was attended by a large
number of friends and relatives of the bridal party. The usual
toasts incidental to such occasions were submitted and
enthusiastically honoured, and the happy couple were the recipients
of innumerable messages of congratulations and many useful
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 8 March 1941:Wedding Bells - Humphrys-Franklin - Ceremony at Mingenew
"A wedding of much interest in the Mingenew and Three
Springs districts was solemnised in the Mingenew Methodist Church on
Tuesday of last week, the contacting partied being Miss Elma
Humphrys, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. C. Humphrys, of Strawberry, and
Mr Evander Franklin, son of Mr and Mrs E. W. Franklin, of Three
Springs. The bride was attended by Miss Hetty Franklin (sister of
the bridegroom) and Miss Myra Bastian and Messrs W. Bothe and A.
Campbell acted respectively as best man and groomsman, the ceremony
being performed by Mr R. Raymond, of the Subiaco Church of Christ.
The bride who was accompanied to the altar by her father was
charmingly gowned in cream satin cloque fashioned with long-pointed
sleeves, the corsage being appliquéd with vine leaves. A full length
train was attached to the gown, and a long veil mounted on a halo
composed of white feathers was also worn. A dainty horseshoe
suspended from one arm, such being the gift of Mrs Bone of North
Perth, and an exquisite bouquet of white Easter lilies and fern
completed an attractive ensemble. The bridesmaids wore short pastel
pink veils and were daintily attired in white frocks of figured
organdie, the full skirts having Vandyke shirring at the waist and
the bodices short puffed sleeves. The nice filigree brooches which
adorned the v-shaped neckline were the gifts of the bridegroom. Both
young ladies wore white lace gloves and carried bouquets of pink
Easter lilies and tuber roses.
The bride's mother (Mrs J. C. Humphrys) was gowned in black
satin, velvet trimmed, the sleeves being inlet with lace, and a posy
of Hadley roses was worn on the corsage. A black hat and accessories
completed the toilette. Mrs E. W. Franklin (mother of the
bridegroom) wore golden emblem roses on her nay dinner gown. Mrs C.
Watson presided at the organ and rendered the solo "Because" during
the signing of the register, the same lady and other friends of the
bride having very effectively decorated the church for the happy
After the ceremony the bridal party and a few relatives and
friends adjourned to the C.W.A. Rest Room and partook of the wedding
breakfast, a three-tiered cake occupying pride of place on the
bridal table, having been made by Mrs Humphrys and decorated by the
bride. Mr Raymond presided at the gathering, and after the customary
toasts had been submitted and enthusiastically honoured the party
adjourned to Three Springs, at which centre Mr and Mrs Humphrys
received over one hundred guests who had assembled to join in the
celebrations. All present were made the recipients of a piece of
wedding cake and a toast was honoured for the newly-married couple.
The major portion of the evening was devoted to dancing with the
music supplied by Coffey's Orchestra, and after the supper interval
Mr W. G. Jordan read numerous telegrams from absent friends. A large
number of presents also testified to the extreme popularity of the
happy couple. Dancing was continued until the arrival of a train
bound for the city and Mr and Mrs Franklin then left amidst a shower
of good wishes. The bride travelled in a smart saxe blue dress with
a white embroidered bolero of the same toning and wore a small hat
and accessories of air force blue."
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 22 March 1941:Engagement
"The engagement is announced of Miss Ivy Howard, daughter of Mr and
Mrs P. Howarad, of Three Springs, to Mr A. E. (Joe) Rojo, of Three
Springs, second son of Mrs C. Rojo, of Box Hill (Victoria), and the
late Mr C. W. Rojo."
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 22 March 1941:
Valedictory - Gathering at Three Springs - Departure of Mr
and Mrs R. Shaw
"At the invitation of the Three Springs Road Board about two
hundred residents of Three Springs, Arrino, Dudawa and Carnamah
assembled at the Three Springs Hall on Thursday night of last week
to bid farewell to Mr and Mrs R. Shaw prior to their departure from
Three Springs, Mr Shaw having received notice of transfer to Midland
Junction as manager of the English, Scottish and Australian Bank.
The earlier portion of the evening was devoted to dancing but by way
of diversion Mr J. K. Allan entertained those present with an
elocutionary number.
During an interval in the proceedings a dainty supper was
served by the ladies, and the chairman of the Three Springs Road
board (Mr C. F. Thomas jun) then explained the object of the
gathering. In so doing he expressed regret at the necessity for the
function for the reason that it meant the loss of two very valuable
citizens. He stated that it was felt by the Three Springs Road Board
that there were many residents of the district who would like to bid
farewell to Mr and Mrs Shaw, and it was therefore decided to arrange
the function. Judged by the attendance it was quite evident that Mr
Shaw had been more than a banker during his residence of eleven
years at Three Springs, for there could be no doubt that he had made
many friends. He regretted very much the departure of Mr and Mrs
Shaw and on behalf of the residents of the district he expressed the
hope that the transfer would be of value to Mr Shaw and that his
wife and family and himself would be perfectly happy and contented
in their new sphere of activities.
