Supporters & Partners
The Carnamah Historical Society & Museum is an incorporated
association, is registered with the Australian Charities and
Not-for-profits Commission (ACNC) and has Deductible Gift Recipient
(DGR) status
Items 1 & 4. We are a volunteer-run organisation and depend upon
donations along with the greatly valued
support and collaboration of the following organisations, businesses and
government departments.
Our thanks to the Australian Government’s Culture, Heritage and
Arts Regional Tourism (CHART) program, which supported the
Carnamah Museum and the
Macpherson Homestead with grants towards improvements,
equipment and promotional material. |
Our thanks to CBH Group
for the donation in 2016 from their Grass Roots Fund towards the
urgently required conservation of the workmen's quarters at the
Macpherson Homestead in Carnamah. We'd also like to
thank CBH for using two of our wheat handling images as the
cover of their 2014 calendar. |
 | Our thanks to the Government of Western Australia
Department of
Culture and the Arts for their 2012, 2013 and 2015 Connect Community
Collections grants for the expansion of our
virtual museum and for the
development of Australian Curriculum education resources
- both of which have received Museums and Galleries National
Awards (MAGNAs). |
Our thanks to Ignite Your Audience for partnering with us in the
creation of a suite of ten Australian Curriculum education resources that can be used
from our museum or classrooms anywhere in Australia. We'd also
like to thank IYA for joining us in delivering presentations at
the conferences of Museums Australia and the
History Teachers' Association. |
 | Our thanks to
the Australian Government under the Anzac Centenary Local Grants
Program, through the Department of Veteran's Affairs, for
funding towards our virtual exhibition on the
First World War in 2015. |

Our thanks to the Australian Government
Department of the
Environment for a 2013 Your Community Heritage grant to support our
project gathering heritage stories of the Carnamah townsite. The
stories gathered have been shared at events and through social
media, incorporated into our
Biographical Dictionary, are at our museum
and a selection of relevant stories have been added to our
virtual museum exhibitions.
Our thanks also go to the Department for our 2014 grant under
the Grants to Voluntary
Environment, Sustainability and Heritage Organisations (GVESHO)
program which allowed us to purchase equipment and supplies. |

Our thanks to
Lotterywest and the
Shire of Carnamah for
supporting the extension of our museum in 2010 and 2011, and to
Royalties for Regions
Regional Grants Scheme through the Mid West Development
Commission for funds towards fit-out in 2010 and our
Window to the Past in
Thanks are also due to the Carnamah Lions Club, Debe Glass &
Maintenance, Rio Tinto Minerals in Three Springs, Geraldton
Tiling Pty Ltd, Waltons, Winchester Industries and Ron
Speldewinde Carpentry Services for donations and assistance.
We'd also like to thank the many other individuals who assisted
in so very many different ways. |

Our thanks to Inside
History magazine for their support in promoting regional
Western Australian history both in their magazine and through
social media.
In particular we'd like to thank them for the two-page
feature on our organisation in 2011, our
blog being named in
their 2012
and 2014
Top 50,
for including the Crippin story we'd uncovered in their 2012
Love in the Age of Convicts and
especially for promoting our
virtual museum and
using one of its images as their
Jul-Aug 2013 cover. |

Our thanks to
Heritage WA for inviting us to partner in
their project to gather stories of the Midland Railway - many of
which are featured in the 2014 book
Memories of the Midland Railway
Company of Western Australia by Philippa Rogers.
We'd also like to thank Jeff Austin and Rail Heritage for
generously providing us with text on the history of
stations and
sidings along the Midland Railway, for freely providing
us with
photographs of the 1917 railway disaster at Gunyidi and for
feedback and proofing in connection with our
Midland Railway
virtual exhibition in 2013. |

Our thanks to
Museums Australia
for bursaries to assist our attendance at the annual conferences
of Museums Australia in Perth in 2011 and Canberra in 2013; and for the opportunity of
sharing our projects and outcomes at master classes and
national, state and chapter conferences from 2011 to 2014.
We'd also like to thank Museums Australia for three Museums and
Galleries National Awards (MAGNAs). Our
virtual museum was awarded the Level 1 Winner of the
Permanent Exhibition category in
2014 while in
2015 we received
two Highly Commended awards in the Level 2 Innovation category
for Virtual
Volunteering and the Level 1 Interpretation, Learning and
Audience Engagement category for our suite of
Australian Curriculum education resources. |
Our thanks to
Bankwest for selecting us to take part in their
Happy Communities grant program during 2014 and to everyone who
voted on our project to receive a grant, which went towards our
virtual exhibition on the First World War. |