Mr E. W. Franklin supported the remarks of Mr Thomas and
said that by the transfer of Mr Shaw from the district the Three
Springs Golf Club would lose a very active and valuable member. He
was a foundation member of the club and had fulfilled the duties of
president for a period of five years. Speaking generally, Mr
Franklin said that Mr Shaw had also been an excellent banker and a
firm business friend to his many clients, and perhaps as some
measure of reward he was entitled to the welcome change that he
would experience by the transfer to the metropolitan area.
Mr C. B. Thomas, manager of the Three Springs branch of the
National Bank, briefly referred to his pleasant association with Mr
Shaw during the period they had transacted business together at
Three Springs.
Mr A. C. Bierman, secretary of the Carnamah Road Board, in
speaking on behalf of the residents of that district, said that no
words could adequately express regret at the departure of a resident
of the calibre of Mr Shaw, and he hoped that he would be quite happy
with his wife and family in his new sphere of activities at Midland
Mr C. E. Maley, representing the residents of Arrino and
Dudawa, said that the pleasure of attending such a function was
tinged with regret on account of the fact of having to bid farewell
to two estimable citizens of the district in Mr and Mrs Shaw. The
former arrived at Three Springs about eleven years ago in the depths
of a depression, and during that time he had undoubtedly "done a
good job'. At Midland Junction he may not have the same requests for
assistance, but he felt quite sure that Mr Shaw was capable of
meeting any of the future problems of life with satisfaction to both
himself and his banking clients. He wished Mr and Mrs Shaw and
family good health and a full measure of prosperity in the future
Mr E. Hunt, representing the Three Springs Agricultural
Society and other organisations, mentioned the valuable assistance
given in past years by Mr Shaw in the arrangement and conduct of
agricultural shows. He had also evinced a lively interest in
football, and in this connection Mrs Shaw was also a good supporter
by having co-operated with other ladies in the provision of
refreshments on the playing field. He very much regretted the
departure of two such excellent citizens and joined with others in
wishing them all possible success in the future.
Mr E. M. Cameron, speaking for the staff of the E. S. and A.
Bank, said they were sorry to lose Mr Shaw as manager of the bank at
Three Springs and also as a friend.
Mr Shaw expressed thanks for the kindly sentiments made
towards his wife and himself and also for the gathering arranged in
his honour. If he had been able to assist the district in any way he
was pleased, for any of his efforts had always been with that object
in view. Mrs Shaw and himself had made many staunch friends whilst
at Three Springs and they would carry with them the thought of many
very happy associations in the district.
Mr and Mrs Shaw were the recipients of many personal gifts
as parting mementos, and on behalf of the residents of the district
Mr Thomas presented them with an electric oven. Mr C. E. Maley, on
behalf of the residents of Arrino and Dudawa, also presented an
electric kettle and toaster to Mr and Mrs Shaw. Dancing was then
resumed and continued until the early hours of the following
morning, the gathering then terminating with the singing of "Auld
Lang Syne.""
The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 20 June 1941:
"A wedding of particular interest to local residents will be
solemnised at St. George's Hall, Carnamah, tomorrow (Saturday)
evening when Miss Nan Davison will say "I will" to Lieutenant D.
Bowman. Mr. W. Davison, father of the bride, a cordial invitation to
all friends of the bride and bridegroom to a reception to be held in
the Carnamah Hall at 8.3- p.m."
The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 27 June 1941:
Bowman - Davison Wedding
"A very pretty wedding of interest to residents of the
Carnamah district was solemnised in St. George's Hall on Saturday
evening last, the contracting parties being Nan, the younger
daughter of Mr. W. Davison and the late Mrs. Davison, of Carnamah,
and Lieutenant John David Bowman, only son of Mr. and Mrs. J.
Bowman, also of Carnamah.
The bride made a charming figure as she entered the church
on the arm of her father. She was gowned in white marquisette with
heart-shaped neckline and basque, while the bodice and sleeves were
heavily adorned with new wool embroidery. Similar embroidery was
featured at the hem of the skirt and on the train. A scalloped
raw-cut tulle veil was held in place by a top-knot of real orange
blossoms. The bride's charming toilette was completed with a sheaf
bouquet of pink and white roses.
The bride was attended by Miss Molly Thomas, of Perth, and
Miss Lesley Bowman (sister of the bridegroom). They were frocked
alike in blue figured organza, with embroidery giving a smart
finish. The circular skirts were finished at the hem with
embroidered flowers, and they wore hair sprays to match their
bouquets of pink and blue gladioli, fuchsias and hydrangeas.
Mr. P. Thomson attended the groom as best man, while Mr. J.
McCubbing carried out the duties of groomsman.
Following the marriage ceremony the wedding breakfast was
held in the Board Room, about three dozen relatives being present.
Later in the evening a reception was held in the Carnamah
Hall, the guests being received by Mrs. W. Grierson (sister of the
bride), who chose for the occasion a gown of blue georgette, with
silver trimmings.
The large crowd which assembled bore testimony to the popularity of
the young couple, many visitors being noticed present from
Coorow-Waddy Forrest and Three Springs. Included in the gathering
were a number of members of the 25th Light Horse Machine Gun Malitia
Unit, of which Lieutenant Bowman was commanding officer until
recently, when he joined the A.I.F.
During the course of the evening Mr. H. Dunning, the
president of the Carnamah football club, presented the bride and
bridegroom with a gift as a token of the esteem in which they were
held by the football club. At the same time Mr. Dunning detailed how
hard both the recipients had worked for the club.
The evening was spent pleasantly with dancing to music supplied by
Miss Lois Carter and Mr. T. Parkin while Miss P. Collins rendered
two vocal items.
About mid-night the bride and bridegroom left by car to
spend their honeymoon in the city, the bride travelling in a jumper
suit of fine navy wool-de-chine, which was heavily embroidered in
navy. Her ensemble was completed with smart accessories to match,
and a fur cape, the gift of the bridegroom."
From The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 2 August 1941:
Valedictory - Three Springs Function - Mr & Mrs V.
Tippett Honoured
"At the incitation of the Three Springs Road Board there was
a large attendance at the Three Springs hall on Monday night last,
the occasion being a farewell social tendered to Mr and Mr V.
Tippett, who will be leaving the district in the near future on
account of Mr Tippett having accepted an appointment as a physical
instructor at a military training school in the Eastern States. The
evening took the form of dancing for which the music was supplied by
Coffey's Orchestra, and after the supper interval a novel ceremony
was performed by the "Froth -blowers", Mr Tippett being invested
with special decorations much to the amusement of the large
The chairman of the Three Springs Road Board (Mr C. F.
Thomas jun) then briefly explained the reason of the gathering,
stating that his association with Mr tippet commenced ten years ago,
at which time the guest was arranging boxing exhibitions at Mingenew
for charitable purposes. Since taking over the management of the
Commercial Hotel at Three Springs three years ago Mr and Mrs Tippett
had both prominently associated themselves with the progress of the
district, Mr Tippett having represented the Town Ward as a member of
the Three Springs Road Board. He also took an active interest in the
affairs of the Three Springs Agricultural Society and was a strong
supporter of tennis, golf and football. He also commenced a physical
instruction class at Three Springs and was largely responsible for
the erection of the Athletic Hall, and lately he had assisted in the
training of members of the home Guard, unselfishly giving time for
this work whilst spending week-end leave at Three Springs. With the
residents of the district generally he very much regretted the
departure of Mr and Mrs Tippett, and in wishing them a successful
career in the future he expressed the hope that it might be possible
for them to return to Three Springs at the conclusion of the war.
The Rev. Father Lynch said that he would always retain the
most pleasant memories of his association with Mr and Mrs Tippett,
the former having given much of his time to assist anything with a
charitable nature. By her kindly nature Mrs Tippett had also
endeared herself to all sections of the community, and he felt that
the large assemblage testified in no uncertain manner to the extreme
popularity of the two guests of honour. Mr Tippett had offered his
services to the country in a great national crisis, and he wished
him a successful military career.
Mr W.G. Jordan said that as a customer of the
hotel conducted by Mr and Mrs Tippett he was always pleased to see
the bright smile of the latter. Mr Tippett had been an exceptionally
good citizen and he congratulated him on the keen interest he had
always displayed in the general affairs of the district.
Mr A.J. Ferguson said it as an extreme pleasure
to pay tribute to the guests of honour, although he was sorry that
they were leaving the district. Mr Tippett had volunteered to train
the school children in physical culture and had done excellent work
in this respect. He also desired to express appreciation of the
interest taken by Mr Tippett in the act ivies of the Home Guard.
Mr Graham, a commercial traveller, paid tribute
to the hospitality always dispensed at the Commercial Hotel by Mr
and Mrs Tippett, stating that whilst they were in charge of the
hotel travellers appeared to make the place a home. He also
expressed best wishes for the future welfare of the guests of the
At this stage of proceedings Mr Thomas made two
presentations to the guests, handing to Mr Tippett a travelling rug
and to Mrs Tippett a dressing case and remarking that with the gifts
went the best wishes of all sections of the community.
Mr Tippett commenced his response by stating that he was
reminded of the old saying - "Some men are born with honour, some
acquire it as they go through life, and others have it thrust upon
them." He thought that he might be placed in the latter category for
he was speaking with very mixed feelings, regret at leaving so many
good friends and proud of the fact that Mrs Tippet and himself had
been honoured with such a gathering. He expressed thanks to the
Three Springs Road Board for having arranged the function and to the
various speakers for the eulogistic references to Mrs Tippett and
himself, stating that anything they had done had been undertaken in
a spirit of citizenship and duty. He had taken into consideration
many things when deciding to offer his services to the country, and
he desired to publicly express appreciation of Mr J.J. Thorpe as an
employer, who had proved himself an understanding friend when
advised of the decision to le3ave the hotel for military duties. He
also wished to thank the hotel staff for the co-operation always
given to Mrs Tippett and himself and to state that his life's
partner (Mrs Tippett) had been a wonderful asset and inspiration to
his work. To her, perhaps indirectly, all thanks was due for
anything he might have accomplished for the community, for during
frequent absences necessitated by social and other activities Mrs
Tippett had very capably fulfilled his duties as well as his own. In
his concluding remarks Mr Tippett expressed thanks for the
presentations, stating that such would always serve to remind Mrs
Tippett and himself of the many sterling friends they had made at
Three Springs.
Amongst those present at the gathering were the
Rev. Father Lynch and Rev. C. A. Walsh, Dr and Mrs Mayrhofer, Mr
& Mrs W. G. Jordan, Mr & Mrs W. A. Duncan, Mr & Mrs A. Smith, Mr and
Mrs L. Durack, Mr & Mrs W. Durack, Mr & Mrs A. Bastian, Mr & Mrs G.
Meyer, Mr & Mrs A. Saggers, Mr & Mrs M. M. Wilson, Mr & Mrs J.
Evans, Mr & Mrs H. R. Goodridge, Mr & Mrs C. B. Thomas, Mr & Mrs T.
Mann, Mr & Mrs R. Ellery, Mr & Mrs P. Devitt, Mr & Mrs E. W.
Franklin, Mr & Mrs N. McKenzie, Mr & Mrs J. K. Hebiton jun, Mr & Mrs
C. M. Maley, Mr & Mrs T. Bygrave, Mr & Mrs A.M. Williamson, Mr & Mrs
N. Howard, Mr & Mrs A. W. Potts, Mr & Mrs J. B. Kuhnberg, Mesdames
E. G. Pretty, H. Boler, F. Arndt, M. M. Watson, I. Cole, Misses A.
McKenzie, Myra Bastian, Bussenschutt, Bateman, Sarjeant, L.
Luscombe, Connolly, L. Arndt, Mary Howard, Ivy Howard, G. Andrews,
H. Byrne, Lois Carter, A. Turner, Barbara Fogarty, Margaret Ferguson
and Messrs C.F. Thomas jun, A. Caldow, G. H. Bickford, Grahams, A.
C. Ferguson. J. J. Thorpe, W. Turner, E. Burge, W. Sheppard, K.
Bastian, G. Farrell, A. Wimbridge, D. Hunt, R. Smith, K. Byrne, K.
S. Glyde, C. E. Maley and others."
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 18 October 1941:
Angel-Connolly - Ceremony at Three Springs
"There was a large congregation present at St. James'
Church, Three Springs, on Tuesday, October 7th, at the wedding of
two popular residents of the Arrino district, the contracting
parties being Mr Len Angel, of Arrino, and Miss Alice Connolly,
third daughter of the late Mr and Mrs Robert Connolly, of Arrino.
The Rev A. C. Walsh (Rector of Three Springs) was the
officiating minister, and Mrs Walsh presided at the organ. The
bride, who entered the church on the arm of her brother (Mr Cyril
Connolly), looked charming in a dress of white slipper satin, with a
long embroidered train, and a three tiered veil. She carried a
bouquet of lilies, orange blossoms and tuber roses. She was attended
as bridesmaid by her sister (Miss Olive Connolly) who had travelled
specially from Perth for the occasion. Miss Connolly wore a simple
pink frock of georgette, embroidered in sequins, with an Elizabethan
head-dress adorned with sprays of pink flowers, and she carried a
sheaf of pink gladiolis and roses. Mr Kevin Bastian acted as best
After the ceremony the newly married couple first paid a
visit to an old friend in the person of Mrs M. M. Watson, who was
unable to be present at the wedding ceremony through indisposition,
before proceeding to the home of Mrs A. A. Smith (sister of the
bride) where a sumptuous wedding breakfast had been prepared. Mr J.
K. Allan acted as chairman. Subsequently the chairman proposed the
health of the bride and bridegroom, and on behalf of his wife and
himself and the many friends of the young couple in the Arrino
district he wished them long life and happiness in their new life.
The toast was suitably acknowledged by the bridegroom, who in turn
proposed the health of the bridesmaid (Miss Olive Connolly), to
which the response was made by the best man (Mr Kevin Bastian). Mr
W. D. S. Smith proposed a silent toast to the deceased parents of
the bride, which was honoured by the guests standing. The toast of
the host and the hostess (Mr and Mrs A. A. Smith) was proposed by
the Rev. C. A. Walsh, and acknowledged by Mr Smith. The final toast,
that of the chairman was proposed by the bridegroom, and Mr Allan
briefly responded. The young couple then departed to join the train
for Perth.
On the previous Saturday a kitchen tea was tendered to the
prospective bride by her numerous friends and relatives at Arrino
Hall, there being a very large attendance. Numerous valuable and
useful presents were brought by friends. A lengthy dancing programme
was thoroughly enjoyed, the music being supplied be Miss Lois Carter
(pianist) and Mr W. H. Howard (drums and effects), with Mr W. McCagh
efficiently discharging the duties of master of ceremonies. After a
daintily supper Mr J. Allan proposed the toast of the prospective
bride and bridegroom, speaking in eulogistic terms of the active
support they had always given to all social and patriotic functions.
They were keen devotees of sport, and were particularly interested
in tennis. On behalf of their many friends he tendered them every
good wish for their future happiness. The function continued to the
small hours of the morning."
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 20 December 1941:
Valedictory - Three Springs Function - Farewell to Soldier
"In the Three Springs Hall on Friday night of last week
Private Wigham, who recently enlisted for service with the A.I.F.
was the guest of honour at a farewell function arranged in his
honour by the Three Springs Road Board. There was quite a large
attendance of friends and well-wishers, the major portion of the
enjoyable evening being devoted to dancing, for which the music was
supplied by Coffey's Orchestra. During an interval in the
proceedings the chairman of the Three Springs Road Board (Mr C .F.
Thomas) referred in eulogistic terms to the manly qualities of
Private Wigham, and in wishing him good fortune in his overseas
career he expressed the hope that at some future date he would
return fit and well to Three Springs. On behalf of the citizens of
the district he then presented to Private Wigham a wallet containing
a cheque.
Mr A. M. Williamson, in whose employ Private Wigham had been
for a period of nine years, referred to the kindly nature and
excellent character of the guest of honour. On account of having
been twice rejected for overseas service, he thought that the
determination of Private Wigham to serve the country should serve as
a striking example to others. He congratulated the guest on having a
accomplished his objective and concluded by expressing the hope that
at some future date he would be able to join in welcoming him back
in Three Springs.
In acknowledging the presentation and the kindly reference
regarding his future welfare, Private Wigham said that he
appreciated to the fullest possible extent the gathering that had
been arranged in his honour. He would endeavour to serve to the best
of his ability whilst overseas and at some future date hoped to
return to his friends at Three Springs. He hoped that in the interim
the war would not be brought to the shores of Australia.
At an interval in the dancing supper was served
by the members of the Women's Voluntary National Register, a bright
night eventually terminating with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne".
Private Wigham was also the recipient of a gift from Mr and
Mrs A. R. Strutton and daughter (Shirley)."
From The North Midland Times
newspaper, Friday 23 January 1942:
Continuous Black-out - For Carnamah
At the Carnamah Road Board meeting on
Wednesday it was unanimously decided that in future street lights will be
dispensed with, and black-out conditions will prevail in Carnamah.
In the general discussion which ensued,
before a motion to this effect was moved by Mr Forrester, and seconded by Mr
Bryant - Mr Lucas pointed out that Carnamah and Moora would probably be the two
main military objectives between Geraldton and Bullsbrook on account of the oil
depots situated at each centre. Mr Lucas also said that the oil depots would
make wonderful targets on a bright moonlight night, and he thought the
government should do something to camouflage them.
The Press was asked to assist in this
matter, and to solicit the co-operation of house-holders in seeing that windows,
etc. are effectively shaded. The war is drawing nearer every day and we cannot
stress too much the necessity for every precaution.
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 24 January 1942:
Valedictory - A Recruit Farewelled - Gathering at Three
"There was a large gathering at the Three Springs Hall on
Saturday evening last to bid farewell to Mr A.E. Rojo prior to his
departure to undergo military training with a unit of the A.I.F. in
the East. For some time past Mr Rojo has been associated with the
Thrift Stores at Three Springs as a partner in the business and his
departure from the district will be felt in many areas. During his
sojourn in Three Springs he became quite a popular figure in the
community was always a particularly keen worker for all social,
sporting and charitable organisations.
The earlier portion of the evening was devoted to dancing
and during the supper interval the chairman of the Three Springs
Road Board (Mr C. F. Thomas), on behalf of the residents of the
district, presented the guest of honour with a wallet of bank notes,
at the same time wishing him all possible success in his military
career and a safe and speedy return to civilian life.
Mr E. Hunt, on behalf of the sporting community, expressed
regret that the district was losing such an ardent worker as Mr
Rojo. He wished the departing gentleman all possible success in his
new sphere of activities and hoped that the time would not be far
distant when he would return to Three Springs.
Mr A. M. Williamson, speaking on behalf of the ex-servicemen
in the district, extended the assurance to Mr Rojo that the R.S.L.
would still be functioning when the men returned from military
service and would be in readiness to help them to resume activities
in civil life.
Mr Rojo suitably acknowledged the expression of goodwill by
the various speakers and also returned thanks for the presentation.
He said that even though he would be leaving many good friends he
felt that he had a duty to perform, but at the same time he was
hopeful that it would not be long before he would be able to return
to Three Springs."
The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 13 February 1942:
Air Observation Corp
"On Tuesday of this week the Air Observation Corp at Carnamah
commenced duty, the daylight shift being taken by Mesdames C.
Robertson, H. Rowland and P. J. Bettridge. The night shift was taken
by Messrs. M. Sheridan, H. Reibeling and G. A. Ferguson. There are
probably a few minor difficulties to overcome before the Corp
settles into a steady routine, but generally speaking, the
arrangements have worked out quite satisfactory. Three are still
plenty of vacancies in the Corp for volunteers. As a watch has to be
kept for twenty-four hours a day, the more who volunteer makes the
work of the other members easier."
[Note: a copy of this article can be found on image 04066]
From The North Midland Times
newspaper, Friday 13 February 1942:
Black-out Effective
"In common with all towns within a hundred miles of the coast,
black-out conditions were observed in Carnamah on Wednesday evening.
Mr. A. C. Bierman, the secretary of the Carnamah Road Board,
announced yesterday morning that the arrangements were carried out
very effectively, and offences against the regulations were very
few. The majority of the residents turned their lights out at the
main switch, and sat outside until the all-clear signal was given.
In a few cases house-holders took the precaution of blacking-out
certain rooms and testing them out, and they will undoubtedly profit
by their experience. We think that every resident should take steps
to black-out at least one room in their houses." [Note: a copy of
this article can be found on image 04067]
The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 13 February 1942:Letters from Abroad
"The following letters have been received by the Carnamah Girls'
Club in appreciation of the Christmas parcels which they forwarded
to members of the forces serving overseas:-
WX9627 Pte Geo. Clark, 2/28 Batt., Abroad.
I am glad to be able to take the opportunity of thanking you for
the Christmas parcel I received from you. Wishing the Club the very
best of good luck in the future.
NX70505, N/S Violet Haig, 10 A G.H. A.I.F. Malaya
"The parcel of books and sweets has arrived safely and has been
very much appreciated. Very many thanks to you all. It was ever so
kind of you to think of me. Since the Japanese decided to visit us
the evenings have been rather dull, contributed to by the paucity of
illumination. There is a brown-out every night and of course during
an air raid - a complete black-out. We noticed all this very much at
first but now we feel like old war veterans and are quite prepared
for anything. The actual fireworks are not very far from us but
everyone fells quite confident as to the outcome of it all. The news
from the Middle East is much cheering and according to "general
opinion" ours will be the same ere long. I trust you will all spend
a happy Christmas and enjoy a brighter 1942.
No. 7208, L.A.C. Frank Lucas, Royal Australian Air Force, Darwin
Thank you very much for the parcel of books and sweets which I
received recently. Both the books and sweets were very acceptable,
and were appreciated by several others besides myself. As I have no
idea as to whom I am writing this note, I am rather handicapped, so
I'll have to ask you to excuse the briefness of it. Wishing you all,
every success, also a very Merry Xmas and a Happy and Prosperous New
Aus. No. 16130 J. W. Dixon, Royal Australian Air Force, 70
Squadron, Royal Air Force, Middle East
Please convey to your fellow members my most sincere thanks for
your parcel which arrived here this afternoon. Also the general
thanks of 70 Squadron Workshop, as I wasn't nearly "numerous" enough
on my own to stop the general rush. It has least given me a respite
to write a letter or two. I got away with one book myself, also some
"chewie" and the sweets. Some wag is now singing "Oh Mother, this
Carnamah is a Wonderful Place!" Many a true word is spoken in jest.
I had another parcel from Carnamah containing shortbread from Mrs.
Bowman. It had a disastrous effect on the Scotch element - (you in
Carnamah have not the monopoly) - it made them all sick. Home sick!
As a matter of fact we, the few Australians here, have a decided
advantage, on the other fellows in matters of mail and our parcels
are more numerous than theirs. Still, we always try to be as
generous as our evil natures will let us be. Candidly though, books
are a blessing, for if someone pinches a book you have a reasonable
(fairly) chance of getting it back, but edibles, no! In all
sincerity, the feeling that your club has succeeded in conveying to
me is quite beyond my ability to express. I can only say that I feel
like one of the kids I have so often seen get something he or she so
much wanted, off the Carnamah Christmas tree. Enough! I should like
to convey through your members my very best wishes for the coming
new year to me many friends in Carnamah. Black as things look just
at the time of writing, one can only be tempted to say, the darkest
hour is just before the dawn.
WX416 Cpl. T. A. Lucas, H. Q. Coy., 2/11th Bn., Abroad
I am writing to you hoping you will thank the Carnamah Girls'
Club for me for the Christmas present which they sent to me. The
boys and myself enjoyed it very much. I will try and give an idea
what Syria is like. The weather is bitterly cold, and we have had
two falls of snow so far, and a lot more to come by the look of the
weather to-night. Damascus is a very nice place, quite a change from
the Arab places in Palestine, Egypt and Libya. Of course most of the
Arabs here are Christians and it seems to make all the difference.
Beirut is half French and half Arab, as most places here are. The
country is very much like Greece - mountains and plains. One will
climb for an hour or more to get to the top of the mountains and
then you can see the road winding and twisting for miles down to the
plains. Please wish all the girls in the club a Merry Xmas and a
Happy New Year for me and once again thanking you all."
From The North Midland Times
newspaper, Friday 13 February 1942:Sid Bennett and Jack Morris together in Middle East
"The following letter was recently received by Mr. G. Threadgold, of
Five Gums, from Private Jack Morris, and he handed it to the Girls'
Club. Although he was not too well known in Carnamah Private Morris
worked for Mr. Threadgold for some time and spent his
pre-embarkation leave at Carnamah. He was accorded a send off with
Pts. E. Haig, S. Bennett, G. Clark and H. Anderson.
WX9621 Private B. Morris, 32nd Coy., 24th A.I.T.B., Abroad
As you can see from the address I am now abroad. We came over
here on one of the biggest liners in the world; sorry I can't tell
you the name, but believe me it was the best I ever saw, just like a
floating palace. We had a good trip over; the sea was calm and the
weather was good. We have now been in this camp nearly 4 weeks' it's
not a bad place, but of course nothing to what Northam was, but then
we did not expect it to be. The food is good - plenty of good stew
twice a day and roast beef the other meal. The natives here are
about the dirtiest in the world. They come round our camp and have a
feed out of the pig tins. We marched through one of their villages
the other day and the smell was enough to make one sick. They all
live together with their dogs, donkeys and camels so you can guess
what it's like. It is now winter over here and it gets very cold at
night and early morning and we are getting quite a lot of rain. The
natives, or as we call them, Wogs, are now busy getting their crops
in. They are just like the Aussie farmer, going from day-light to
dark. They do all their ploughing with a wooden plough pulled by one
camel and broadcast the seed. There are no fences but the stock
never seem to get on the crops. I saw a mob of lambs and ewes this
afternoon, the lambs were fine and strong but the ewes were not much
to look at. They are more like cross breds and have very course
wool. Well, Glen, how did the crops turn out this year, I hope they
were good? It's now only three days to Xmas but it will be quite
different from the last one when I was in Carnamah as there won't be
quite so much beer. We can only buy one bottle every second day and
it costs 60 mills a bottle. Mills are the local money and go 800 to
the Aussie pound. They take quite a lot of getting used to. Sid
Bennett is still with me and is in the same tent; he wishes to be
remembered to you. It is night as I write this and as the light is
poor you will have to excuse the writing. We are living twelve men
to a tent; the other boys are all playing cards and the noise they
are making is great. Sid is about the loudest; he told me to tell
you he is cleaning the boys up at 10 mills a time. Some of us got
parcels today for Christmas. I got one from the Carnamah Girls'
Club. Sid got one also. You should have seen us opening them, we
were just like kids with Xmas stockings looking to see what the
others had got. We have decided to pool the cake, etc., and have a
bit of a party Christmas Eve. Glen, when you go to Carnamah, will
you thank the Girls' Club for me, Miss Parkin is the secretary. How
is Leo Green and his wife? Please give them my regards and I will
write to them later."
The Irwin Index newspaper, Saturday 28 March 1942:
Wedding Bells - Campbell-Bastian - Ceremony at Three Springs
"St James' Church at Three Springs was the scene of a very
pretty wedding on Tuesday evening last, when Miss Myra Bastian,
daughter of Mr and Mrs A. Bastian, of Three Springs and Geraldton,
and Mr A. S. Campbell, son of Mr and Mrs W. Campbell, of
Yandanooka. The Rev. C. A. Walsh officiated and Mrs Walsh
presided at the organ.
The bride was given away by her father, and made an
attractive study in white georgette, the tightly fitting bodice
being hip-length with all-over white wool embroidery and the skirt
falling very full from the hip-line. Her filmy tulle veil, loaned by
her sister (Mrs C. Box, of Corrigin), worn over her face on entering
the church, was thrown back on leaving, and she carried a bouquet of
cream roses and frangipani. The bride was attended by her sister
(Miss Nonie Bastian), who was daintily attired in pale pink and
white patterned organza. A pale pink tulle veil worn shoulder length
adorned her head and was held in place with a matching coronet of
palest pink feathers. She carried a posy of pink roses. Mr Scott
Campbell supported the bridegroom.
After the ceremony the bride's parents entertained relatives
and a few intimate friends of the young couple at the Commercial
Hotel. A dainty repast was served and the customary toasts honoured,
speakers making feeling reference to the departure of the bride from
the district, where she has spent her childhood. Later the bride and
bridegroom, midst a shower of good wishes from friend, left for
their honeymoon, the bride travelling in an American figured crepe
silk suit, with which was worn a smart black velvet toque with
matching shoes, gloves and handbag. Mr and Mrs Campbell will make
their future home in Mundijong."
The North Midland Times newspaper, April 1942:
Carnamah District Road Board - Evacuation Plan
"A deputation from the V.D.C. consisting of Messrs. John Bowman, W.
A. T. Sargent, M. B. Clark and J. Lawson waited on the Board in
connection with formulating an evacuation in the event of an
A lengthy discussion took place on this matter, and it was
eventually decided that the V.D.C. draw up plans for a mass
evacuation from the district. The Board will co-operate in any way
possible. It is hoped by having plans prepared confusion will be
From The Irwin Index
newspaper, Saturday 16 May 1942:
Three Springs Function - Departure of Rev. and Mrs C. A.
"In honour of the Rev. and Mrs C. A. Walsh, who left the district on
Tuesday last for Kalgoorlie, a valedictory function was held in the
Three Springs Hall during the previous evening and was attended by a
large number of residents of that portion of the North Midlands
parish and also visitors from Carnamah and Arrino. The Venerable
Archdeacon C. E. Storrs of Northam was also present and during the
evening made eulogistic reference to the sterling qualities of the
Rev. and Mrs Walsh. Other speakers were Messrs R. Withers (Vestry),
J. Kuhnberg (Red Cross Society and North Midlands Hospital Board),
and A. W. Potts (Guild), and on behalf of the residents of Three
Springs and district Mr C. Maley presented a cheque to the Rev.
Walsh, who acknowledged the gift in an appropriate response. Mrs
Walsh was also made the recipient of a gift from the pupils of the
Sunday School. After the serving of supper dancing was resumed and
continued for a couple of hours after midnight to music supplied by
Miss L. Carter, who was assisted by Mrs Wells (Carnamah), Mrs E. L.
Franklin and Miss Bussenschutt."
The North Midland Times newspaper, Friday 10 July 1942:
Horse Rears - Falls in Rider - Accident at Carnamah
"The decision of Mr. and Mrs. W. Grierson, Mr. W. Davison and
Mrs. D. Bowman to take some snaps on Monday afternoon had
unfortunate results, which landed Mr. Davison and Mrs. Bowman in the
North Midlands District Hospital.
It would appear that as usual last Sunday, Mr. Grierson
attended the parade of the mounted section of the Carnamah V.D.C.,
and remained in town until Monday afternoon. Before returning to his
home at Prowaka it was decided to take some snaps, and Mr. Grierson
had his photo taken on his horse, which he had ridden at the parade
the previous day. Upon his dismounting it was suggested that Mrs.
Bowman should also have her photo taken on the horse. Mr. Grierson
stood at the horse's head while his sister-in-law prepared to mount.
No sooner had she settled herself in the saddle, however, than the
animal reared up, and fell back on the rider. The accident occurred
so suddenly that Mr. Grierson found that he still had hold of the
horses head when it fell to the ground, and he endeavoured to roll
the animal off the victim. Mr. Davison, who had been standing near
by, immediately rushed to the assistance of his daughter, and in
endeavouring to grasp the animal's leg to help roll it off the
rider, he was severely kicked in the shoulder. In plunging and
striking, which trying to regain its feet, the horse inflicted
painful injuries on the rider.
The victims were conveyed to the North Midlands District
Hospital at Three Springs, where it was discovered that Mr. Davison
was suffering from a dislocated shoulder, while Mrs. Bowman was
suffering from shock and severe bruising.
It is thought that the horse, which under normal
circumstances is quite docile, became alarmed by the flapping of
Mrs. Bowman's skirt. When it reared up the rider evidently held
tightly to the reins and the curb bit which was used helped
materially to make the animal fall backwards."
From The North Midland Times
newspaper, Friday 4 September 1942:
"What would you do if enemy aircraft appeared in the region?
The first thing most would do would be to stand staring up at it,
and that's the natural thing to do. But it might not be good for the
well-being of the community. Upturned white faces show up well to
airmen, they say. The best thing is to keep under cover, and then
perhaps the airmen might think Carnamah is empty, everybody having
gone shopping to Winchester of Billeroo, perhaps."